Essay Example on Securing Data at Rest and in Transit

Published: 2023-05-31
Essay Example on Securing Data at Rest and in Transit
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Security Cyber security
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 594 words
5 min read


One of the changes that the world has experienced within the past ten years is the rise in technology. The rise and the eventual presence of technology in the daily life of human beings has improved how many of the activities are performed. An example of a positive impact of technology is that it has led to communication. In this case, information can be transferred from one place to another. Since technology has made it easier for data to be transferred from one place another, there has been exposed to several risks, such as security issues.

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In most cases, the security issues arise as data is moving from one place to another. Therefore, it is important to ensure data security at rest as well as in transit. According to Fromknecht, Velicanu, and Yakoubov (2014), one of the measures that can be used to secure data at rest as well as in transit is the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Thus, it is important to define the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and propose the solution for securing data at rest and in transit.

Public Key Infrastucture

A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a framework that is used for encryption as well as cybersecurity to protect communication between the client and the server (Fromknecht, Velicanu, and Yakoubov 2014). In the university network security system that has been developed, it is important to ensure that security has been enhanced to protect the information from being vulnerable.


One of the requirements that need to be adopted to secure the university system is to adopt the Public Key Infrastructure. The other requirement that should be adopted in this case is the servers that will be able to control all the operations. Therefore, the solution that will be adopted to ensure that network security is enhanced is data encryption. Data encryption is enabled by the Public Key Infrastructure, whereby data is secured as it moves between two different components.

Importance of the Solution

The importance of this solution is that data cannot be accessed without being decryption. The only component that is capable of decrypting the data is one the receiving end. Also, decrypting the data requires decryption that will be used to access the data (Fromknecht, Velicanu, and Yakoubov 2014). Therefore, this approach secures data that is on transit, thus making it difficult for the in-between to access it. Only the intended party will be able to access the data.


Concluding, the rise of technology has come along with various issues, and one of them is data security. The security of data mainly comes into consideration, especially when a network is being used, for example, in the university. In this case, it is important to take the measures that would secure data moving in between the network system. In the presented project, it is evident that the best approach that would ensure data security would be for the university to adopt the public key infrastructure. The public key infrastructure will help in data encryption. Data encryptions ensure that data is protecting while moving from the source to the receiver. This process will ensure that data is safe since a person in the middle cannot be able to access it unless one has an encryption key. Therefore, it is recommended that institutions should take measures to protect data because when data is protected, the ultimate functions of the institution will be realized.


Fromknecht, C., Velicanu, D., & Yakoubov, S. (2014). A Decentralized Public KeyInfrastructure with Identity Retention. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2014, 803.

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