Essay on Navigating Panama: A Comprehensive Guide on Language, Travel, Health, and Culture

Published: 2023-12-23
Essay on Navigating Panama: A Comprehensive Guide on Language, Travel, Health, and Culture
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Languages
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1058 words
9 min read

How would you feel about staying with a family in Panama if you do not speak the Spanish language well?

The official language of Panama is Spanish. Staying with a family that speaks Spanish while I cannot speak the language will make me feel slightly separated from them. Although I will try my best to fit it, I will still feel slightly off. I may also feel isolated and unable to participate in several things. I will try to solve these problems using visual communication methods, being respectful, and using plain language.

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How might you prepare to improve your Spanish language skills before you depart from home?

There are several ways I will prepare to improve my Spanish language skills. I will listen to language-learning podcasts, I will watch films in Spanish with their translation on, and I will try to find a Spanish native speaker here in America and try to talk to him/her in Spanish. I will also try to change my phone settings to Spanish, and this will help me incorporate the language into my daily practice easily.

What are the passport and visa requirements for traveling to Panama?

Passengers of any nationality must carry a passport with a minimum validity of three months to enter or transit through Panama. For people with a VISA issued by the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, Australia, or any country of the European Union, they can go to Panama without having a VISA as long as they have used it (the VISA) at least once go to Panama (Anywhere Panama, 2020). However, those who wish to remain in Panamanian territory for more than three months and have applied for a temporary or permanent visa will have to apply for a Processing Card for three months while they wait for the visa to be granted (Anywhere Panama, 2020). A short-stay visa is granted to foreigners who do not intend to establish themselves as residents in the country and whose stay will not exceed nine months, since this period of time is non-extendable.

Which vaccinations or medications will you take before you leave home? Where will you go to find out what is currently recommended for traveling to Panama?

Before going to Panama, one must be vaccinated against yellow fever, typhoid, rabies, chickenpox, and Influenza. It is also advisable to be vaccinated against Polio, Pneumonia, Shingles, Chickenpox, Measles, and Zika. It is essential to carry mosquito repellents and nets. I will go to the embassy of Panama in the United States to find out all this information.

What do you need to know about the verbal communication practices of Panamanians so as not to violate social taboos?

In Panama, when addressing males for the first time, it is appropriate to call them 'senor' and 'senora' for females. If it is a single female or a girl or a lady, one should call her 'senorita' and put the last time (Panama Communication Styles, 2017). Panamanians also prefer direct eye contact when conversing.

What do you need to know about the nonverbal communication practices of Panamanians so as not to violate social taboos?

Panamanians are cordial, animated, and cheerful people. When communicating, they maintain close distance and touch one another. Handshakes are for business and formal settings, while a kiss on the cheek is preferred for informal settings (Panama Communication Styles, 2017). However, there is little to no touching when it is a man talking to a woman and vice versa. People point something with their lips when showing direction.

How might you about visiting a traditional healer while in Panama?

When visiting a traditional healer in Panama, I will ask one of my acquaintances to take me to him/her. However, before doing that, I will tell my supervisor and my workmates. It would be better to go with one of my workmates for security purposes.

A few Panamanians, especially the younger generation, are anti-American because of U.S. influence in the Canal Zone, the environmental concerns left by the military in the Canal Zone, and the Manuel Noriega experience. How might you handle negative comments from Panamanian students about Americans?

It is impossible to change the perception that Panamanian students have about Americans abruptly. If some of them speak to me negatively or rudely, I will not retaliate. I will try to be friendly towards them at all times. I will be kind, courteous, helpful, and loving towards them. I will try to change their perception through my kindness. However, if the abuses are too much, I will report the issue to my supervisor.

What do you need to know about arthropod-borne diseases and foodborne and waterborne illnesses you may encounter on your trip?

The damage that insects and other arthropods can either be direct or indirect. Direct damage happens when the action of the animal produces damage. For example, some species of flies (Order Diptera) lay their eggs in wounds, so that their larvae feed on the subcutaneous tissue of both people and animals (Mian, 2017). It is essential to sanitize food well, and avoid the consumption of canned or preserved foods that contain excessive amounts of bubbles, are swollen, or their packaging is damaged.

Foodborne illnesses are a group of diseases acquired by consuming food or beverages contaminated from its origin or mishandling during its preparation, distribution, or sale (Hoffmann & Scallan, 2017). Mainly, they are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that cause damage to health. However, some chemical substances (such as drugs or pesticides) are also associated with these diseases (Hoffmann & Scallan, 2017). Food can be contaminated from its source due to inadequate hygiene practices in production, for example, the risk of fruits and vegetables with sewage, or the presence of drugs in meat due to its excessive use in livestock.

Waterborne diseases occur when one consumes water that has been contaminated with animal or human fecal remains containing pathogenic microorganisms. Feces are full of microorganisms that can be pathogens, and if proper sanitation systems are not available, the fecal matter may enter the water distribution network (Forstinus et al., 2016). Water is a perfect medium in which microorganisms can grow and develop, including pathogenic species. For this reason, water can be a vehicle for the transmission of many bacteria, viruses, and fungi harmful to humans who drink the water and unconsciously introduce these pathogens inside their bodies.

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Essay on Navigating Panama: A Comprehensive Guide on Language, Travel, Health, and Culture. (2023, Dec 23). Retrieved from

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