Essay Example - Interplay of Individual and Group Dynamics: Insights into Organizational Behavior

Published: 2024-01-17
Essay Example - Interplay of Individual and Group Dynamics: Insights into Organizational Behavior
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Organizational behavior
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 844 words
8 min read


Behavior performance is traceable to either a principal effect of personality or the group. Thinking patterns are structured by the environment or surroundings of an individual and the impact that behavior has on others. Groups and their dynamism in operation expound on the effects of their thinking in an organization. Chapter 11 of Knight et al. (2016) on Group Dynamics: Theories, Research, and Practices provides valuable concepts regarding group formation and the result association to organization effectiveness. Chapter 12 ( Huang and Hussain, 2019) on Deep Learning: Fundamental, Theory, and Application explains the different theories of understanding human behavior performance, the impact of the person's behavior in an organization, and people's development and maturity into groups that reflect the general account.

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Analysis of Concepts

In chapter 11, Group dynamics are the interactions and the workforce in social situations. Reflection of the informal and formal Organization, their operation, and the people's productivity. Dynamics in a group illustrates the significance of the social and social psychological explanations in the study of organizational behavior. According to (Knight, 2016) the Organization focuses on the outcome of the labor force input that results in the economic impact in the area of influence, the Organization's longevity, and the Organization's performance to loyalty and trust by the prospects of the Organization. Thus, any organization major in improving the organizations' departmental units that work as a team to enhance the whole running is actualized as expected. A strategic planning and performance projection directed towards the leadership figures for the Organization.

Chapter 12 fundamental theories explain behavioral Performance management based on behavioristic theories and behaviorism. Individual behavior is subject to an organization's performance and how it controls human behavior through leading and directing. Every Organization has a hierarchy of managers' positions to employees that ensures human competence structure and process—personality traits and environment stimulation impact effective performance and automatic payment to the workers. Incentives are put in place to improve individual performance through deep learning insights and experiences. An individual's productivity determines employees' ability to take orders or follow directions and monetary reward expectations for their efforts. (Schunk, 2020). Aspirations of focus toward the attainment of goals reflect creativity and problem-solving performance cues.


The concepts in chapters 11 and 12 are interrelated in various ways. Behavior performance management applies at an individual and group level. Individuals come together as an attraction towards similar attitudes toward commonly related objects and goals. Persons form groups as a result of activities, interactions, and sentiments. (Knight, 2016) An increase in people sharing increases businesses that bond their feelings together. Human desire and drive towards achievements are highly accomplished by like-minded people who aim to acquire similar destinations.

Group performance is traceable to an individual account. The productivity of an individual is a contributing factor to the rewards and recognition of the organization. Personal mode of behavior in terms of leadership traits, skills, and abilities in organizing, structuring, and managing the available resources are dependent on the Organization's performance as a whole to the effectiveness in society. (Fedlt,2017). Hence, individuals are responsible for their management and management of human resources. Thus, behaviors learned, discussion in learning theories, and evidence principles serve as guidelines for foundation and behavioral management approaches. The learning process aims at improving performance.

Implications and Conclusion

The interconnectedness of individual performance to group development and maturity in forming agile teams improves the general account. ( Torkar and Feldt, 2017). Quality and quantitative performance entail working together as a team with leadership skills and management abilities. Supple team has rational, individualistic reasoning that is coherent to attaining the team building's purpose and goal. The group's growth and maturity aim to improve individual performance through training and exposure to problem-solving activities to increase skills and capacity that intrinsically improve an organization's performance.

Socially, the management of human behavior to actions is modified through self-regulatory mechanisms to increase self-efficacy. Behavior plays a vital role in the Organization's performance; hence individual performance receives an equal consequence of either reward or punishment (Huang, 2019). Productive and the best-behavior performance result in cooperative relationships and rewards.

In summary, all group members play an essential role in an organization. Group performances narrow down to individual behavior performance. Therefore teams are formed with a psychological ability that shapes the Organization's cultural understanding. Chapters 11 and 12 produce vital and valuable information on behavior performance, group dynamics, and the process of group formation for productivity in an organization. When applied, the concepts can lead to noticeable improvements in behavior management and induction of effective group formation and development. Qualitative and quantitative performance brands an organization's loyalty and effectiveness to society, thus implementing strategies to support high performance.


Gren, L., Torkar, R., & Feldt, R. (2017). Group development and group maturity when building agile teams: A qualitative and quantitative investigation at eight large companies. Journal of Systems and Software, 124, 104-119.

Knight, A. P., Kennedy, D. M., & McComb, S. A. (2016). Using recurrence analysis to examine group dynamics. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 20(3), 223.

Huang, K., Hussain, A., Wang, Q. F., & Zhang, R. (Eds.). (2019). Deep Learning: Fundamentals, Theory and Applications (Vol. 2). Springer.

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