Essay Sample on AAPD: Championing Disability Rights for Lasting Change

Published: 2024-01-05
Essay Sample on AAPD: Championing Disability Rights for Lasting Change
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Justice Human rights
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 457 words
4 min read

Public interest groups are groups that work together to fight for the rights of their members or work toward making general changes to the public good. All these groups work through a public campaign, advocacy, and lobbying the government to make certain changes regarding public policy. Each public interest group varies with what it lobbies on for gains. There exist economic and business interest groups, labor interest groups, professional interest groups, consumer interests, and environmental interest groups (Flynn, 2015). In this article, we are going to talk about the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) as follows:

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AAPD is a non-profit organization founded on 25th July 1995 by a group of American citizens who champion individuals living with disabilities (Gold, 2010). Its primary purpose is to push for further implementation of the Americans Living with Disabilities Act. AAPD is a national rights organization for the disabled. It fully advocates for the civil rights of over 50 million Americans living with disabilities by enhancing fair economic power, opportunity, political participation, and independent living. AAPD, as a convener, is recognized as an association that calls for solidarity amongst all who love equality and justice. It is a massive community and incredibly diverse.

As a major convener, the AAPD helps build unity and trust through honest conversations that help identify major areas to champion in political forums. AAPD encourages standing together in solidarity to help in achieving the power to establish prolonged change. AAPD, as a connector, creates the awareness of disability being a normal existence of humans that is influenced by all of our interactions (Noreen & Michael, 2011). As a connector, it helps bridge through joining the disabled community with our adversaries, schools, friends, community, and businesses at large in spreading a reasonable voice for change.


In conclusion, the AAPD is among the public interest groups that can achieve long-term care for its individuals. As the champions of justice, most of its underestimated actions have led to significant transformations. Being a catalyst, AAPD is oriented in actions by creating a chain of reactions that speed up change for extraordinary results (Rimmerman, 2013). Besides, as stated by Justin Dart, the founding member, AAPD, allows every individual to live in unity. This helps create a powerful voice required to overcome decades of years of physical barriers.


Flynn, E. (2015). Disabled justice?: Access to justice and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Ashgate Publishing.

Gold, S. D. (2010). Americans with Disabilities Act. Marshall Cavendish.

Noreen M. Glover-Graf, R., & Michael J. Millington, C. (2011). Psychosocial aspects of disability: Insider perspectives and strategies for counselors. Springer Publishing Company.

Rimmerman, A. (2013). Social inclusion of people with disabilities: National and international perspectives. Cambridge University Press.

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Essay Sample on AAPD: Championing Disability Rights for Lasting Change. (2024, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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