Essay on Green Gold: Unveiling the Medical, Economic, and Comparative Aspects of Marijuana Legalization

Published: 2024-01-05
Essay on Green Gold: Unveiling the Medical, Economic, and Comparative Aspects of Marijuana Legalization
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics Medicine Marijuana legalization
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 556 words
5 min read

Marijuana or cannabis is a plant used as a medicinal and recreational drug. Marijuana-based product is retrieved from the dried leaves, stems, seeds, and flowering tops of the hemp plant. The legal status of recreational and medical cannabis is different among states. Cannabis is used to soothe conditions like chronic pain and for pleasurable effects. Marijuana helps with sleep problems, anxiety, Tourette's syndrome, and low appetite. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ratified Epidiolex derived from marijuana in 2018 a medication used to treat two severe and rare Epilepsy types that could not respond to other forms of treatments. This essay will analyze how marijuana is promising for good medication, has economic benefits, and how it is not as bad as other legalized drugs.

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Studies have shown that cannabis is not more harmful to people's health than tobacco and alcohol. If other drugs like alcohol and cigars are legal, cannabis should be too. An estimation of up to eighty-eight people die from alcohol yearly and homicides are more related to alcohol than all other drugs. Tobacco Legal drugs have more deaths, addicts, and overdose records every year in the United States. On the contrary, cannabis is not toxic, and it is not possible to get deaths caused by overdose (Todd, 2018). There are no records or documents of deaths that are caused by marijuana.

Marijuana has proved to have undeniable medical benefits. There is a current growing interest in the chemicals the cannabidiol from Marijuana that treats conditions like childhood epilepsy that causes violent seizures to a child. Scientists have been breeding cannabis plants to retrieve cannabidiol (CBD), which they make in oil form and use it for treatments. (Ishida et al. 2020) The drugs made are not common for recreational purposes because they lack intoxication qualities. Cannabidiol is an ingredient in marijuana responsible for mind-altering and getting people high. Marijuana has high cannabinoid quantities, which has helped scientists produce treatment drugs in the lab.

From a fiscal point legalizing marijuana makes sense. When Colorado legalized and regulated the recreational use of cannabis, it collected tax revenue of more than six million dollars in the first two 2014 months (Todd, 2018). The projection has caused a planned earmark on marijuana money, counting forty million dollars for public schools in the state. Washington estimates two hundred million dollars in the next four years from the fees and taxes from marijuana.


In conclusion, the legalization of marijuana would be a smart move based on the advantages gained from its use. Marijuana has proven undeniable medical benefits from the cannabidiol chemical found in its hemp. The chemical helps treat childhood epilepsy, anxiety, and insomnia and helps with building appetite. Marijuana has also proven its economic benefits, where it has helped in the growth of states. Finally, marijuana is not more harmful to users' bodies than other legalized drugs like alcohol and tobacco. Therefore the legalization of marijuana in all states will have more advantages than other drugs.


Todd, T. (2018). The benefits of marijuana legalization and regulation. Berkeley J. Crim. L., 23, 99.

Ishida, J. H., Zhang, A. J., Steigerwald, S., Cohen, B. E., Vali, M., & Keyhani, S. (2020). Sources of information and beliefs about the health effects of marijuana. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(1), 153-159.

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Essay on Green Gold: Unveiling the Medical, Economic, and Comparative Aspects of Marijuana Legalization. (2024, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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