Essay Sample on Employee Recognition, Appreciation, and Praise

Published: 2023-04-01
Essay Sample on Employee Recognition, Appreciation, and Praise
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1403 words
12 min read

Over the years, management is believed to be essential for an organized life and required in running all types of management. It is important to note that proper management is the backbone of all successful organizations across the world. Notably, managing business organizations or any other entity means getting various activities done with and through other people to achieve the set goals of that organization. Management has been a controversial issue as to whether it should be classified as a science or an art, and the debate is still raging on (Daft & Marcic, 2016). However, there is a general agreement and belief that some form of formal academic management background helps in successful management. The view has been confirmed by the fact that practically most Chief Executives of renowned organizations are all graduates. The essay will look at management in general by discussing how effective leaders, through their proper management skills and experience, can recognize the importance of recognizing their employees in their commitment and good work for the organizations they manage. Further, the paper will discuss the importance of appreciation and praise for their employees as these are essential aspects of motivating a committed workforce for the good of the organization as there will be the increased output of a motivated employee.

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A manager or any leader has to possess certain inherent qualities as well as traits that help in playing a directing role and commanding influence on other people (Daft & Marcic, 2016). Therefore, it is essential to note that leadership is a crucial component of management and performs a vital role in various managerial operations. However, management is an integral component of social and technical processes. The management process started a long time ago, and is as old as human civilization, even though its study in a scientific way as a separate body of knowledge is of recent origin (Daft & Marcic, 2016). In different forms, management is a crucial part of living and is essential in any situation where human effort is needed to achieve the set objectives.

The importance of employee recognition cannot be understated. Recognition is a humble process that involves giving positive feedback about a performance by an employee. Sometimes, recognition happens in a very formal way in terms of a bonus, an award, a raise in salary, or even through promotion (Shonubi, Abdullah, Hashim, & Hamid, 2016). However, it is sometimes given formally through a handwritten note or simply through a verbal thank you. Most importantly, all these forms of showing recognition are very meaningful, especially when they are done in a genuine and timely manner. These methods are inspiring and motivating as all employees want their excellent performance to be commended.

However, recognition has some limits. Being that it is performance-based, it becomes conditional. Also, it is based on the past; therefore, it only depends on what had already been done by an employee (Shonubi et al., 2016). Further, the fact that it is scarce means that only a limited amount of recognition is available for otherwise a large number of employees that an organization could be having that cannot all be recognized or mentioned. It can, therefore, lead to unnecessary competition among employees at the expense of the organization. It is believed that recognition in terms of monetary reward is better than other forms. However, researchers from the London School of economic revealed that financial compensations could fail when an organization wants to motivate its employees as such incentives may reduce the natural inclination of an employee to complete a job and get pleasure from such a task (Shonubi et al., 2016).

While employee recognition involves giving feedback on the performance of an employee, appreciation consists of acknowledging the inherent value of a worker. Here, the accomplishment of tasks is not considered but rather their worth as human beings as well as colleagues. Understandably, recognition depends on what people do, while appreciation is what these employees are to the organization (Shonubi et al., 2016). The difference between these two terms is significant as they are given for varying reasons. It is because even when employees succeed, there will be some challenges and failures in the process of discharging their duties, and there may be even nothing to point out as a result. Therefore, if managers focus only on praising positive results, through recognition, the organization will miss lots of opportunities to support and connect with employees in appreciating them (Shonubi et al., 2016).

Appreciation can be shown in different ways. Firstly, it is believed that one of the best things any organization can do to its employees is to listen to them (Shonubi et al., 2016). This can be through keenly listening to their requests as a manager and giving them time to explain their points. Secondly, checking in on employees is such a great way to appreciate their efforts. By genuinely asking then how they are doing as well as the difficulties they are facing can show them that the organization is concerned and cares about them. Also, by telling employees what they are valued is another great way for the employees to feel appreciated (Shonubi et al., 2016). They feel this as a very powerful gift as it positively challenges how they feel about themselves as well as the relationship with the organization. It enhances team cooperation.

As a manager in an organization, showing appreciation for employees is an essential aspect. A large number of employees feel more appreciated by their managers and would enable them to stay for an extended period in their organizations (Shonubi et al., 2016).

There is no doubt that when one is praised, they will feel good and happy. When an employee receives positive feedback or is complimented, they will feel the pleasure, pride as well as increased feelings of motivated self-esteem. All this is because when one is praised, it triggers the release of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that helps in controlling the pleasure and reward centres of the brain. Also, this neurotransmitter contributes to creative problem-solving techniques as well as innovative thinking. However, these positive effects are short-lived, and therefore, for praise to have a long-lasting impact on employees, it has to be offered regularly.

Various researchers and psychologists have been amazed by the results of praise on behavior and performance, and what this means to the organizations they are engaged with. It should be understood that employees who are praised become very loyal and feel satisfied and enjoy good health as compared to those who are not praised. Praising employees does not cost an organization anything, and various studies indicate that it can even be more effective and satisfying as offering a monetary reward to an employee (Rath & Clifton, 2004).

Praising is beneficial for both the employee and the organization. However, it should be noted that how it is delivered is crucial, bearing the effectiveness of such praise. In this case, it is believed that only genuine and sincere achievements should be praised (Rath & Clifton, 2004). It is because insincere and empty talks have no value. In most cases, undeserved praise can do more harm to an employee than when there was none. Therefore, alongside diminishing the effect of the genuine praise that is offered sometimes, it also prevents employees from knowing when and where to improve (Rath & Clifton, 2004).

In conclusion, there is no doubt that recognizing, appreciating, and praising employees' achievements and efforts in an organization help to bring positive impacts. As stated above, being recognized makes an employee feel that their performance has been viewed positively. However, appreciation makes employees feel that the value of their task has been noticed. This is one of the significant intrinsic motivating factors of an employee. Further, when an employee is praised, they will feel good about themselves and boosts their morale and performance as it provides some positive experience.


Daft, R. L., & Marcic, D. (2016). Understanding management. Nelson Education. Retrieved from

Rath, T., & Clifton, D. O. (2004). The power of praise and recognition. The Gallup Management Journal. Retrieved from

Shonubi, O. A., Abdullah, N., Hashim, R., & Ab Hamid, N. B. (2016). Recognition and appreciation and the moderating role of self-esteem on job satisfaction and performance among IT employees in Melaka. Journal of Health Science, 4, 221-227. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Employee Recognition, Appreciation, and Praise. (2023, Apr 01). Retrieved from

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