Essay Sample Discussing Alternatives to the Problem of Youth Homelessness

Published: 2022-07-18
Essay Sample Discussing Alternatives to the Problem of Youth Homelessness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Society Human services
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 491 words
5 min read

Youth homelessness is a major social problem in the US. Although efforts are being made to mitigate the lack of homes for the youth, more needs to be done to effectively address the issue. Provision of more shelter, staff training, and reduction maximum sheltering age can be critical in this respect.

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Provision of shelter is essential for homeless people. Increasing funding for shelter can offer adequate accommodation solutions to homeless youth. However, increasing money for the shelters may not be a feasible alternative due to high operational expenses. According to Surowiecki(2014), keeping people in shelters costs at least two times more than providing victims with houses. Such costs are likely to demand larger budgets which may not see the light of day in an environment of limited resources. Even victims consider the provision of housing as the most important need for the homeless persons (Stewart, Reutter, Letourneau, Makwarimba, & Hungler, 2010). This means that provision of shelters should be a quick route for transition into a new life.

Training equips employees to deal with the unique needs of homeless youth. The study of Morton et al. (2018) concluded that there is a need for social workers and other stakeholders to devise youth-centered systems and strategies to address homeless risks facing certain subpopulations. As such, the training and inclusion of LGBT staff can be a feasible way of dealing with homelessness and its effects among LGBT persons. It is common for minority groups to trust people with similar attributes hence necessary that similar subpopulations are adequately trained to adequately address the emotional and material needs of youth. One can be given shelter or housing but if emotional and psychological needs are not addressed, they are likely to end up in the streets.

Lowering of age to 16 years can play a vital role in the transition. Youths at shelters need to be transitioned as soon as possible to allow them to adjust to a life of their own after assuming adulthood. This can reduce the amount of resources used to house them in shelters as well as hasten the program of providing out-of-shelter support (Stewart et al, 2010). As a result, administration costs accruing from their stay at the shelters increases while increasing their readiness for the outside world. The approach, however, has a potential to attract opposition due to the fact that adult age is 18 years.

As a conclusion, provision of shelter is vital for homeless youth. Lowering of age can increase transition and reduce strain on resources. However, the highlighted factors need to be supported by a trained workforce, especially one that is equipped to handle issues of minorities such as LGBT people.


Morton, M. H. et al. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of youth homelessness in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62(1), 14-21.

Stewart, M., Reutter, L., Letourneau, N., Makwarimba, E., & Hungler, K. (2010). Supporting homeless youth: Perspectives and preferences. Journal of Poverty, 14(2), 145-165. doi:10.1080/10875541003711631

Surowiecki, J. (2014). Home Free? The New Yorker.

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Essay Sample Discussing Alternatives to the Problem of Youth Homelessness. (2022, Jul 18). Retrieved from

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