Essay Example on Global Marketing: An Analysis of France as a Potential New Market for Lyft

Published: 2022-12-26
Essay Example on Global Marketing: An Analysis of France as a Potential New Market for Lyft
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Marketing Strategic marketing
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1786 words
15 min read


The motivation behind this investigation is to give an examination of France as a potential new market for Lyft to present its ride-hailing and sharing business. The report offers the circumstance of the nation as far as political, financial, and social conditions are concerned and how these conditions are probably going to influence the organization and taxi industry in general. A review of the organization just as the nation is important to comprehend the requirement for the organization to extend to France. Furthermore, the dimension of rivalry in the taxi industry is surveyed where Uber and Taxify are the current worldwide players in the French market. Neighborhood contenders incorporate Heetch and Chauffer Prive. The examination observes diversifying and direct venture to be the best method of section for Lyft into the French market in light of the fact that these two modes will guarantee that the organization keeps up its client experience based plan of action. Distinguishing the objective client in another market is significant for a business. As a component of the investigation, the objective market for Lyft in France incorporate visitors and nearby grown-ups. At long last, the paper recognizes a reasonable promoting blend for the organization in the French market.

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Global Marketing


Lyft is a ride-hailing and sharing mobile application that was developed in San Francisco, the U.S. In its underlying stages, Lyft concentrated essentially on the local market of San Francisco with the aim of solving transport problem in the city. By 2012, the organization was working in excess of 100 urban communities in the residential market in the U.S. Afterward, the organization chose to extend to Canada to expand its gainfulness just as give its creative administrations. Presently, Lyft is a worldwide organization available in more than 70 nations (Alemi et al., 2019). The organization wishes to venture into the French market for a few reasons. In the first place, France is the most visited nation on the planet that gives Lyft a one of a kind chance to take advantage of the market. Furthermore, Lyft has recognized a current market gap by ride-hailing applications, especially Uber and Taxify. At long last, the organization would altogether improve its gainfulness and incomes by entering this market.

Brand Overview

Despite the fact that many see Uber to be the undisputed king of online cabs through their preferred versatile application, Lyft, a less realized organization was first on the scene. Established as Zimride in 2007 by John Zimmer and Logan Green, the organization that would later change into Lyft concentrated on ride-sharing for long separation trips as it were. In 2012, Lyft was presented as a feature of Zimride that enabled clients to share rides for a lot shorter treks. In 2013, with the rising prominence of Uber, the developers chose to change Zimride to Lyft while changing their focus totally to short-separate ride sharing. In 2016, the organization earned $700 million worth of income is still on its approach to changing ride sharing the world over (Anwar, 2018). Lyft has encountered monstrous development both in the local and worldwide market on account of its brilliant advertising and inventive delivery method.

Some portion of the showcasing the services, Lyft incorporated its drivers fitting the front of their vehicles with a fluffy pink mustache, which was later supplanted by pink mustache molded light and a shading changing dashboard marker. These highlights made an extraordinary taxi experience unique in relation to the ordinary taxicabs putting Lyft beside its opposition. In January 2017, the absolutely U.S worked organization expanded its zone of activity by including 100 more U.S urban areas. From the achievement Lyft accomplished working in 300 U.S urban areas, the organizers chose to grow all around mid-2018. Before the year's over, the organization was esteemed at $7.9 billion (Harding, Kandlikar, and Gulati, 2018). By wandering into the French market, the organization could additionally expand its benefit, income age, and broadening its outstanding ride-sharing background.

Nation Overview

The French market is typically hard for remote speculators to infiltrate paying little heed to their items or administrations. This is all the more so in the taxi business where even local investors don't seem to understand how the taxi market works. Generally, taxis have been nearly the sole players in the on-request transportation showcase in France, which gave them a monopolistic position. Shockingly, a 2009 law, which presented VTC as a recently made classification of vehicles, was passed. This law controlled the taxi showcase in France by constraining their numbers and permitting more VTCs. Accordingly, in 2010, Paris alone announced having multiple times less taxicabs contrasted with other real urban communities, for example, New York and London (Darbera, 2010).

In 2010, Jean-Marc Sibade and Michel Olivier ventured into the administration restricted taxi industry with the introduction of Easytake. The organization attempted to overwhelm the market by bringing down its tolls to levels that their rivals couldn't manage. For example, travelers would pay for 7EUR for 7km, practically half the cost of an ordinary taxi. Easytake turned into an immediate rival to other local taxi owners who took different court activities against the organization. Because of the complexities brought by the transportation law in the nation, combined with a plan of action that was hard to adjust, Easytake was shut in 2012 (Eskenazi, 2014).

Financial Environment

In 2018, the World Bank positioned France as the seventh biggest economy on the planet simply behind the United Kingdom and India (Cole, 2018). Contrasted with its companions, France has encountered the slowest recuperation from the money related emergency in light of its basic lopsided characteristics. In 2017, its GDP expanded by 2.3 percent which tumbled to 1.6 percent in 2018. The IMF has guage a monetary development rate of 1.6 percent for both 2019 and 2020. Labor and market changes presented by President Macron are relied upon to be the main thrusts of the evaluated economic development. Be that as it may, local economic institutions have updated the development projections downwards in view of the negative effects of social challenges in the nation generally known as the yellow vests development experienced toward the finish of a year ago.

Soon after winning 2017 elections, President Emmanuel Macron propelled an aspiring change program as he guaranteed amid the crusades. The primary territories of focal point of the most youthful president to serve the nation included boosting financial development, lower joblessness rates, and increment the aggressiveness of French ventures, improve open funds and change the negative perspectives on the nation's work showcase by remote speculators (Henao, 2017). One of the unmistakable aftereffects of the changes, which are still in advancement, is the expansion in outside interest in the nation. All the more explicitly, the vehicle business has seen new worldwide organizations enter the market. For example, Uber was the principal organization to work in the nation effectively. While it went to the French market in 2014, it was as of not long ago that challenges by its drivers have finished. The travel industry has likewise extended fundamentally, which offers the most elevated number of taxi clients, particularly in the real urban communities.

Political condition

The political scene of France has been hazardous for a very long time. The French Revolution was brought about by huge holes between the well off and poor people. The ordinary people who trusted that the rich were misusing them executed incalculable imperial blooded individuals. Thus, cutting-edge, the French government has kept up a tight chain on regulatory control. The French individuals need to acknowledge the political and financial changes presented by President Macron, yet some vibe the progressions to be a rehash of the past, which caused the French Revolution (Kesselman, 2018). Indeed, even before President Macron took over control of the legislature, the nation was looked with differences in regards to the expectation of different changes. For example, in 2015, distinctive activity plans were initiated. The most well-known was the Road Safety Action plan, which acquainted 26 new laws implied with protect drivers and people on foot. The nation has likewise experienced different fear based oppressor assaults from the Islamic state.

Yellow vest challenges, which started late, a year ago, are maybe the widest social activation in the nation's ongoing history. The yellow vest development is a political development that looked for monetary equity in the nation. A portion of the inspiration for the activity incorporate rising fuel charges, a surprising expense of living, and assessment changes. The President said that the expansion in charges was intended to "secure the earth by battling environmental change" while in the meantime improving the nation's aggressiveness in the worldwide economy (Cole, 2018). A significant number of the yellow vest dissidents bolster the President's vision in tending to environmental change however restrict his turn of compelling the working class and the poor to pay for an issue that is essentially brought about by the global organizations in the nation. Accordingly, the assessment changes are just extending the hole between the well off and the poor in the nation (Kesselman, 2018). Social Environment

France, similar to some other European nation, puts more accentuation on gathering standards and societal request than people do. Conversely, the U.S culture advocates for independence where individuals are urged to take risks that would attest their singularity and seek after their personal circumstances. French individuals put an increasingly critical worry for other people, esteem individual connections, and put more feeling of family relationship. The nation's way of life urges individuals to do things that will cause more prominent great in the public arena or the networks they live in. It isn't astonishing that French individuals expect organizations to receive a comparable system where the effect on society could easily compare to the benefits and incomes earned for the financial specialists. This social contrast between the U.S. furthermore, France caused Uber to encounter different difficulties while wandering into the French market (Eskenazi, 2014). Lyft can exploit the way that neighborhood shoppers are doubtful about their primary rival when propelling their administrations in the nation. For example, Lyft empowers ride imparting to various individuals, which could bring about making nearby connections between their riders. The association is the premise of French culture.

Rivalry in the Market


Strangely, regardless of confronting difficulties particularly when propelling their administrations in the nation, Uber still appreciates the most astounding piece of the pie in France. As per Alemi et al. (2019), Uber appreciates 45 percent of all out taxi rides in France. In any case, nearby organizations have exploited the issues looked by Uber to remove their piece of the pie. Accordingly, Uber was compelled to fix its relations with the drivers. For example, toward the start of this current year, the organization presented impermanent money related help for the minicab drivers. Protection bundles have likewise been included for its staff. Such techniques have caused Uber to keep up its offer in the profoundly unstable French market.

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Essay Example on Global Marketing: An Analysis of France as a Potential New Market for Lyft. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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