Ensuring Info Integrity: Protect People's Privacy with Information Systems - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-26
Ensuring Info Integrity: Protect People's Privacy with Information Systems - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Security Cyber security
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1841 words
16 min read


Information systems need to manage ethically to enable the privacy of the people involved. It is essential to have private information or data stored in an information system protected and allow access to allow individual. According to Baptista et al. (2020), it is essential to come up with techniques of ensuring information integrity for the public to have the confidence of storing its data in such systems. With the increasing use of information systems in the management of various data records today, it is essential to understand the cybersecurity and ethical issues and the risks involved in the misuse of an individual's private information.

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Cyber Security Risks in Collection, Management and Use on Information System

Various risks are posed in the use of technology in data management. The information of individuals is supposed to be kept from access by unauthorized persons. However, there are various risks of the information being accessed by the public without the owner (Baptista et al., 2020). It is unethical for people to use unwanted ways to gain access to the system information without the permission of the individuals that own the data. The risks involve losing or distortion of data belonging to a specific individual. It not only harms the individual but also exposes the individual to various dangers of being attacked in cybercrime activities. For example, exposure of personal bank details of an individual will reveal the victim to the thieves that might want to take advantage of the information to steal from the person.

It is ethical for the people collecting information to manage the information ethically. Thus, the company needs to develop strategies of maintaining moral principles that will guide individuals protecting the data on people stored in computers to avoid leaking it to the unwanted hands. The risks of cybersecurity in an organization can happen during the stage of data collection, both physically or computerized data collection processes (Chrismastianto et al., 2020). Also, the cybercrime might occur when there is poor data management and during the use of the information. It is essential to understand the cyber threats that can attack a given information system.

Cyber Crime Risks on Information System

Information systems are subjected to various cybercrime risks based on their vulnerability to the information system. The information risks happen at the point of data entry or the management process by the people handling the information. Also, the information can be hacked by malicious people who use malicious ways of accessing an organization's data or information without knowing the persons involved (Behl et al., 2019). Cybercrime ranges from small scale industries to large organizations, but there is a misconception that those involved in cyber-security target large organizations for their benefits. The most common cyber-security crime prevention methods on information systems include phishing, hacking, ransomware, and insider threat.


This is an illegal attempt to gain sensitive information from an information system by posing as someone who can get trusted. It is a common cyber-crime used to make illegal access to information, mostly in finance institutions (Wu, 2020). For example, when individuals access the bank clients' information and try to defraud the bank using online services through the provision of the information found from the online bank database. Phishing emails or messages use official language and convince individuals to give true information about themselves to the phishers unknowingly.


It is illegal to access the information system of an organization. According to Scambray et al.(2000), hackers use the system's security vulnerability before making an illegal entry to a given system, which ends up exposing an organization database to hackers (Wu, 2020). However, there are various ways of protecting the information system from being vulnerable to hackers. It is the use of network firewalls, which will prevent illegal access of information to the system.


This is a type of cybercrime activity where malware is made and encrypts data of a given organization by enabling it to give security codes of various departments of the organization. The malware will then transfer the information about people from one place to another without the organization's knowledge (Radanliev et al., 2020). The cyber threat can be prevented by coming up with malware protection through the installation of antivirus to the system. The antivirus plays a crucial role in destroying the malware from accessing the system.

Insider Threat

Inside threats happen when the employees of a given organization illegally leak the information of the organization to unauthorized people. The employed staff might have the privilege of accessing a database of the organization with the trust bestowed upon them (Radanliev et al., 2020). However, the staff might be used in leaking the information to the unauthorized people who might want to bring the system down in various ways.

The information system database needs to be used prudently by the persons accessing the information without having malicious intent. There are ethical characters slated to guide people handling the information from misusing it on the various accounts. However, the best way of ensuring that the information is prudently absorbed is the use of biblical principles that help shape an individual on the ethical way of using information.

Biblical Principles that Help Shape the Use of Information

There are various principles from the bible that can be applied in the use of information. The principles guide the individual accessing the information in making the right decision without tampering the information (Donalds et al., 2020). The biblical teachings are based on morality and the integrity that guides people in having a healthy relationship among themselves and with God. Hence, it is essential to use Bible teaching in deciding on the type of information received from the information system and the way it gets applied without infringing an individual's privacy rights.

The bible teaches the best ways to make the right decision on various situations that need rational thinking before choosing a specific direction (Eizaguirre et al., 2019). The biblical teaching focuses on honesty, where an individual should always be true in handling information without having to be supervised by others. The safety of information stored in the system depends on the people in charge of being faithful in handling the information (Salam, 2020). The bible condemns stealing and cheating. Thus, it is prudent for the individuals that have access to the system to amicably use the information in the right way. It is wrong when the information is used maliciously to make an individual lose or incur a problem for people with self-interest (Glackin & Bible, 2019). Therefore, it will be prudent to make people understand the best ways to use the information by helping them prevent the abuse of information and the wise way of using information and technology for the best for all.

How to Help People On the Wise Way of Using Information

Information needs to be used in a wise way that will benefit everyone. I will have to use the best method of ensuring that people around me are taught the essence of having information security. It is important to use the information wisely and let an individual around to follow suit. It is because most people have used information wrong, and it has caused harm in the relationship between people, organizations and even countries. There, it is the responsibility of an individual who has access to the best method of using the information to spread the essence to the people around them.

Firstly, the training of staff in the important organization on the best ways of using the information as asserted by Geri (2019). Various clients of organizations, especially banking institutions, have fallen victim to their exposed information without their knowledge. It happens because of the careless way of handling information by the people in charge. Thus, training an individual on the best data collection techniques, data management, and data processing will be an essential way of ensuring that the staff handles customer's data prudently.

Secondly, it will become essential to create awareness of the negative impact of the mishandling of information. According to Giri (2019), The public needs to be educated on the best ways to manage information by showing them the negative impact a mismanaged information can cause to the affected victims. People should be enlightened that information mismanagement can come with various impacts that can cause affected people to suffer physically, emotionally and psychologically (Salam, 2020). It is also essential to make people understand the importance of using the information wisely without affecting the involved party. Thus, training and awareness crusade will help people understand the negative impact of using information wrongly.

The people need to be taught how the wise use of information benefits everyone. The information needs to be used wisely in meeting the needs of the people. The information should benefit people by changing their lives positively (Baptista et al., 2020). The biblical teaching emphasizes brotherhood and the peaceful coexistence of individuals. This can be achieved when the information is used wisely to benefit every person that is involved. The importance of prudent use of information is the way it ensures there is peace, harmony and caring among people (Priyatna et al., 2020). However, the wrong use of information might result in hatred and mistrust among society's individuals. Thus it is essential to make people understand why the use of information is essential.

Stakeholders in Information Management and Information Technology

Stakeholders in information management systems are individuals that are tasked with the responsibilities of ensuring the management system works effectively. The information management stakeholders are those individuals that play every role in the information management world (Navarro et al., 2020). The main stakeholders are the respective organization clients who have their information stored in the information system. These are the primary stakeholders because they provide the system with their personal information that needs to be stored for a specific purpose. If the information is distorted, it will get a great pinch on the data that has been exposed or misused in public (Donalds et al., 2020). For example, in the health sector, the information management system will have patients as the system's main beneficiaries. The system will expect the system management to protect the information management to avoid leaking of their information to the public without the consent.

The organization workers also are the stakeholders in information management. These are the staff or workers of a given organization that interact directly with a client's information. For instance, in health information management, the stakeholders will be the health officers responsible for storing patient's records on their health status (Firestone, 2020). They are tasked with the storage of given information and are responsible for providing the patients with guaranteed security to information privacy. It will be damaging if the patient will realize that their information is leaked to the public without the knowledge of the players who are the patients. Thus, the organization staff is the main stakeholders of the information system tasked with enabling the system information to be kept private and can only be released to the required person.

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