Essay Example on Research and Analysis of the Community in Miami Dade Florida

Published: 2023-10-05
Essay Example on Research and Analysis of the Community in Miami Dade Florida
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Psychology Philosophy Diversity Community Historical events & places
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 928 words
8 min read


Miami-Dade is a county in Florida State which is the third-largest in terms of the population in it, and overall the seventh most populous county in the United States. It is one of the three counties that make up the Miami Metropolitan area, therefore showing the significance of this county to the State of Florida. It is for this reason that this paper will investigate the community in Miami-Dade community, research and analyze the findings of the community and will use the experiences gained from the practice to reflect on the lessons learned from the research process.

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Description of the Community

The majority of the people in the county are of Hispanic origins, with at least a population percentage of 69.4%. Additionally, the immigrants living in the area are also of Hispanic heritage, with the majority of the people coming from Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua (US Census Bureau, 2020). Due to the majorly Hispanic make-up of the community, the county has aspects of the sociocultural setting of Hispanic cultures. The community is set on a coastal setting. Therefore the majority of social events are set around the activities that can occur in and around the beach, hence backing the major theme setting of the community. The people in the area are known for the hospitality and friendliness, which makes Miami-Dade a preferred tourist destination. There are carnivals and musical events set around the area to provide entertainment and to recognize the rich heritage of different people who converge there either to live or visit. Some recreational facilities and parks provide for the entertainment needs of the people concerned and the visitors who come to enjoy the entertainment that the county provides to the people.

Research and Analysis of Miami-Dade Community

The main concern for the people in Miami-Dade is the need for improvement of quality of life in the area. This means that the services provided need to address the provision of services and amenities that will help in the improvement of the life of the members of the community. While the community enjoys the strength of the availability of a large population which provides for the development of the community through payment of taxes, it seems that they require competent leadership which will ensure that they are provided with proper allocation and management of funds, resulting in improved standards of life for the people concerned (Miami-Dade County, 2020). The community also experiences congestion in their public facilities such as the public schools and the public health facilities, which shows the need for leadership to assess the ways through which they can manage the available resources to provide for the needs of the community in Miami-Dade. Congested public facilities mean that the services provided are not of proper quality, therefore leaving the citizens in the county suffering from negligence and poor services.

The community can use the resources available to them to overcome the challenges that they face. First, the county should capitalize on the tourist attractions in the community to attract more tourists, which will translate into more finances being availed to their public offices for the use of development and improvement of the situations in the community. In the same stride, the community should remove the leaders that they feel to be detrimental to their growth and development for the preference of leadership that is develop-minded and has the concerns of the society at heart. When this is done, the possibility of achieving an accountable administration that works towards the achievement of the missions and visions of the society is increased, making the community more enjoyable to live in and set up the development of businesses.

Summary and Reflection

Miami-Dade is a county in Florida that makes one of the three counties in the Florida Metropolitan area. The county has a majorly Hispanic population, which explains the major themes of the community being Hispanic-centered and inspired. The community enjoys the advantage of having a vigorous tourism sector, with the majority of the tourists coming to enjoy the beaches in the area and the parks and entertainment zones within the community. The community, just like any other suffers from the lack of proper socio-economic services that should be provided by the government, therefore explaining the congestion experienced in the community's public amenities such as hospitals and schools, which reduce the possibility of the people looking for these services getting proper services from the government facilities. The residents of the area should, however, look for ways to maximize the tourism sector in their community and use the funds they receive to develop the region. They should also invest in good leadership, which will, in turn, steer them to the areas that they desire to be at in the future.


Through this research, I have been able to see the importance of diversity in a region, as well as the importance of having respect and recognition for the diverse cultures of others. When this is done, the possibility of achieving a community that lives in peace and works towards the achievement of societal goals is achieved. I have also learned the importance of proper leadership in a society since it is only through a competent leadership that a community can be assured of the achievement of their goals and the satisfaction needs.


Miami-Dade County. (2020). Miami-Dade County community action and human services department conducts a community needs assessment survey. Untitled Document.

US Census Bureau. (2020). QuickFacts. Census Bureau QuickFacts.

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Essay Example on Research and Analysis of the Community in Miami Dade Florida. (2023, Oct 05). Retrieved from

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