Enhancing Patient Care: Exploring Principles, Strategies, and Ethical Dimensions of Care Coordination

Published: 2023-12-23
Enhancing Patient Care: Exploring Principles, Strategies, and Ethical Dimensions of Care Coordination
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1429 words
12 min read

Fundamental Principles of Care Coordination

Care coordination offers an opportunity to develop solutions to the challenges and difficulties that the health care practitioners undergo in the provision of high-quality care. Vrijhoef reorganizes the role of care coordination and therefore defined it as the deliberate coordination of patient care by involving different stakeholders to enhance safety and effective service provision (Vrijhoef, 2016). According to the international journal of nursing, patient care coordination encompasses different stakeholders and relies on their unique skills to offer quality care to their patients. Additionally, according to Ufer and his colleague, it is very important to include family in care coordination plans (Ufer et al., 2018). Therefore, it is certain that care coordination is essential in the modern healthcare system. of importance to note; however, this is not feasible if there is no involvement of professional nurses. It is, therefore, through the nurse's professional competencies and educational accomplishments that effective care delivery is feasible.

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Strategies for Effective Collaboration

Communication skills are the initial prerequisite towards the creation or development of an effective collaboration strategy between the patients and the health care providers. Therefore, for the care plan to be productive, the patient must share key information with the authorized clinicians. By sharing the critical data, it comprises the patient is open to offering critical information that can be essential in the treatment process. When the information is sufficient, the care process becomes more cohesive, as efficiency is guaranteed through openness. Communication offers an open approach where the clinicians and other involved stakeholders are open to the different approaches amongst reviving back the health status of a patient without limitation.

Observation of the necessary ethical behavior of conduct is also very effective in facilitating the success of the choose coordination plan. The implementation, as well as the execution of the care plan, involves real individuals with real feelings, and at times ethical issues may arise concerning information overlook as well as the process involved in the execution. Therefore, both the physician and the patient ought to have a diverse approach to observing the stipulated ethical considerations and standards. The ethical stands compline of the interactive level between the patient and the doctor. High ethical standards and observation of the stipulated guidelines should be the central focus and a point of reference between the patient and the caregivers. For instance, the patient might relay vital confidential information to the clinician, but at this level, the patient may have a next of kin that does not wish to share this information with. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of the clinician to maintain the doctor-patient confidentiality and facilitate the attributive care coordination plan.

Additionally, advanced communication and technology approach is the other technique that can be utilized in facilitating collaborative care plan. As stated by Swan and his colleagues, the technological approach is more diverse in enhancing a comprehensive care coordination plan. By employing technological devices and gadgets, the doctors and nurses have a more interactive session in actual time (Ufer et al., 2018). The interactive sessions are very beneficial in offering guidance on medication to take and the type of activities to engage in to assist the patient in reaching their recovery target. The communication technology can enhance connectivity between the patients, family, and doctors. Through this, the family members can ask for clarification on any issue they might have regarding patient care. Through telecommunication, they can receive immediate feedback from the physicians. However, the application and the execution of technology ought to be patient-focused, with the core objective of improving patient outcomes. Therefore, technological strategy enhances an in-depth understanding of cultural competencies as clarification is necessitated immediately.

Aspects of Change Management

The core coordination is effectively achieved, and change is managed appropriately. However, several modifications might occur in the process that necessitates the need to employ active management to enhance the desired care outcomes. Therefore, such an aspect, like technical, social needs, and environmental changes, ought to be taken into consideration. According to Bean, the process may encompass environmental modifications, technical alterations, and behaviors to enhance the ultimate care coordination plan (Bean, 2017). Therefore, the care coordination plan should be detailed in establishing intervention methods that help advantageously integrate modification.

The Rationale for A Coordination Care Plan Based on The Ethical Decisions Making

The care coordination plan is undertaking through adherence to strict ethical procedures and considerations, as stipulated in the ethical standards of operation. The ethical considerations are important in achieving the set goals as it is linked to both the patient and the caregiver. The patient values, family values, and that of the physicians are highly prioritized. Therefore, the care plan should encompass the patient's beliefs and values. The recognition of the patient ethical requirement by integrating their beliefs and personal values enhances the core cohesive care coordination plan. The Picker's eight principle offers a more comprehensive framework on the ethical approaches that enhance trust and personal decision making and that promotes the care coordination plan. The ethical decision making should also be patient-centered while guaranteeing respect to others and having a sensitive outlook for the difference between the different parties involved.

The Potential of Specific Healthcare Policy Provisions on Outcomes and Patient Experience

Implementing the established care plan ought to be in line with the specific policies to necessitate for the desired outcomes. Therefore, HIPPA may have a positive impact on facilitating care and care coordination plan (Bean, 2017). This policy is attributive and detailed on the ways through which patient data and records should be handled. Hence the care coordination plan ought to be in line with the security requirement that aims at protecting the patient's information for unauthorized access. Additionally, the treatment, payment, and health operation policy are attributive in defining the required standard of care that clinicians should execute. This policy helps create an attributive outcome that is patient-centered. The proper alignment of this policy with the patient care and coordination plan ensures that the clinician and other healthcare professionals involved in patient care are more professional towards care delivery.

The Nurse's Role in Coordination and Care Continuum.

Nurses play a vital role in the care coordination plan. The nurses are professionally trained and tasked with the responsibility of enhancing patient wellness. It is, however, important to note that the nurse's role in care coordination is more expansive, and therefore they should be executed collaboratively (Cropley & Sandrs, 2013). In care coordination, nurses are responsible for the comprehensive management of patients towards a better recovery process by pinpointing the stipulated care plan that best suits the patient.

The nurses are also responsible for giving compressive data to authorized individuals to facilitate a comprehensive care coordination plan. Medical data is very critical; hence nurses should be more accurate in terms of seeking and giving out information. Confidentiality should be adhered to maintain professionalism (Cropley & Sandrs, 2013). The nurse should be at the forefront of observing as well as executing ethical practices in patient care. As a nurse, it is their responsibility to adhere to the ethical role that promotes a cohesive approach amid the patient and clinicians. It is important to note that the coordination plan is stirred by collaboration between the patient and other key stakeholders; however, the collaboration is sustained by adherence to the stipulated ethical principles.


Care coordination is an essential element in the management of various challenges that are presented in the healthcare sector in the modern-day care provision. However, it is more elaborate and collaborative as it involves different stakeholders, including nurses, doctors, and family members. Therefore, the care coordination plan should be based on an ethical course of conduct and accommodation to all the stakeholders involved in patient care. All the stakeholders ought to be aligned with the key objective selected in the care coordination plan for the patient.


Bean, M. (2017). The importance of care in a value-based world: Best practice approaches from Spectrum Health. https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/quality/the-importance-of-care-coordination-in-a-value-based-world-lessons-learned-by-spectrum-health.html

Cropley, S., & Sandrs, E. D. (2013). Care coordination and the essential role of the nurse. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24494384/

Ufer, L. G., Moore, J. A., Hawkins, K., Gembel, G., Entwistle, D. N., & Hoffman, D. (2018). “Care Coordination: Empowering Families, a Promising Practice to Facilitate Medical Home Use among Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.” Maternal and Child Health Journal, 22(5), 648-659. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-018-2477-2

Vrijhoef, H. J. (2016). Care Coordination and Primary Care: The Inseparables. International Journal of Care Coordination, 19(3-4), 63-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/2053434516684885

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Enhancing Patient Care: Exploring Principles, Strategies, and Ethical Dimensions of Care Coordination. (2023, Dec 23). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/enhancing-patient-care-exploring-principles-strategies-and-ethical-dimensions-of-care-coordination?pname=speedypaper.com

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