Essay Sample about Qatar Plastic Products Company and Total Quality Management

Published: 2022-05-19
Essay Sample about Qatar Plastic Products Company and Total Quality Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 603 words
6 min read

Qatar plastic products company is among the biggest companies in Qatar, producing and manufacturing packaging papers using polyethylene resins and hydrocarbon. It is situated in Mesaieed industrial city. The company was started in September 1998 with a starting capital of QR 42 million and a shared capital of QR27 million. The company began commercial production in August 2000. Only 10% of its output is exported to Gulf countries and in Europe. The other 90% is produced and sold in Qatar local markets. It is owned by three shareholders each, holding one-third share of the company. Qatar plastic products company produces mainly fill seals films, shrinkable hood, construction foil, Blue & Black sleeving, Greenhouse & Agricultural films, Top-open Bags, Heavy Duty Trash Bags and General Purpose Foil. Among the leading competitors of QPPC include United Plastic Company, Salem Bin Hassan Al Ansari & Sons Company, and Power 2 Group LLC.

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The utilization of total quality management (TQM) has a lot of advantages. TQM is a management system that is centered on quality, based on the involvement of all its members and targeting long-term benefits to all its members and the community. The four-level model in TQM entails inspection, quality control, quality assurance, and final the total quality management (Griffin 450). TQM has both the customer satisfaction and the economic improvement oriented advantages. TQM contributes to customer satisfaction through the improvement of product quality, product design, product flow in addition to raising employee morale and quality consciousness. Besides, the quality of product service and marketplace acceptance is also improved. In term of economic improvement benefits, TQM reduces the operating cost, operating losses and liability exposure (Griffin 449). The introduction of TQM in QPPC will contribute to its growth due to the continuous improvement that will be witnessed.

Currently, QPPC does not have a definite supplier. However, it intends to cooperate with various companies in the petrochemical sector. Lack of a definite working supply chain strategy may be causing the company a lot of money. To reduce cost and improve service level, effective supply chain strategies must be integrated into the various levels of the supply chain (Ashby et al. 500). If QPPC intends to develop a supply chain management, there are vital issues that must be considered in the design. The system should include a strategic level which should have a long-term effect, tactical level and finally the operational level which would influence the day-to-day activities (Ashby et al. 500; Javier et al. 194). Additionally, QPPC should integrate their supply chain and engage in strategic partnering. By involving other companies in the supply chain, the profit is generally maximized.

QCCP enjoys a robust local market base. About 90% of its products are sold locally. Additionally, the company has a wide range of product that is sold within the country. Thus, consumers have plenty of choices to pick from. Furthermore, being a big company, it enjoys significant market penetration. However, the company can improve its sales even further through various promotion campaigns. The products can be advertised in local media. Besides, product improvement can also be employed to enhance the level of reception by the consumers. Changes in the products, for example, the introduction of a more attractive packaging system would increase its sale. Also, a good TQM and SCM will help in the improvement of the product and increased market penetration.

Works Cited.

Ashby, Alison, Mike Leat, and Melanie Hudson-Smith. "Making connections: a review of supply chain management and sustainability literature." Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 17.5 (2012): 497-516.

Griffin, Ricky W. Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning, 2013.

Janvier-James, Assey Mbang. "A new introduction to supply chains and supply chain management: Definitions and theories perspective." International Business Research 5.1 (2012): 194.

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Essay Sample about Qatar Plastic Products Company and Total Quality Management. (2022, May 19). Retrieved from

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