Essay Example: Education should be Free Everyone

Published: 2023-05-29
Essay Example: Education should be Free Everyone
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1109 words
10 min read

The impacts of education on human pose a great significance that relates to multiple aspects of basic needs in life. Some individuals may miss witnessing the benefits of education due to the inability to afford it within their levels. The cost of schooling has made acquiring education to be a choice for some people while for others, it is not an option. In most instances, the regions that provide education at no cost fall in the percentile where it is not a choice but a rule. Such states accord every kid with education services irrespective of gender, social status, religion, economic status and race (Powell 156). They affirm that everybody deserves to learn and given equal educational opportunities. Education is the source of knowledge concerning the surrounding world and its transformation to be a better place (Correa et al. 44). Therefore, education should be a free service for everyone to uphold positive transformations within various spheres of life.

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First, education is essential in building opinions for individuals and developing a critical point of view of all things in life. Several debates and researches have been conducted to ascertain whether education should be provided free to all individuals and the impacts of implementing such an idea (Wiley et al. 17). The negative sides of the idea being that it might appear to devalue the education especially in higher institutions of learning, as students may underrate most of their classes because they do not pay for them, hence rendering their service fees worthless.

Contrarily, free education has multiple positive impacts on an individual than the negatives aspects. Free and proper education is beneficial to all humanity for their future growth and prosperity in life (Li et al. 625). The insights that people acquire from education are essential in approaching various situations in life hence making it more straightforward and enjoyable. Besides, it facilitates the interaction of people from various backgrounds including religion, creed, age groups and casts, which in turn translates to quality learning (Powell 162). Consequently, education leads to the process of achieving skills, values, knowledge and moral habits for both individual and national development (Li et al. 623). Therefore, if the services are freely provided, more individuals will benefit, which will change the world to a more enjoyable environment with a profound understanding of each other in all spheres of arguments and interaction. Countries, where various models have been proposed by the Government to provide free education to its citizens, have made significant milestones in developing their countries both socially, politically, and economically (Kumagai et al. 319). Such countries have initiated funding programs to be done by the Government and charitable organizations rather than the tuition funding by the students, making many people afford better education for their kids.

According to Mansbridge et al. (17), tuition costs of education have been proliferating due to dramatic economic changes; hence the questions of whether families with financial constraints will manage to provide their children with good education are becoming eminent. The insight calls for the need to freely provide education to avoid some kinds of indirect discrimination where the services can only be accessed by the royals (Kumagai et al. 320). Therefore, lowering the costs of providing education is the only option by the Government to ensure that many people get access to quality and proper education for national growth and development (Mansbridge et al. 14). Free education gives students more time to concentrate and focus on their studies rather than worrying on payments from term charges to another. Providing the services for free would facilitate timely academic activities and schools' scheduling like timely graduation hence availing personnel to various fields of work and job industries across the nations.

Education gives people knowledge and potential skills which are useful in everyday job opportunities and realization of their full potential (Meyer 335). Since the world is rapidly evolving and requires people with knowledge-based or advanced skills learning, the only solution to suffice the world with the requirements can only be achieved through proper education. Provision of free education will ensure that the professional job industries in various sectors of the economy are given new ideas and talents which are useful for economic growth and development. Free education leads to the affordability of physiological needs by the majority, which in turn translates to economic growth, medical discoveries and advancement in the field of technology (Motala 29). Providing education for therefore increases the number of individuals who can fit various expertise fields since education bolsters the knowledgeability of the world at large.

On balance, free education is essential since it provides the population with highly educated individuals possessing many skills and knowledge which are beneficial to the whole world economy. The offer also increases the development of individual's morals and habits in society. Therefore, all the benefits accrued can only be achieved through the affordable provision of education to the families willing to make their children pursue higher learning. Education is a vital need for individuals and source of hope for many in the future; hence it should be made affordable and proper for people. The step will make the entire world to move at the same pace that will, in turn, give prompt and permanent solutions to problems and pandemics like diseases, hunger, poverty and ignorance.

Works Cited

Correa, Juan A., et al. "Why is free education so popular? A political economy explanation." Journal of Public Economic Theory (2019).

Kumagai, Arno K., Brittani Jackson, and Saleem Razack. "Cutting close to the bone: Student trauma, free speech, and institutional responsibility in medical education." Academic Medicine 92.3 (2017): 318-323.,_Free.22.aspx

Li, David, Kulamakan Kulasegaram, and Brian D. Hodges. "Why we needn't fear the machines: Opportunities for medicine in a machine learning world." Academic Medicine 94.5 (2019): 623-625.

Mansbridge, Jane. "Why Do We Need Government? The Role of Civic Education in the Face of the Free-Rider Problem." Teaching Civic Engagement Across The Disciplines (2017): 11-21.

Meyer, Kirsten. "Why should we demand equality of educational opportunity?." Theory and Research in Education 14.3 (2016): 333-347., Shireen. "Introduction-Part III Achieving'free education'for the poor-a realizable goal in 2018?." Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal) 68 (2017): 15-29.

Powell, Kimberly. "To Be Free or Not to Be Free... That Is the Question." (2018).

Wiley, David, and Cable Green. "Why openness in education?." Interdisciplinary Studies: A Connected Learning Approach (2016).

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