Environment in the News: Raising Doubts about Evolution in Science Class. Essay Sample.

Published: 2022-03-04
Environment in the News: Raising Doubts about Evolution in Science Class. Essay Sample.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Science Media
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 577 words
5 min read

On a daily basis, journalists gather, verify, produce and distribute information trending about issues affecting the human surroundings. This information educates us on the state of the environment and helps us identify changes to improve the quality of our surroundings. The origin of humankind has been a point of discussion for a long time now (Stringer, 2002). Both the creation theory and the theory of evolution have been used to explain the origin of man. This paper focuses on (Haberman, 2017) article in New York City Retro Report questioning evolution: The push to change science class.

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The theory of evolution formulated by Darwin in 1859 explains that humans evolved from apes by natural selection (Stringer, 2002). Despite supporting his established biological principle with genetics and developmental biology evidence, this theory has faced skepticism and disbelieve from individuals who believe in the creation theory that is detailed in the book of Genesis that states that God created man from dust. The human evolution from apes to by the natural selection is thus an absolute biological principle. This has elicited a debate into whether the evolution theory or the creation theory or both should be taught to students in science classes.

In the United States, the Louisiana science education act was enacted to advocate for open discussion of scientific theories including evolution, human cloning, and global warming. This act was established with a motive to debunk the teaching of evolution theory and encourage the only teaching of the creation theory. In the year 1920, it was termed illegal for anyone to be found the teaching of the evolution theory, individuals who were caught in the act were brought into custody and sentenced to jail. However, in 1968 Supreme Court annulled some of this law allowing the teaching of evolution in classrooms.

Recently, Zakk Kopplin has tried to repeal the Louisiana education act stating that allowing students to be taught the evolution theory promotes their critical thinking. In his efforts, he received 78 Nobel laureates from among the world's top esteemed scientists who support his motion of repealing the act which he terms as something that is trying to teach creationism and which is unconstitutional. About 98% of great scientists support the teaching of intellectual evolution design in the classrooms while almost a third of the normal population thinks that the Louisiana science act should be put into action to stop the teaching of evolution theory in science classes.

Debates about the origin of man may continue for several decades, but only one among several present theories explains this origin. Despite all these, a lot of individuals have elicited a debate into whether the evolution theory or the creation theory or both should be taught to students in science classes. Creation, as documented in the book of Genesis, tells the presence and power of a natural being and doubts about its validity are minimal. This information educates us on the state of the environment and helps us identify changes to improve the quality of our surroundings. Doubts about the validity of evolution exist, but there are several advantages of allowing it to be taught in science classes; scientists will keep on digging for more evidence to prove this theory, and thus it will encourage open-mindedness and critical thinking.


Haberman, C. (2017, Nov 19). Questioning Evolution: The Push to Change Science Class Retro Report. Retrieved from https:// www.nytimes.com/2017/11/19/us/retro-report-evolution-science.html

Stringer, C. (2002). Modern Human Origins: Progress and Prospects. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 357, 1420.

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