Essay Example on Biography of Antonio de Cabezon

Published: 2023-01-13
Essay Example on Biography of Antonio de Cabezon
Type of paper:  Biography
Categories:  Music Biography
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1522 words
13 min read

Antonio de Cabezon, known widely as Cabezon, was born in the year 1510, in Castrillo de Matajudios which is close to Burgos, Spain. He then passed away on 26th March the year 1566 in Madrid. From an early age, Cabezon considered playing the organ in Palencia, and in 1526 improved toward getting to be the organist as well as clavichordist to the accomplice of Charles V, who was the royal Isabel. The court docket provided an opportunity for Cabezon to meet the well-known specialist Tomas de Santa Clause Maria, understudy and essayist, and Luis de Narvaez, who was the Vihuelist at that time. He went with the magnificent habitation of the court to Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands from the year 1548 to the year 1551 and to Britain and the Netherlands from the year 1554 to the year 1556. His design was of great influence to the English school of designers for the organ style, which was demonstrated with the guide of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (Sharp 955).

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Having come from a family of landowners, Antonio Cabezon turned out to be either outwardly disabled due to blindness that started early in his childhood. Being the offspring of Maria Gutierrez and Sebastian cabezon, he considered playing the organ instrument in Villasendino or Castrojeriz. His first melodic preparation became the most desired creation from an area organist. It's certain that he proceeded alongside his examinations with Garcia de Baeza in Palencia. While there, Cabezon respectively lived with a relative of his named Esteban Martinez de Cabezon, who was famous at the house of prayer of Burgos. He later moved to live in the region of Palencia with the organist of the house of God of Baeza Garcia. In the year 1522 he progressed toward becoming acquainted with the head Carlos V. Three years later, he moved to the region of Toledo, wherein he went to the organization of the sovereign Isabel from Portugal, an accomplice of the ruler, as its house of prayer entertainer. After her passing, he moved toward becoming named craftsman of living relatives of Carlos v and sovereign Felipe.

In the year 1525, the great scheme assisted cabezon in moving to Toledo form Palencia, where he took up residence inside the unique grand place of Isabella; he ventured forward nearer to transforming into a basic organist after a year was over. He later was involved in playing inside the chamber of Charles V. In the year 1538, he married Luisa Nunez. Together, they had five children with one of them being Hernando. This son later created a digital book track works for the harp, key, and vihuela of his father, which offers real to life components of the musical creations of cabezon (Roig-Francoli 468). During that season of their wedding, Cabezon began to fill in as chamber entertainer of Carlos V, as the sovereign Elisabeth's organist. Cabezon then relocated to Avila, his new life partner's nearby city. Their children, in like manner, secured positions with the prominent family. After ruler Isabella passed on in the year 1539, Cabezon remained in the organization of her youngsters, with one of them being royal Philip, the future master. During Philip's leadership, Cabezon played just for Philip's house of prayer.

In 1543 Felipe II, as a result of the assessment of Cabezon as the main organist entertainer, was pleased by his skills and had heavenly adoration of him. Along these lines, Antonio de Cabezon continued to serve inside the imperial courts and often thought about Gregory, one of his kids, who had become a clergyman of the royalty church. In the year 1548, Cabezon went with the royalty for three years on tours to Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. These tours were meant for making known their tunes and expanding its impact throughout the continent of Europe. As a norm for the renowned company, Cabezon went to Luxembourg, Germany, and the Netherlands on October 1548 to July 1551. They also went to Britain in July 1554 to January 1556. The following year, Felipe advanced nearer to transforming into Lord of Spain and Cabezon continued working for the administration, but then on the court led by Carlos, child of the ruler, till his death toll in the year 1556. Amid these excursions, he transformed the music industry by introducing a ton of melodies, all of which were distinct creations which he translated. The majority of the more noteworthy achievements that Cabezon made is his impact upon the supporters whom he met in his travels. The few of Cabezon's musical pieces that had been published amid his life were affirmed by Libro de Cifra Neuva in Luis Venegas de Henestrosa's in the year 1557. Cabezon's child, Hernando, administered greatest care and support of the greatest works of his father recognized works after Cabezon's passing.

The music of Cabezon was directed by the Franco-Flemish planners, for the most part, Josquin Desprez, yet these works were composed to depict the Spanish instrumental custom; Cabezon's comforting creations are incredibly easygoing and can be understood by all. Hanging changes mark his music that is embedded with particular chromaticism; a gallant usage of between times (incapacitated through present day understudies) engaged him to amass a lively consonant palette. His motivational approach to managing melodic making made fundamentally woven, presented together with works that depended essentially on extension and diminishing of a basic idea for assortment and advancement. Cabezon made an extensive collection of helpful sorts of musicals, including glosas, tientos, (ricercari), versos, diferencias, tunes, falsobordone, and statutes. He preserved differences in the different melodies, exceptionally by methods for setting the cantus firmus musical instrument in a substitute voice in specific ranges. This instrument transformed into advanced musical equipment by methods for William Byrd from the year 1543 to the year 1623.

The most important piece of Cabezon's melody was later transformed with the guide of Cabazon's newborn child Hernando. The two books written by Hernando about the tunes of his father are engraved in Cifra Nueva ("new sheet track"), documentation wherein each octave's notes are numbered from one to seven, starting on key f, with side effects to demonstrate the one of a kind octave. Also, each part is engraved on a separate line of the assemblage of specialists. Each part infers lute, comfort or vihuela, which are represented on a six-heading guitar tuned simply like the lute, paying little respect to reality that the melody is assumed for the organ instrument or distinctive comfort (Apel 293). Hernando provides recommendations for vihuela players and players of stringed gadgets. His instrumental arrangements are envisioned for the support, sporadic in a period in which instrumental melody style was copied from vocal harmonies (Ward 88). In his tientos, detached musical pantomime offers an increase of liking to new subjects.

Cabezon then became the earliest journalist to utilize the production and-assortments structure. Specifically recognized are the minor takeoffs from the "Canto del Caballero" song as well as the three courses of action of sweet sixteen takeoffs from "Guardame Las Vacas." One of the central creators to compose songs profitably for comfort, Antonio Cabezon, changed music into imaginative and powerful resources. His musical works awaited the usefulness of both the clavichord and the organ. Cabezon later explored his musical creations to an additional significant degree by influencing Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck vocal techniques from 1562 to 1621 as well as manual Rodrigues Coelho methods from 1583 to 1635. Everyone who had listened to Cabezon's music had been greatly affected by it as well as by his treatise on comfort execution, which maintained the utilization of the thumb as was the norm at that time. Lucky to have pushed a one of a kind nearness, cabezon effectively entered into the circles of Spanish decency and experienced the beautiful touch of his time on the earth as he served in the organization of power.

Cabezon ended up being one of the statute musical authors for the European continent in his time. His musical pieces are compiled in three books: The first book is the digital book of Luis Venegas de Henestrosa, which was written in the year 1574 to provide guidance on the vihuela and the harp tunes as structured by Cabezon. The second book was written to describe the nine different prior tunes that were comprehensive of praised variances (Trend 19). The third book was written about the twenty-six tientos and mainly about the tiento de fourth tone and the 6th tone. These tones are among the greatest interesting musical works for its known for its consonant addition. Besides, Cabezon made 40 separate works of music of the Flemish school craftsmen and a few works for the holy observance, using them from the tunes of the cantus firmus instrument. The fact that his music sought to encompass the Spanish custom made it more appealing to the general public that benefitted greatly from listening to the soothing melodies.

Works Cited

Apel, Willi. "Early Spanish music for lute and keyboard instruments." The Musical Quarterly 20.3 (1934): 289-301.

Roig-Francoli, Miguel A. "Playing in consonances: a Spanish Renaissance technique of chordal improvisation." Early Music 23.3 (1995): 461-472.

Sharp, G. B. "Antonio de Cabezon, 1510-1566." The Musical Times (1966): 955-956.

Trend, John Brande. "Salinas: a sixteenth-century collector of folk songs." Music & Letters 8.1 (1927): 13-24.

Ward, John. "The use of borrowed material in 16th-century instrumental music." Journal of the American Musicological Society 5 (1952): 88.

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