Essay Example on Cultural Dimension Theory

Published: 2022-04-04
Essay Example on Cultural Dimension Theory
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Multiculturalism
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1029 words
9 min read

The environment today consists of different cultures. Many companies around the world today have a diverse workforce made up of people of varying races and ethnicity. It is paramount to understand these dynamics as they affect how an organization performs. Most of the times different culture lead to conflict rather than creating synergy. As such, cultural diversity can provide an opportunity or challenge to a company. Hofstede, a Dutch psychologist, undertook an in-depth analysis of culture and initiated a cultural dimension theory. Cultural dimension theory gives a structured framework on how to evaluate different countries and cultures.

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Individualism vs. collectivism.

In this scenario, these an individualistic person only strives to achieve personal goals. This is important to the individual and the company as the employee will work hard for the company to satisfy his needs. When he works hard, the company also gains. The problem with this approach is that one will not have a good rapport with his colleagues. For a team to function efficiently, every department in the institution must work in harmony. In a collectivist society, an emphasis is put on a group rather than an individual. Such people can put their needs at risk so that the team can prosper. They are an advantage to an organization as they will strive to ensure the company succeeds to better the whole group. The detriment to this notion is that even if a team is on the wrong path one will still support it. An organization needs bold people who are selfish to the organization objectives and not a group.

Power-index distance.

Power plays a key role in any society. In some community, they have accepted that there is some hierarchy and which it should be followed. The people in power are supposed to care of their subordinates, and in return, they are loyal to their leaders. The senior citizen might eat, seat and even speak first before his juniors can do the same. The distance of power, in this case, is far. The problem with this approach is that people in power might abuse their juniors leading to the failure of a team. It can be good if the leaders are not selfish and treat their juniors with respect the unit will function properly. Some nations have a low distance of power. Here social class is done away, and they strive to achieve equality. Here team members are at will to do what they want. There is freedom to innovate and be your true self. The problem comes when there is too much freedom even to adhere to what the organization wants to achieve.

Uncertainty avoidance index

Different people react differently to change. Some will embrace it others will not. Some societies have a high index of uncertainty, and they do not like change. They will ensure they put barriers to ensure there is no change. Change is paramount in any team as the world is rapidly on the move. Such people will sabotage any change in an organization. Some cultures have a low uncertainty index and are open to change as it improves the community. People have to change and accept new models, approach, and technologies of doing things. If a company refuses to embrace change, it might become redundant.

Masculinity vs. femininity

Some culture put more emphasis on the stereotypes of the dominant gender compared to the so-called weaker sex. Others believe men are superior to ladies and specific Jobs belong to them. In such a society it's hard to find a lady as a team leader though he has the qualifications and traits of one. Those who score low in masculinity try to foster equality between men and ladies. They tend to create a good working relationship between both genders. This is good for the team as both sexes can realize their potential.

Indulgence and self-restraint.

Some culture does not care about tomorrow, and they will strive to achieve the immediate needs of their communities. Others are wary about tomorrow. So they will put constraints to control overindulgence. An organization cannot function like there is no tomorrow not unless it's a Ponzi scheme. But a genuine business with excess profits will consider the future before it digs into its earnings.

Long-term orientation and short-term orientation

Cultures with low orientation value and virtues from the past and present. Respect for their tradition is vital in this culture. Personal values such as greetings and gifts are preferred and encouraged by the community. In long-term orientation, the town is future focused. It is vital for members of the community to achieve their set objectives so as not to fall into shame and ridicule by the society. It's good to set ultimate aim as a team and work hard to get them. Gifts in some instances can be judged as a bribe and bring problems to an organization.

When leading and managing an inter-culture team, it is pivotal for one to be flexible. You have to learn the different cultures and to understand them to prevent any friction between team members. It is also essential to ensure that you get to hear any point from the team members and consider it so as they can feel like part of a team and that their voice matters. As a leader, it's crucial for one to lend an ear to the workers and listen to their grievances or suggestions. This will lead to a better understanding of the predicament at hand. For this team to gel, the interaction between the many cultures should be encouraged. They can have lunch together to get to know each other better. All the team members should be taught the importance of respecting each workers culture. Training of the employees on the importance of corporate norm should be encouraged. This way they will appreciate the process and each other.

Works cited

Bardhan, Nilanjana, and C. Kay Weaver. Public Relations in Global Cultural Contexts. New York: Routledge, 2014. Print.

DAINTON, MARIANNE. Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life. Los Angeles: Sage publications, 2015. Print.

Hofstede, Geert. "Cultural Dimensions in Management and Planning." Asia Pacific Journal of Management 1.2 (1984): 81-99. Web.

Young, Michael R. "Managing Employees." BDJ Team 3.4 (2016): 16066. Web.

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