Essay Example on Addressing Domestic Violence: A Call for Societal Change and Reporting

Published: 2023-10-17
Essay Example on Addressing Domestic Violence: A Call for Societal Change and Reporting
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Law Domestic violence
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 607 words
6 min read

The incident about the massacre by Max Mayer discusses how women and children are at risk of losing their lives due to domestic violence. In the story, POS killed his wife and two children because they had a disagreement solved if they could have sought help from a third party like a psychiatrist, a friend, or a relative. The death of POS was unfortunate since he deserved to face trial and life imprisonment for his action. The constitution should outline how police should handle a violent person instead of shooting the criminal when he has resisted an arrest through a negotiation. Through negotiation, the police could have explained to POS his rights and the reason for his arrest and not shot him on the head just because the dispatcher team saw a gun.

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Domestic violence has become a frequent occurrence in our society. Some of the societal changes that should take place to prevent husband-wives homicides include; people should understand that violence against women and children in their homes is a violation of human rights (Zhiwu, Peng, and Zhu, 8). It is because women and children are considered vulnerable within society, and there is a need to protect them against any violence. Making people understand the need for reporting any act of violence to authorities. In the criminal justice system, even though the perpetrators face sentenced for their crimes, there should be new strategies put in place, such as the interventions by state agencies (Stöckl et al., 860). Who will make the victims understand that reporting a domestic violence act is not an invention of the family’s privacy but the right thing to do. There should be a change in rules where domestic violence considered a crime, and all the perpetrators should undergo court trials where the justice system applies criminal laws when judging them.

Another societal change used to reduce the rate of husband-wife homicide is by making the victims in society understand that domestic violence does not only require mediation or conciliation (Stöckl et al. 865). The strategies make violent husbands avoid the law-enforcement system. Instead, they should view domestic violence as a criminalization act and the people responsible arrested since there is a law that protects them. Without an arrest, a violent husband may kill the victim since they feel superior to the wives.


In conclusion, husband-wife homicide is a problem confronted if the victims report to authorities without fear of discrimination or feeling of guilt when the police arrest their partners. It is because women have the right to be protected against any form of violence, including the domestic violence that they experience within their families.

Reply Post

I support the idea of how wives should take action if they suspect that their husbands are violent. In many scenarios, before a husband kills his wife and children, they first disagree on many topics making the husband threatened or beat his wife. On such occasions, the wife does not report the wife because they hope he will change for the better. Wives should report any form of violence to the authorities so that they may not end up dead and the children killed because they had hoped for a change within the family. The society should have volunteers to educate people on the cause and effects of domestic violence and how to reduce it.

Works Cited

Chen, Zhiwu, Kaixiang Peng, and Lijun Zhu. “Social-economic change and its impact on violence: Homicide history of Qing China.” Explorations in economic history 63 (2017): 8-25. Retrieved from

Stöckl, Heidi, et al. “The global prevalence of intimate partner homicide: a systematic review.” The Lancet 382.9895 (2013): 859-865. Retrieved from

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Essay Example on Addressing Domestic Violence: A Call for Societal Change and Reporting. (2023, Oct 17). Retrieved from

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