Essay Sample: Core Values and Ethical Principles of Social Work

Published: 2024-01-02
Essay Sample: Core Values and Ethical Principles of Social Work
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ethics Social work Community
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1235 words
11 min read


The social work core values determine the competency of social work alongside the corresponding principles. Thus, before engaging in the social work profession, individuals have to ensure they consider the values that can help them conduct operations in the field with due ethical considerations. The social work profession requires many values that correspond to ethical principles because social workers have various responsibilities and tasks to undertake while serving clients. Therefore, their competence in interpersonal communication skills is related to the ethical principles and core values that a social worker has to consider while serving different clients they interact with at work. Daily, social workers strive to ensure that human rights are upheld, and they are in apposition to get quality service whenever they need any form of assistance. By serving people, social workers contribute to ensuring that people live comfortably and free from various forms of injustice that might deny them the right to live freely. This paper will explore the six core values and ethical principles concerning social; work within contemporary society and manifest in the individual daily life.

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Social workers' primary goal and objective are to ensure that they can address all primary challenges people face and help people within society. Service is the stem from which the other forms of social work originate. Social work revolves around serving others and ensuring that they get satisfaction and solutions to their needs. In most cases, social workers try to ensure that they can elevate their interests towards ensuring that they can use their skills to serve others and relieve them from the social challenges they might be facing at any given time (Barsky, 2019).

As a social worker, the value fits into my daily life while undertaking routine social work tasks in the field. For instance, as a social worker, I volunteer to spend time serving clients without any expectation of financial reward or any form of appreciation that can help them feel appreciated and put effort into the ways of services they deliver within society. Therefore, I agree that service is an essential value that every social worker has to portray. I would also aim to devise more frameworks for effectively showcasing the value in every undertaking within my line of duty.

Social Justice

Social workers stand in to ensure that they advocate for those who are lowly regarded within the community to ensure they get social services equally. In most cases, social workers focus on general social challenges that include discrimination, harassment, and other different forms of injustice that people face within society. Social workers educate people on how they can avoid social injustices and give those guidelines that can help them effectively participate in social development without discrimination (Mapp et al., 2019).

As a resilient social worker, the value fits into my daily activities since a considerable number of activities within any duty that I undertake require knowledge and understanding of social justice. The primary aspect of social work is social justice since it must be found in every task that requires social skills. I agree with these core values since they ensure that social workers actively engage clients in activities that can help them enjoy their rights and, at the same time, be able to share the challenges they are facing. Besides, the values do not differ from my values because it is not possible to deliver services without social justice.

Dignity and Worth of an Individual

Every individual is different due to the differences in terms of social values and principles they uphold daily. Therefore, the value forms a core value in matters of ethical correspondence to social work values. As a social worker, I have always remained mindful of the social differences between clients to ensure the client's satisfaction effectively. I agree that it is essential for social workers to be sensitive when serving both individual clients and the community and ensure that all rights are reserved. This creates a typical instance of equality practice among the clients.

Relationships within the Society

Social workers must ensure that they connect people to the right channel to help them get quality help for their needs. In daily activities within the line of duty, I have noticed that facilitating human relationships is useful to my career since it ensures clients get quality service during service delivery from different channels. This value fits in my life because it is impossible to relate to others without any relational skills.

Also, the value of relationships in my regular engagements is not different from the importance of relationships in social work since it is general. The results of the concepts are comparable in their best application in service delivery by social workers. Simultaneously, it has different clauses in that each is applied to the consideration of the basic service for delivery in line of duty.


Trustworthiness is essential in ensuring a cordial relationship between social workers and clients seeking their services (Golightley and Goemans, 2020). As a social worker, I have to be aware of my professional objectives and, at the same time, ensure that I can gain the trust of my clients towards creating value for the population that I serve. Therefore, we have to be honest with the clients we serve to set good examples for other juniors in the same line of career to emulate and serve clients effectively. My values do not differ in any way and it is not possible to help people without upholding a particular level of integrity.


A social worker becomes competent in service delivery through long-term job experience and learning from other social workers. This value ensures that we deliver services within our scope of professionalism to assure quality services to the people they serve within society. As a social worker, I have always strived to gain more knowledge and skills to contribute to voluntary social work activities. I have experienced this value while working as a doctor in a local dispensary in my rural home in various social work activities that are far beyond my assigned duties.

Therefore, I agree that competence is a core value in my life from that experience because service delivery of any kind requires an individual who has expertise in the specific field for quality purposes. This core value agrees with my values since competence is mandatory in service delivery to humanity.


On balance, there is more to the importance of the ethics and values of social work in service delivery within society. Social workers should therefore showcase the critical social work values that are consistent with the ethical principles considered as essential in the service delivery. It is because clients are always vulnerable in every profession, and it is essential to ensure client satisfaction. Thus, social workers have to be passionate about the social work they do because the clients they serve, in most cases, are not in a [position to advocate for themselves. Besides, they have to ensure they champion the vulnerable within society by upholding social work's core values and principles to reap the due manifestations of their skills and knowledge in society.


Barsky, A. E. (2019). Ethics and values in social work: An integrated approach for a comprehensive curriculum. Oxford University Press.

Golightley, M., & Goemans, R. (2020). Social work and mental health. Learning Matters.

Mapp, S., McPherson, J., Androff, D., & Gatenio Gabel, S. (2019). Social work is a human rights profession. Social work, 64(3), 259-269.

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