Essay Example Comprising Health Behavior Analysis

Published: 2022-07-18
Essay Example Comprising Health Behavior Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Behavior
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1107 words
10 min read

Mr. Jones is a busy man whose health status is not okay as a result of his lifestyle. He travels a lot to different countries by air and train causing more stress to his health. His line of job makes him eat unhealthily and his smoking habit adds to his poor health. This patient undertook lab tests which have showed results that are not of a normal person of his age. Mr. Jones schedule is a busy one that does not allow for any lifestyle changes. A plan for health behavior change is therefore the most important strategy to use on Mr. Jones' health. Choosing a healthy lifestyle helps in maintaining and controlling chronic conditions such as heart attack and diseases such as obesity (Web MD, n.d.). As part of plan, a health behavior analysis is therefore conducted on Mr. Jones. The analysis involves studying the clinical problem present, strengths, and competencies of the patient, goals to be achieved and outcomes of a health intervention.

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Clinical problem

Mr. Jones' lab results are analyzed in order to find the real problem to be addressed. From the results forwarded from the lab, Mr. Jones B/P is 150/190, pulse rate is 85, total cholesterol levels are 260, BMI is 28, LDL 160 and HDL is 39. These results show danger and the outcomes could lead to chronic harm to the patient's health. The normal B.P of human should be 120, but Mr. Jones' is very high at 150 denoting that he is not normal. His pulse rate is quite okay as it still falls between 72-100 pulses per second. The Fasting glucose levels that are normal should not exceed 100mg/Dl. But Mr. Jones fasting glucose levels is 130mg/Dl meaning that he has diabetes (Oliveros et al. 2014). The results found are used in addressing of the clinical problem.

The assessment shows that Mr. Jones's total cholesterol levels triglycerides, HDL, LDL ND BMI are very high from the average figures. The normal figures are; not more than 200mn/dL for cholesterol level, less than 150 mg/Dl for triglycerides and between 18.5-24.9 for a normal BMI. The normal levels of HDL are 40-50 mgDL for men and LDL normal is should not exceed 190. The results show that Mr. Jones is at risk of a heart attack with the high levels of HDL and LDL (Web MD, n.d.). Also, it is true that he is overweight from the results of the BMI test. For Mr. Jones to live a healthy lifestyle, He is to take on activities to reduce the weight to control the BMI and to take meals free from cholesterol which may put him to risk of heart attack and diabetes.

Strengths and competences

The patient has his own strengths and competencies that he can draw from his motivators to make the desired change. Since Mr. Jones travels a lot, he should take this as an advantage and mostly take walks to his meeting points in places that are not so far. Spending time with wife and children is also a strategy for relieving the stresses of life that he has. The relaxed feeling of spending with family during vacations is a good way of healing from stress. However, the problem is the lack of adherence to diet because of traveling to different countries that do not operate to his diet plans.

The state of change is the point that lies deep inside the heart where an individual decides to get involved in behavioral change (pro Change, n.d). It includes moving from one stage to the other and the time that people take at one stage before changing is varied. The patient fits the stage of change because the health issues he has developed are as a result of his busy schedule. Switching from a busy schedule to a less hectic and relaxed schedule is possible through the motivations that the patient has in life like the nature of the job that he is involved in. the state of change is the transition from one behavior to another one'

Patient health goals and outcomes

The goals that MR. Jones will set to achieve a healthy life have to be specific to health, measurable and realistic. The patients have to work very hard towards reducing the levels of Blood pressure, the amount of cholesterol, level of triglycerides, HDL LDL and BMI. FOR BMI, the patient must now resolve to take walks rather than driving to places that are not far from him. For blood pressure to be normal, a healthy diet is key. In addition, the patient should quit smoking and take on gym exercises during weekends and vacations when he is off to control the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the body. It is realistic that the client has to work hard to reduce his blood pressure to 140 or less, fasting glucose to 100, total cholesterol level to 200 or fewer triglycerides to 100 a less, BMI to 23 and within the first three months of the start of the intervention. This is very achievable in three months since it involves a change in lifestyle. Health goals become realistic when the patients start to think change, develops his fitness inventory to know the progress he is taking (Ann et al., 2011).

In conclusion, a health analysis involves first identifying the clinical problem that is affecting g the patient. In the identification of the problem, the comparison between the health status of the patient and the normally required health condition is carried out. The change that is desired is stated then from there as health workers we resolve to find out the strengths that the patient may have. The patient identifies an existing motivation that will help in pushing in the desired change. Goals and outcomes are laid down at the start of the health intervention process. The purpose of goals is to know the desired change and focus pacifically on achieving them. The goals always must be specific in nature, measurable in the short and long run and the outcomes must be desirable. Living healthy starts from a heart decision by the patient to change a more impoverished lifestyle.


Ann, J., McAndrews, WILSON, S., & McMullen, S. (2011, April 1). Four Strategies for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in Your Practice. Retrieved from

Oliveros, E., Somers, V. K., Sochor, O., Goel, K., & Lopez-Jimenez, F. (2014). The concept of normal weight obesity. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 56(4), 426-433.

Pro-Change. (n.d.). Transtheoretical Model (or Stages of Change) - Health Behavior Change. Retrieved from

Web MD. (n.d.). Understanding Cholesterol Numbers. Retrieved from

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