Essay Example on Why Drugs Should Never Be Legalized

Published: 2023-03-07
Essay Example on Why Drugs Should Never Be Legalized
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Drug Marijuana legalization
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1269 words
11 min read


It is no doubt that the debate on the legalization of drugs still drags on across the globe. Humans will hold different opinions regarding specific issues such as the legalization of drugs, and some will stay the opinion that drugs should be legalized, while a majority of us believe that such a move will jeopardize the universes (Lenke & Borje, 2002 pp. 64-79). Drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, and marijuana are abused continuously across the world. It is from such a philosophical democracy that this paper seeks to outline some of the essential reasons why legalizing every drug is a disaster and extermination to the human race.

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Drug Problem and Controversy

Drug menace affects all socio-economic and political class within the world because of the associated problems such as violence and crime. Many people argue, mostly in the United States of America, that legalizing drugs is a solution to the black market and reduce the crime rate. However, scholars in the economic field assert that a move in which drugs are legally free to flow in the market results in a decrease in drug smuggling and dealing which in essence puts a portion of people out of business and earnings (Lenke, & Borje 2002 pp. 64-79).

Some people have the opinion that legalizing drugs is executable through a change in laws that permits the free usage of drugs such as medicinal values. Some people propose the legalization of narcotics acclaim that abolishing all federal edicts on medications and modifications on drug policies is a way of reducing crimes in the streets. Yet, the fact remains that eradication of the impact of drugs is evident in our society, regardless of the many philosophies implemented by most of our regimes (Lenke & Borje 2002 pp. 64-79).

Some scholars argue that decriminalizing drugs contribute to an upsurge in the consumption of newly allowed drugs such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and amphetamines. Economists support this notion by suggesting that the more a product is supplied and legit, the more significant consumers find it useful. An increase in drug use has significant disadvantages such as low productivity, addiction, crime, industrial and motorization accidents, and health complications (Lenke & Borje 2002 pp. 64-79). Drug prohibition seemingly is a failure, according to some of the citizens of the United States of America, as they believe it has consumed billions of taxpayers' money. Programs meant for drug treatment and prevention, education, arrest, and conviction of drug users and dealers, and the interception of drugs across borders seems to be wastages of money. Some of the people across the world believe that policies enacted are ineffective and hence, manipulated by drug cartels. Prohibiting drugs has the capability of curbing drug abuse among the youth and ensuring that there is no sensation of morality in drug abuse (Lenke & Borje 2002 pp. 64-79).

The pro-legalization movement waters down the efforts so emasculated that it is hard to educate and create awareness on the effects of drug abuse across the world. The fact is that drug users can sacrifice all they possess for the desire to use a drug. The probability is that teenagers who use marijuana are highly expected to use cocaine than those who refrain. Drug use destroys families, schools, lives, and societies. A well-engineered framework is needed to address the issue of drug abuse across the world.

A reduction in the supply of drugs through the disruption of the international drug supply network and collaboration between international agencies responsible for arresting and detaining drug cartels is a sure way of minimizing drug trafficking and peddling. Rehabilitation that encompasses education and treatment is crucial in the eradication of drug usage. However, some scholars suggest that an inclusive amalgamation of demand and supply controls is essential in mitigating the usage of drugs (Lattimore et al., 2010, pp. 253-267).

Since the prohibition of drugs has challenges, it is advisable to apply the ethical principles that are imposed when they are defiled. Scholars suggest that when resolving drug issues do not revolve around addressing drug challenges, creating awareness, and effectively punishing drug felons than such a government has failed in its mandate (Lenke & Borje 2002 pp. 64-79). Law enforcement (well-equipped and competent) on drugs is a sure way of enhancing a drug-free nation.

Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia are known as the largest producers of cocaine. Effective and coordinated intergovernmental cooperation is crucial in ensuring that drug trade is cut off. An actual war on drugs is needed through investment and developing counter-drug policies that ensure that drugs do not find their ways through our borders.

Considerations and Position

It is essential to note that making drug laws relaxed cannot solve the societal issues that generate from drug usage. Values are essential aspects of society; such morals surpass violence, crime, and public health associated with the legalization of drugs. It is prudent to reflect on the public policy, legality, and moral attributes of drug legalization as such principles weigh heavily on personality (MacCoun et al., 2002 pp. 7-19).

Drug use has given rise to various felonious conducts across the globe. Minimizing the supply of drugs mitigates the early stages of drug use from trial to full driven addiction. Some proposers of the legalization of narcotics claim that it increases a nation's revenue from tax collected from the sale of drugs. Economist argues that the cost of the benefit is lost through the funding of programs engendered by drugs and those affected by drug abuse. Furthermore, overtaxing drugs is not a solution to offset the medical and social expenses associated with drug abuse.

Personal Position

Corruption and bribery have hindered the implementation of some of the policies regulating drug use, making it difficult to achieve a drug-free nation. I hope that this world would be free of drugs to ensure a healthy populace that taps on the richness of their diversity. I recommend that it is in each and one of us to put our energies in ensuring that we remain and sustain a drug-free world (Lattimore et al., 2010, pp. 253-267). To achieve such a fundamental role, the creation of awareness, rehabilitation, being vigilant, and providing information to law enforcers are essential ways of ensuring that our streets are free from drugs. I further recommend that the advocacy and formulation of strict laws on drug users and dealers is a sure method of attaining an open drug universe (Lattimore et al., 2010, pp. 253-267).


Drug abuse is a menace that must be tackled by each government and person who values morals in society. As much as some believe that liberal ideas are essential in this century, we cannot run away from the many and known adverse effects of drug abuse across the globe. It is not proper to run away from the fact that drug abuse ruins families, lives, careers, and dreams of millions of people. Tight policies must be enacted to curb drug abuse. Collaboration within nations is also essential in intercepting and arresting drugs and drug traffickers.

Works Cited

Lattimore, Pamela K., Danielle M. Steffey, and Christy A. Visher. "Prisoner reentry in the first decade of the twenty-first century." Victims and Offenders 5.3 (2010): 253-267. Retrieved from

Lenke, Leif, and Borje Olsson. "Swedish drug policy in the twenty-first century: A policy model going astray." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 582.1 (2002): 64-79. Retrieved from

MacCoun, Robert, and Peter Reuter. "PREFACE: The Varieties of Drug Control at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 582.1 (2002): 7-19. Retrieved from

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