Essay Example on Business Creativity and Innovation

Published: 2022-04-18
Essay Example on Business Creativity and Innovation
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Business
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1488 words
13 min read

Business creativity and innovation are essential elements which facilitate the accomplishment of productive and efficient outcomes, ultimately enhancing the growth of a given venture. Creativity is the knowledge function which invokes curiosity, imagination, and assessment of a particular problem or idea. Whereas creativity is the ability to conceive or inventing an original idea, innovation has the application of something new (Burrus, 2017, p.2). Globally, companies are seeking creativity to gain a competitive edge over their rivals as well as improving their profitability levels. It is imperative for organizations to pursue new ideas or better approaches to performing their routine tasks, which leads to increased productivity. This task will focus on demonstrating how the aspect of creativity has been applied to a particular business idea or problem.

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Differentiating Between Creativity and Innovation

In a business context, creativity and innovation are two critical components that determine the growth, profitability and overall success of a given organization. The corporate world is increasingly becoming competitive, implying that firms which incorporate high levels of creativity and innovativeness will successfully claim significant market shares (Johansson, 2016, p.3). Creativity encompasses devising of new business concepts whereas innovation involves the implementation of the designed ideas or actualizing the invented concepts. According to Tuvey (2018, p.2), innovation in the business setup is the manifestation of actions which originates from imagination and discoveries meant to improve or resolve a given organizational problem. Unlike innovation, creativity is typically subjective, hence hard to measure. It can, therefore, be asserted that innovation enables a company to actualize its business concepts thus accomplishing its potential creativity.

Creativity plays a crucial role in enabling an organization to manage its myriad tasks, improving the workforce performance and creation of quality products new (Burrus, 2017, p.3). The advancing technology requires an organization to be flexible to increase its survival in the dynamic environment. Creativity enables the business to identify new approaches to applying technology in its operations. For example, the inception of different social media and online technologies has helped business in incorporating the element of creativity to resolve various marketing problems. On another hand, innovation requires stability and establishment (Tuvey, 2018, p.2). This involves a constant improvement of the company's operations or processes of production. It follows that innovation focusses on adoption of newly created business ideas and transforming them into a useful and practical object or product.

Explanation of the Problem to be Solved and Creative Solutions

Customer interactivity and engagement is a critical area as far as the marketing of the company's products is concerned. Currently, firms operate in a dynamic environment where clients expect brands to forecast and meet their needs and demands in real time (Ference, 2017, p.3). Organizations should acknowledge that customer experience goes beyond the sales journeys. This implies that the emphasis should be on the adoption of marketing approaches that facilitate the capturing of the customer feelings, responses, fixing of the problems and allowing customers to have a strong connection with the brand. This can be accomplished through the implementation of effective customer engagement strategies which focus on encouraging clients to interact and share the experiences that the company has created for them (Johansson, 2016, p.3). Successful implementation of the customer engagement strategies results in improved customer loyalty which is crucial when it comes to the development of competitive brands in the market.

It is now the top priority for organizations to incorporate the elements of creativity and innovation when developing lasting solutions towards the challenges associated with customer engagement. Customer interactivity is one of the creative solutions that can be utilized to increase the levels of customer engagement in a given firm. According to Ference (2017, p.3), interactivity results in better engagement, ultimately building a brand that satisfies client needs. Interactivity draws customers close and enables them to feel like part of the branding process. The whole process of customer interactivity is dependent on the business creativity and innovation applied. For example, when it comes to humanizing the brand, it is crucial to understand customer needs and how they can be captured in the branding process.

The smart lead allocator is one of the innovative solutions to the customer engagement problems. Telemarketing environment requires an innovative technology that enables the business to obtain a right customer lead to the appropriate sales time within the right time. Smart lead allocator technologies will allow contact center agents to be profiled against a database of historical customer data. This approach utilizes various attributes of the client such as customer's profession, location, language and marital status. These attributes will then be matched against a profile of a possible lead (Williams, 2015, p.2). The smart lead allocator system will facilitate the prediction of the conversion rate for every sales agent against a given lead. The primary role of this innovation is to optimize the entire company conversion rate and productivity. Personalized videos, proactive chats, and call tracker are additional innovations that will enhance the company's customer engagement strategies.

The exploited Opportunity

Increasing the levels of customer engagement remains to be a critical challenge to the organizations implementing telemarketing techniques. Ference (2017, p.3) asserts that interactivity results in better engagement, ultimately building a brand which satisfies client needs. Interactivity draws customers close and enables them to feel like part of the branding process. Introduction of these innovations (smart lead allocator, personalized videos, proactive chats and call tracker) are vital in enhancing the company's levels of customer engagement. The adopted customer engagement strategies are expected to develop an effective connection between the contact center and marketing to facilitate the delivery of significant customer experience (Williams, 2015, p.2). This results in improved customer experiences and marketing efficiency thus creating a strong brand which is highly interactive and acceptable in the market.

Barriers to the Process of Creativity

Organizations are required to manage its levels of creativity and innovation to enhance their ability to generate and implement new business ideas. Different businesses encounter challenges when embarking on incorporating various elements of creativity and innovations in their operational strategies. Sieczka (2011, p.3) contend that barriers to creativity and innovation are detrimental to the accomplishment of organizational goals since they hamper the company's ability to improve its efficiency through creative and innovative solutions. Fear of failure (risk avoidance) is one of the critical barriers to creativity and innovation. Adoption of innovations implies the introduction of organizational changes which are associated with significant uncertainties (Sieczka, 2011, p.3). The fear of introducing new ideas and processes due to the likely failure can hinder the company's levels of creativity and innovation.

Inadequate funding is another barrier to creativity and innovation. When it comes to innovations such as smart lead allocator system, personalized videos, proactive chats and call tracker technologies, significant resources are needed for a successful implementation. This indicates that an organization with limited funds can fail to incorporate the earmarked creative and innovative processes and solutions to its operations (Sieczka, 2011, p.3). Executive stress and a massive load of tasks is also a hindrance to creativity and innovations. Senior management is always involved in making cumber-some decisions and management of various organizational activities. This suggests that executives are left with little time engage in creative and innovative thinking.


Creativity and innovation is a primary component which significantly improves the company's competitiveness, profitability, and overall success. It is recommended that the senior management should focus on alleviating forces that can act as barriers to the implementation of the creativity and innovation strategies. The senior management should set aside a significant amount of funds to cater for the costs associated with adoption of the innovative technologies within an organization. This will enhance the success of incorporating various innovations such as smart lead allocator system, personalized videos, proactive chats and call tracker technologies that are vital in promoting telemarketing. This will enhance the company's efforts in bettering its customer engagement strategies. The company's recruitment policies should also focus on assembling creative and innovative workforce which will be tasked with developing new operational ideas.


The digital connectivity and data management has epitomized the advancement of the global business environment. Organizations are now required to embrace the emerging innovations to strengthen their ability to cope with dynamic conditions in the market. The success and profitability of a given corporation are determined by levels of creativity and innovations within its operational procedures. It is therefore essential for corporations to incorporate creative and innovative approaches to resolving organizational problems, thus improving their productivity.


Burrus, D., 2017. Creativity and Innovation: Your Keys to a Successful Organization. Huffingpost , 3(2), pp. 1-3.

Ference, A., 2017. Customer Engagement Strategies That Marketers Can't Ignore. Outbrain , 2(3), pp. 1-5.

Johanson, A., 2016. The Critical Difference Between Creativity And Innovation. Innovation Enterprise , 1(2), pp. 1-4.

Oppel, W., 2015. Overcoming Barriers to Creativity and Innovation:. Leaders Advance Online , 2(1), pp. 1-3.

Sieczka, K., 2011. Cause and Effect: Barriers to Creativity and Innovation. Strategy Alignment And Planning, 2(1), pp. 1-4.

Tuvey, P., 2018. The Difference Between Creativity and Innovation. Fleximize, 3(2), pp. 1-2.

Williams, A., 2015. Shingy: Are you Creative Enough with your Customer Engagement?. CMO, 1(2), pp. 1-3.

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