Essay Sample Dedicated to Nursing Career Advancement

Published: 2022-03-09
Essay Sample Dedicated to Nursing Career Advancement
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Career Professional development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 922 words
8 min read

In the contemporary setting, there is an increased degree in innovation and restructuring of the national healthcare system that naturally accelerates the patient care, which in turn requires constant education and professional development for the nurses. Such is imperative to ensure that the nurses remain at the cutting edge of their field. Engaging in career or professional development essentially means that the nurse goes to school. Studying lays the much-needed foundation for nurses to access opportunities particularly on medical advances, advanced medical practice, and the relevant new technologies. Additional rewards for continuing education for the nurses further include but not limited to possible improvement in the level of compensation into management position or on-demand specialties. Significantly, advanced training may soon be a requirement for nurses hoping to advance RN career. Therefore, it is evident that career or professional development is no longer a luxury but a basic requirement for personal growth and improvement in career.

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Progressively, the American Nurses Association or the ANA has the propensity of increasing its requirements for employment or minimum education requirements, meaning that the system will certainly render nurses that fail to comply obsolete. The redesigned system will see the nurses have an integral role to play within the healthcare fraternity. The expanded roles will require the nurses to have higher standards of training (Henley et al., 2013). It is crucial for nurses to attain the required levels of training that is only attainable to through relevant education. Researchers and practitioners predict that in the near future BSN might be the minimum qualification for practice. To this end, b-placement and clinical rates for BSN graduates will definitely expand the employment opportunities. Various organizations currently prioritize preparing highly educated nurses who have the abilities of adapting to the technological and practice inventions in the field. Individuals should therefore focus on master's, doctoral, and baccalaureate nursing programs for professional improvement.

It is worth noting that there is a proven link between the level of education and the quality of care, and the phenomena show direct proportionality. It means that highly qualified nurses provide better care thereby reducing the mortality rates with significant percentage. Improved educational levels has the propensity of enhancing a person's grasp of then nursing concepts and provide the necessary experience, allowing them to be more adaptable the changing care environment. History proves that people who refuse to change with the changing times always lag behind, and a nurse who refuses to go back to school or denies the impact of education in their career trajectory will soon regret it.

Education is the only tool for nurses who yearn to take up more responsibilities, and more roles that are specialized. It therefore accords the nurses the chance to stay on top of their practice while simultaneously improving the degree of patient care, which is the main objective of any healthcare institution or practice (Robinson & Dearmon, 2013). Staying stagnant is not an option. Nurses who hope that they will somehow remain on top by ignoring education or any other form of professional development risk losing their jobs to the more dynamic and adaptable workforce that changes with times. It is important for nurses to pursue both the long-term and short-term educational opportunities that include certificate programs, continuing education, and degree program that may take time to complete that will ensure that they succeed in their fields even in the future.

Notably, practicing nurses have tight professional and personal schedules that make it hard to advance their education due to the limited time. However, such excuses are intolerable in the wake of online courses that permit the nurses to focus on both education and work at the same time. Various sites offer sufficient and approved courses for a manageable fee. An example of such a site is, which is accessible everywhere in the globe at any given time. In additional, the network of colleges offer the online course that include MSN and RN bridging courses that makes work easier for nurses who yearn to attain higher education. The online courses enable the students to pursue the courses at the pace they desire. The nurses have the opportunity to concentrate in both academia and work with similar amount of dedication and passion. The courses are exceedingly flexible since the applicants may dedicate just one hour during the first week and then move on progressively as their timetable allows.

As demonstrated, education is the best option for professional and personal progress. Nurses need education in order to advance their career and to sharpen their skills in the face of invention and technological innovation, which is the norm in the contemporary work environment. Career advancement is no longer an option but a requirement that needs accomplishing at all costs. A nurse that shows no interest in education risks lagging behind, or even losing their jobs. Nursing is a profession that is quickly changing and requires relevant skills. Professionals need to update their skills and acquire new information about new ideas in the field. Progress is therefore the only constant factor for the nurses.


Henly, S. J., McCarthy, D. O., Wyman, J. F., Heitkemper, M. M., Redeker, N. S., Titler, M. G., ... & Conley, Y. P. (2015). Emerging areas of science: Recommendations for nursing science education from the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Idea Festival. Nursing Outlook, 63(4), 398-407.

Robinson, B. K., & Dearmon, V. (2013). Evidence-based nursing education: Effective use of instructional design and simulated learning environments to enhance knowledge transfer in undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(4), 203-209.

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