Essay Sample: Fate Over Individual Will in the Example of Oedipus the King

Published: 2022-08-19
Essay Sample: Fate Over Individual Will in the Example of Oedipus the King
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Sophocles Ancient Greece Ancient history
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1123 words
10 min read

Fate is seen as the fundamental part of life in ancient Greece. According to Oedipus' life, every aspect of life is seen to be depended upon one's fate. Free will is mostly seen to be sandwiched between fate and one's negligence. Each is seen to be the determinant of their life as seen in the decision of Oedipus the King's life. Fate is seen to supersede free will throughout the Sophocles. In most cases, the personality of an individual was considered to be the determinant of their free will. However, the weight of one's fate is portrayed to supersede free will (Sophocles 64). Oedipus is described as the King whose desire for the truth and knowledge concerning his existence made his free will to be attributed to his quest for the insight. An individual fate is portrayed to be stronger than their free will concerning Oedipus's quest for the truth of his origin.

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According to Sophocles (Sophocles 67), Teiresias statement that "let me go home, bear your fate, and I will bear mine" portrays that fate overrides one's free will. Teiresias also assures Oedipus that what she says is worth to be trusted, but Oedipus outlines that what she means is ungracious and unhelpful concerning his naive country. Teiresias describes that fate makes him not to torture himself with things that cannot change what has been predetermined to be his fate. Teiresias profoundly portray the theme of fate which is seen to override free will concerning the conversation with King Oedipus (Sophocles 67). Fate makes Teiresias stick to his word even after facing accusations that he anticipates harming his friends by holding to his assumptions about fate and failing to consider the importance of free will. Teiresias sticks to his point of not sharing what he believes to be his fate even after Oedipus begs for a hint of what Teiresias expects as his fate. Teiresias sticks to the point that he cannot change anything that concerns one's fate thus he holds to his secret that bothers him as his fate. Teiresias clings to the idea that one ought to abide by what According to Teiresias, free will does not control one's destiny. Therefore, fate is seen to be the determinant of one's life changes until their death (Sophocles 67).

Even though Oedipus sticks to his idea that humankind can determine his fate through the aspect of free will, Teiresias disapproves the element of free will by holding to his assumptions about predetermined fate. Teiresias powerfully portray the theme of luck superseding free will with his conversation with Oedipus. According to Teiresias, fate, the divine power that offers control over free will, is the sole determinant of one's life (Sophocles 69). Teiresias tries to uphold the idea that it is gods who control and manipulate the concepts of humans concerning their fate through free will. For that matter, fate stands out to be stronger than free will and the ultimate fate concerning humans is what overcomes their actions and their ultimate life as human beings. Destiny is a predetermined aspect of one's life that cannot be changed through free will, but it is controlled in the predetermined direction by one's approach of handling free will.

Kreon outlines that fate is the determinant of every aspect that happens around Kind Oedipus. He also describes that the accusations that Kind Oedipus claims upon him are controlled by the fate that is predetermined concerning King Oedipus's life (Sophocles 69). "the guilty of treason that is set upon Kreon with Teiresias does not bother Kreon since he believes that the destiny of an individual cannot be prevented by any external forces whatsoever. For that matter, Kreon does not hesitate to face his punishment concerning treason. Thus he accepts to be judged and convicted of treason that should be accompanied by the death penalty. He also says that he should cast his vote concerning the death sentence due to the fate that has stood upon his way.

Choracos also outlines he ought to die in case it is a must for him, and he describes that he would rather die without a friend as his fate cannot be controlled by free will (Sophocles 70). According to Choracos, fate overrides free will, and that human beings may determine the fate of an individual. Most of the characters tend to believe in the supernatural control that the gods have on human beings thus they tend to submit to whatever it takes to live according to what life wait of them (Sophocles 70). Choracos believes that trying to avoid one's fate leads to more suffering and harm yet the pre-determined fate ought to be achieved. There is an apparent tension that exists between free will and destiny concerning the tragedy that most characters' face. For instance, Choracos and Kreon accept what fate awaits and expects of them thus they submit to what it takes of them to fulfil the predetermined fate.

According to the approaches that Oedipus faces in his Kingship life, it is seen that fate has power over free will and that in most aspects, the free will controls what one has to do to arrive at what life expects of them. No one can avoid fate. Thus Choracos accepts the fact that he has to die without any friend on his side as fate has decided what he has to pass through as a way of his life (Sophocles 70. Similarly, Kreon and Tereisus face the same urge to accept what fate awaits them by sticking to his point that what fate has for him is no one's business, and he openly tells King Oedipus that they should all learn to control their fate.

Choracos acknowledges the fact that he is unwise and that his life was predetermined earlier by the supernatural forces that the gods have (Sophocles 70). When Choracos explains his worries concerning the danger that Iokaste is up to when she left, Oedipus outlines to him that he should not worry about what might happen to him (Sophocles 74). Oedipus describes that "let it happen" thus proving that whatever happens to everyone is usually controlled by fate.

In summation, free will has been found to be controlled by one's fate. it has clearly outlined that an individual fate is portrayed to be stronger than their free will concerning Oedipus's quest for the truth of his origin. In most cases, the play has portrayed that fate has power over free will and in most cases, the characters have portrayed to comply with the supernatural control that gods have on human beings. Death is a way of fulfilling one's predetermined fate which is usually arrived at through people's free will.

Works Cited

Sophocles. "Oedipus the King" The Three Theben Plays Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1991: 64-79

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Essay Sample: Fate Over Individual Will in the Example of Oedipus the King. (2022, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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