Essay Example Dedicated to Samsung Company Limited: SWOT Analysis

Published: 2022-03-03
Essay Example Dedicated to Samsung Company Limited: SWOT Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Samsung SWOT analysis
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 876 words
8 min read

This analysis will focus on Samsung Company Limited, whose headquarters are in Seoul. It is among the leading and top-performing companies in the international scene. It serves both the local and international market due to its range of products including electronics, construction services, insurance policies, heavy industries, and advertising agencies. The company earns billions of dollars in returns every financial year.

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Branding prowess has made the company both a local and international name. The marketing department has worked hard to position the Samsung brand in the market (Dermawan, 2014).

Samsung is one of the largest electronics and mobile phones manufacturers and commands a large market share in the global market. The company produces both expensive and cheap phones reaching all audiences

Samsung Company has a functional research and development centre which comes up with innovative designs on their products which attract the market within a short time after release.

Samsung Company boasts of operational hardware and software incorporated in their mobile phones. In addition, the OS on their phones has a large capacity Weaknesses

Samsung Company has had periods of low profits margin in the past few years due to the threat of new entrants in the market who have reduced the market share it commanded in the past

Samsung Company has expanded its production facilities and diverted their attention to manufacturing of various products. this has affected the detailing they provide on their products leading to losses

The company has had to imitate various designs and ideas from other companies since it has not invested in creative features on its products. For instance, Samsung Company borrowed ideas from the prestigious Apple Inc.

The court case the company has faced in the past has affected its patent rights making it lose on some significant markets which had previously attracted a large following (Dermawan, 2014).


Samsung Company has not fully exhausted the international and local market. The marketing department needs to invest in advertising so that it can reach the infant markets in other parts of the world like in Africa (Jaiswal, 2010).

There is an opportunity to produce and distribute tablets in the market and come up with creative designs that can attract customers who will identify with the products. This will help position Samsung Company as a leader in tablet production (Dermawan, 2014).

Samsung Company has an opportunity of taking new markets through innovative methods like acquisitions so that it can reduce the problem of patenting distribution that has made it have a few issues in the recent past (Song & Lee, 2014).

The local and international market demands for quality products and functional application processors. Samsung Company has the opportunity to fulfil the desires of the market (Marete, 2012). Threats

Apple Inc. is one of the competitors, and threats Samsung Company faces during its production of products in the market

The world is changing at a fast rate, and Samsung Company needs to keep up with developmental and technological changes in the products they release to the market to avoid becoming obsolete

Court cases with Apple Inc. spoil the image of Samsung Company in the market (Marete, 2012).

The entrance of more mobile manufacturers has reduced the market share Samsung Company has enjoyed in the recent past especially in the international market (Jaiswal, 2010).

The tool helps the marketing and management teams to solve problems within the company as they understand the internal issues affecting and limiting the company from reaching its full potential (Dermawan, 2014). On the other hand, the management and marketing department understands the role they play in pushing the firm forward as each action they engage in has a direct influence on the performance of the organization. For instance, the marketing department is aware of the positive influence they have had on sales following the branding and positioning they have had in the past. This has made more customers seek products from Samsung Company since they believe it has become both a local and international household product. Further, the management team understands the influence they have on the decision-making process when they need to introduce new concepts in the operations of the company.

Based on the research and SWOT analysis conducted on Samsung Company, some of the recommendations for the management include the need to identify the market trends and changes in technological ideas that have flooded the market (Jaiswal, 2010). This means that the research and development team needs more finances so that they can come up with innovative and creative designs that will attract and retain a large market share. There is also a high need for the management team to maintain is originality and avoid copying ideas from other companies like Apple Inc. since it sends a negative message to the market on the lack of motivation and commitment from the Samsung Company team (Marete, 2012). The court cases highlight Samsung Company on a negative side which makes it lose customers.


Dermawan, A. (2014). A Study On the Entry Strategy of A Multinational Company Into Indonesia: The Case of Samsung Electronics Indonesia.

Jaiswal, K. K. (2010). Competitor Analysis & Market Analysis for Samsung Electronics.

Marete, F. (2012). SWOT Analysis of Samsung's Marketing Plan.

Song, C. Y., & Lee, K. (2014). The Samsung way: Transformational management strategies from the world leader in innovation and design. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

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