ESL Lesson Plan - Free Essay on English Teaching

Published: 2017-09-29
ESL Lesson Plan - Free Essay on English Teaching
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching English 101
Pages: 11
Wordcount: 2821 words
24 min read

English Lesson Plan

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1. Analyses language correctly

2. Uses terminology correctly

3. Shows evidence of having accessed appropriate reference materials ie. give the name of at least one book that you have used to research the area

4. Uses clear, accurate and appropriate language

Yes / No


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2nd marker


Resubmission Needed

Pass On Resubmission

Fail On Resubmission

Overall Comment

This assignment requires you to research and reflect on aspects of language. The types of target language considered include grammar and vocabulary. You will be asked to analyse meaning, form and pronunciation as you need to do when planning lessons. Please complete both Section one and Section two.

Word limit: 750-1000 words

Section one: Grammar

For each of the grammatical structures numbered from 1 to 3 in italics you need to:

a) Analyse the meaning of the structure as used in the given context. Give a clear definition of what it means / the situation it normally expresses. Look at the learner level given and grade your description accordingly.

b) Show an effective way(s) of checking understanding. Write concept-checking questions (with answers) and/or time lines, to show how you would check learners’ understanding of the meaning.

c) Analyse the form as you would on the board highlighting any aspects of phonology which would require attention ie. sentence stress, intonation, transcription of any difficult sounds, features of connected speech, as you would on the board.

d) Anticipate any problems students might have with meaning, form and pronunciation at the given level.


Present progressive (continuous) Elementary

Ann: Would you like to go to the movies tonight?

Sue: Sorry. I’m meeting Joe tonight. We’re having dinner.


This is a future arrangement. There are thus two aspects of meaning to check: that the time reference is future and that the event has already been arranged. The latter could be illustrated by the fact that Sue would possibly have this in her diary and Joe would certainly know about it.

Checking understanding

Is it present or future? – Future.

Is it a definite arrangement? – Yes.

Does Joe know? – Yes.

(possibly) Is it in Sue’s diary? – Maybe.

(iii) & (iv)Phonology and Form (written record on the board)

/aim/ /e/

I’ m meeting Joe tonight.

S + be + Ving

Anticipated problems

I. Meaning

Problem: Ss might have difficulties understanding the future reference, as they probably studied the Present Continuous for actions happening at the moment of speaking at this level. Therefore, they might think that Sue is in a meeting with Joe now.

Solution: I’ll ask relevant CCQs (see above).

II. Form

Problem: Ss often forget using the auxiliary verb to be with the –ing verb, e.g. I meeting Joe, or respectively, they do not use the –ing verb with the auxiliary, e.g. I am meet Joe.

Solution: I will highlight the form on the board and provide relevant oral and written practice.

III. Pronunciation

Problem: Contracted forms may pose a problem to Ss, e.g. We’re, They’re, as they might confuse them with where and there.

Solution: I’ll drill in context.

Items for Analysis

Please analyze the following grammar items. Write your answers in the provided template.

1. I’ve been to... (elementary)

Rose: Have you ever been abroad?

Lynn: Yes, I’ve been to Australia, Poland and Russia.

Meaning: this is past arrangement. Here, there are two main poets of reference is the adverb eve which refers to an unidentified time before now. Lynn is asked whether she had ever been abroad, before the time when the question was asked. This was asked and replied in a polite manner and rose could easily get the answers from Lynn’s diary or calendar.

Checking Understanding:

Is it past, present or future arrangement- Past

Has Lynn bee to Australia- Yes.

Probably sue wanted to ask Lynn a specific question about travelling abroad such as costs, climate or something she has never experienced.

Phonology and Form (written record on the board):

Anticipated problems and solutions:

I. Meaning

Problem: the fact that the sentence uses the present perfect tenses may mean h that the Rose has already been abroad while in the real sense, they are in their native country. It is therefore important to teach the students to use the simple past if they had been there and are still to meet

Solution: students will be provided with selected foot ox to check the use of past [participle and past perfect.

II. Form

Problem: children often forget that “ever” can only be used for home questions a but can only be used to make an assertion.

Solution: the CCQ will be directed to preselected students who are good with the CCQ.

III. Pronunciation

Problem: students will have problems writing and pronouncing I’ve been instead of I have been.

Solution: students will be taught how to use contracted forms of such as I’ve been, haven’t been. etc

2. Would you mind …ing? (pre-intermediate)

Jane: It’s really hot in here! Would you mind opening the window?

John: Of course not!

Meaning: in this convseratioon, jane requestin john in present tense to opeing the windows poitetely.

Checking Understanding:

Phonology and Form (written record on the board):

Anticipated problems and solutions:

I. Meaning

Problem: students would be having time answering the question because the questions start with an objective sound.

Solution: in this case, theteacher wil Plan CCQs in advance and ask simpe, questions.

II. Form

Problem: sometimes, the parents re too busy ad the girls are growing faster. Using the –ing verb may indicate continuous verb tense. This may confuse the students.

Solution: if student have issues the teacher will use pictures, and other audio files , and antonyms that the white board and time of the intens.

III. Pronunciation

Problem: students may face difficulties fitting in the student’s credit limit. The students will be asked to identify a pattern in clothes in which specific digits layer is next t which her.

Solution: students will be asked to write shower and series in the past participle tense.

3. I wish I had... ( intermediate )

Alan: Catching the bus today, John?

John: My car’s broken down again. I’d really like to buy a new one – but I can’t afford it. I wish I had enough money!

Meaning: the phrase presses someone’s desire to have had something that they do not have. The phrase is used in a present tense, but the wish is for past tense. S + Wish + Past Tense. Therefore, the term wish can be combined with the past simple tense to express the wishes for the present.

Checking Understanding:

Is it past, present of future?- Past

Did john have enough money? - No.

Did he repair his car?- No

Phonology and Form (written record on the board):

Anticipated problems and solutions:

I. Meaning

Problem: students might not know how to conjugate verbs, use the present simple form of wish (es) when dealing with him, her, or it.

Solution: students will be taught that present simple form of wish can be combined with he, her, or it and 'do / does'

II. Form

Problem: student will not be able to know when to use do, or does, and the negative don’t/doesn’t

Solution: students will be taught how to combine either do/does, or don’t, doest with a statement in the past tense.

III. Pronunciation

Problem: students will be curious to ask why the verb is used in the past tense while the statement is considered a present wish.

Solution: the students will be taught that only the main verb is in the past but that the whole statement refers to the present moment.

Section two: Vocabulary

For each of the items from 4 to 6 analyse the word or phrase in italics in the following ways:

e) Briefly describe the meaning of the word or phrase. Look at the learner level given and grade your description accordingly.

a) Briefly describe a context or present a short dialogue which would contextualise the most common use of the item and which would illustrate this concept for the students. Explain how you will use this context to convey the meaning.

b) Show how you would check understanding eg. concept questions, clines, synonyms etc

c) Comment on any anticipated difficulties with meaning, form and pronunciation.

d) Show the written record that you would put on the board for the students to copy down.


manage to (intermediate)


With effort to succeed in doing something that is difficult.

Context and Conveying Meaning

Tom and Brett are both studying at university. Yesterday Brett told Tom that he was worried about the homework that he had to do. Today Tom asks Brett about the homework:

Tom: Well, how was the homework?

Brett: Really difficult but I managed to finish it.

T presents pictures of Brett and Tom and elicits the context. T presents Ss with the dialogue between Tom and Brett, but with the TL gapped out. Ss work together to come up with the answer. T elicits the correct answer.

Checking understanding

1. Did Brett finish the homework? – Yes.

2. Was it easy? - No, it wasn’t.

3. Did he have to try hard? – Yes, he did.

4. (Perhaps) Is he happy about it? – Yes.

Anticipated difficulties

I. Meaning

Problem: Ss might confuse it with the other meaning of manage, e.g. I manage a company.

Solution: I’ll ask CCQs (see above).

II. Form

Problem: Ss might use the form in the present, e.g. I manage to…. However, it is most often used in the past and so this form is appropriate.
Solution: I’ll use the context to highlight the past usage of the structure and ask relevant CCQs to reinforce that (see above).

III. Pronunciation

Problem: students may find it difficult to hear that the form is ‘managed’ rather than ‘manage’ because of the /d/ following. However, it is most often used in the past and so this form is appropriate. Students may be tempted to pronounce the -ed as /ed/ once they know this is a past tense, especially as they may find this consonant cluster challenging.


managed to

Solution: I’ll highlight the phonemic transcription and drill accordingly.

Written record

to manage to (do something) (v.)

His homework was difficult but he managed tofinish it.


Items for Analysis

Please analyse the following items appropriately for the level indicated. Write your answers in the provided template.

4. Listen to (multi-word verb) (e.g. Listen to the radio) (elementary)

Meaning: give or pay attention to a sound.

Context and Conveying Meaning:

After classes, we assembled near the music room to hear the youngest music prodigy play the grand piano.

Jane asked: which key is she playing

Lameck: let me listen first,... that must be the G-major

Me: No. That is the D major

Jane: just listen to music keenly. That is the C-sharp

We all concurred.

Checking Understanding:

Did you hear the music

Did you discuss the different keys

Did you agree on the right key?

Phonology and Form (written record on the board):

Anticipated problems and solutions:

I. Meaning

Problem: differentiate between hearing and listen to

Solution: hearing is considered an event while listen to be an adjective or action.

II. Form

Problem: ask the meaning of “have a listen to”

Solution: I’ll highlight the phonemic transcription and drill the students without causing a scene.

III. Pronunciation

Problem: what are the diference between to listen, listened, listening

Solution: to listen is Infinitive, listened is Participle, and listening is a Gerund.

5. sensible (adj) (e.g. he’s a sensible person) (intermediate)

Meaning: senseb(e)l/

Sensible may mean realistic, reasonable or appreciable. something that seems logicle common sense wise.

Context and Conveying Meaning:

Over the weekend, we went sightseeing in the morning only to come back home at six thirty. We could not lie so we made up the most sensible story that we were at a friend’s place studying. We lied because moist of my friends have been warned not to wander into the private parks because we endanger our lives and that of the endangered species. When I got home my mother asked:

Mother: where have you been?

Me: at tom’s place, studying for my exams due the following week.

Mother: that is the most sensible thing you have done in one year during the weekends.

Checking Understanding:

Did I lie?- yes

Did my mother but my false story? Yes.

What made her accept my lie? She was happy for the first time since she was preparing for the worst when I failed to show up for lunch. Studying at tom’s place was therefore the most logical and sensible thing to her.

Phonology and Form

Anticipated problems and solutions:

I. Meaning

Problem: students may be confused when to use the word sensible, realistic and or reasonable.

Solution: sensible shoulder used as an adjective, and sensible as an adverb.

II. Form

Problem: if the weather is good, it is sensible to wear sensible shoes

Solution: students will learn that sensible can be used as a state of mind based on someone’s judgment. It can also be used to describe the other.

III. Pronunciation

Problem: if the weather is bad, it is sensible to stay in a hotel

Solution: we’ll stay in the hotel till everyone is evacuated.

The teacher will make sure that a dot is placed on top of the vowel sound in the stressed syllable. Pronunciation will be taught using pictures, antonyms, and synonyms. The students will be drilled on how to identify we will and we’ll

6. infamous (adj) (e.g. Jack the Ripper) (upper-intermediate)

Meaning: infemes/Submit

Abominable, disreputable or known for notoriety.

Context and Conveying Meaning:

Last year, my uncle was put on the list of most wanted criminal sin the country because of his involvement burglary.

Uncle: stay away from criminal activities

Me: everyone knows yours reputation and describe you using your past reputation. In fact, my parents told me that you were a celebrity before you became infamous.

Uncle: I became infamous by choice because I wanted to enjoy a quite life a day from attention of the media. I intentionally stole the jewellery to be convicted and lead a quiet life.

Checking Understanding:

Did your uncle commit a crime? Yes

How would you like him to be punished? Through public ridicule.

How would you characterize him? He is loving and caring despite the negative label.

Phonology and Form (written record on the board):

Anticipated problems and solutions:

I. Meaning

Problem: the students may confuse infamous with disrepute

Solution: the students should be taught that disrepute is a noun while infamous is an adjective.

II. Form

Problem: students will be taught how to compare infamous, infamy and the adverb infamously.

Solution: children will be thought how to

III. Pronunciation

Problem: the students will be taught how to pronounce and spell infamous and infamy

Solution: infamous and infamy both refer to a state of being known for a bad reputation. The student will be drilled on “/n fe mes/” and adjective in-fuh-muh s till they learn how to pronounce the adjectove and learn how to use it in a sentence.


(e.g. Thornbury, S (1999). How to teach grammar. Longman)

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