Enhancing Healthcare Communication for Improved Patient Adherence and Satisfaction - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-14
Enhancing Healthcare Communication for Improved Patient Adherence and Satisfaction - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1362 words
12 min read


According to the research that I have done, I have realized that there is a strong relationship/bond between the health centers crew's communication skills and the client's ability to follow what he is being told or what is being described by the involved personnel. It can be either through endorsements, the self-management of the lingering diseases, and adopting new preventive health conduct (Tulsky, Beach, Butow, Hickman, Mack, Morrison, & Pollak 2017). According to my research, I can say that the doctors and the clinicians' ability to elucidate, attend, and stress on a particular thing has a considerable possibility of affecting the biological and the functional health results and being satisfied by the care experience that one has received. I happened who attend a particular clinic to see a friend of mine. According to my experience, communication skills were poor. Though the clinic had patients, no one could visit the clinic twice.

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I would advise the crew why no client could visit the facility twice. Infect according to the behaviours of the crew in the building, no one would pay a visit the second time. My friend could even miss a dosage that had been prescribed earlier; this is because the communication between the health facility members themselves is not in a good state. A lot of confusion occurs when there is no proper communication, especially in a health facility (Rosenbaum 2017). Someone could ask how did they work without communication. However, everyone does according to his knowledge, thus putting the lives of the clients at risk. The situation paints a dire picture of the facility, and nobody would visit, thus making the facility lose the existing customers and the new ones. It needs to be understood that not everybody can afford the full payment of the hospital bill at once, e.g., those who have chronic diseases but end up underusing the medication due to lack of cost concerns. Still, they fail to communicate this issue to their physicians due to fear of disappointment. Lack of communication puts many patients at risk whereby, according to my research, more than half of the chronic disease patients cannot identify their diagnosis by name or even the names of the medication after discharge. All that as a result of poor communication between the patients and their physicians.


Anything that you do not know does not affect you until you experience it. I could not think that poor communication can exist in the health sector. I could not think that poor communication can lead to severe problems, especially for the patients (Gehlert, Choi, & Friedman 2019). According to the institute of medicine (IOM), a report concerning the health training has claimed that the physicians don't have enough training on dealing and providing healthcare to the patie3nts. It is evident when physicians fail to offer detailed information to the patients. It is useful and so beneficial to identify some of the healthcare facilities which offer poor communication to their clients and take note. Everybody is calling for the institute of medicine to license the organization and the educators to strengthen the health professional requirements and the training to perfect the sector of well-being conveyance. The model, which is patient cantered, underlines the primary topographies of a wellbeing communiqué, which depends mostly on fundamental communiqué aids, which may include open-ended autopsy, compassion, and philosophical listening as a way of answering to the exclusive requirements of specific patients.


According to my evaluation, the patient's positive side was that the patient could answer the questions that they were asked. I a challenging situation to deal with given that the communication skills between the two involved parties are low. Communication skills are the ones that determine the result of anything. As a result of the typical interviews, a significant percentage of the patients seem to be not satisfied with the physicians' skills. Many patients tend to face challenges even under home therapy where the doctors, in one way or the other, did not do the description as required. Such cases are most experienced by patients who have chronic diseases.

The diagnostic method that I got came from the history that I got from the previous interviews. Lessons and scientific patient visits show that none of the patients has the right or otherwise is offered a chance to reveal their history about their illness; this is considered as providing intermissions which give and take analytic correctness (Hassan 2018). I can say that incomplete histories of a patient have the likelihood of giving incomplete data. The information leads to incomplete clinical decisions. This act needs to change, the patient should be allowed to narrate his history in terms of illness and by that, and he will be able to receive the required cure or diagnosis.

Another thing is that the interruptions, when interruptions happen to a patient, he feels that what he is saying is less important. In my case, this factor led to a lot of patients failing to provide the required information. The concentration that I gave to the patient enabled me to get the full information concerning the communication skills, however, there is still some that are so fearful and feel that the information still will not offer any more additional information. I applied one on one interview, and the information that I was getting is the information that is based on the best knowledge of the patient. A physician should not get in an exact conversation with the patient to get better of him, you should not guess what you think, and diagnosis needs to be based on the information acquired from the patient. Doctors and physicians require adherence to the information provided in offering a diagnosis. I found out that there is a big problem in the adherence in the health sector (Burgener 2020). I extended my interview to the home-based care patient, the result is that a lot of them were not using nor following the instructions given by the doctors in the first place. Some reasons have value in them whereby some are saying that they disagreed with what the doctor was about to do, the cost is another problem, some even the instructions were so complicated since the doctor did not explain to them.


In conclusion, I can say that the doctors and the physicians need to upgrade and do their work as required. To get full information about the patient, communication is the primary factor that should be considered. Communication creates an environment of satisfaction whereby the patients themselves feel that the information that they are offering is secure. There will also be a sense of trustworthiness between the parties, and by that, there will be satisfaction and adherence, and accuracy in diagnosis.


Some things need to be put in place so that satisfaction, communication, and adherence are satisfactory. One of the things is dealing with expectations, the doctors need to allow the patient to tell their story and history; in such case, there will be an enhancement of communication. Another thing is patients control, and patients need to be allowed to take control of the communication. The main action that needs to be taken is the improvement of the communication between the healthcare team members; this plays a vital role whereby it improves and influences the quality of the working relationship between themselves, job satisfaction and profounding which impacts the safety of the patients.


Tulsky, J. A., Beach, M. C., Butow, P. N., Hickman, S. E., Mack, J. W., Morrison, R. S., ... & Pollak, K. I. (2017). A research agenda for communication between health care professionals and patients living with serious illness. JAMA internal medicine, 177(9), 1361-1366.

Rosenbaum, M. E. (2017). Dis-integration of communication in healthcare education: Workplace learning challenges and opportunities. Patient Education and Counseling, 100(11), 2054-2061.

Hassan, I. (2018). Avoiding medication errors through effective communication in the healthcare environment. Movement, Health & Exercise, 7(1), 113-126.

Gehlert, S., Choi, S. K., & Friedman, D. B. (2019). Communication in health care. Handbook of health social work, 249-277.

Burgener, A. M. (2020). Enhancing communication to improve patient safety and to increase patient satisfaction. The health care manager, 39(3), 128-132.

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