Essay Sample on Google Analytics

Published: 2023-12-12
Essay Sample on Google Analytics
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Google Social media marketing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 772 words
7 min read


As earlier noted in the projects, American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) is a top worldwide specialty retailer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. The specialty retailer offers high quality, on-trend clothing, accessories, and products centered on personal care at customer-friendly prices. The top-notch retailer focuses on optimism, inclusivity, and individual empowerment of its customers and associates. About AEO, the document will provide broad insight into how the group uses the SMART rubric and Google Analytics in the AEO project. Moreover, the paper will detail how the group will use segmentation and conversion metrics in the AEO project.

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Google Analytics

Like in AEO marketing, every effort in marketing should originate from the set marketing goals with the SMART rubric to offer better anchoring of the marketing effort. However, it is never guaranteed to see immediate results for an engaging audience and building communities. By adopting the SMART rubric, the group founded a robust goal framework that assisted in goal-setting efforts for AEO (Weber, 2015). SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. First, the group set specific marketing goals for both the brand and revenue prospects. The objectives define the specialty retailer based in the particular marketing initiatives and the company as a whole. By communicating the specific goals, it aids in properly laying out what the priority for AEO is? What does it hope to accomplish? What efforts are strategized in ensuring accountability?

Under setting measurable marketing goals, AEO in the project first determines key performance indicators (KPIs) in attaining the revenue goal and overall business sustainability. Setting attainable marketing goals goes a long way too in assessing the ability of AEO to accomplish its goals. For instance, in the “Skinny Skinny” jeans campaign, AEO targeted an additional 5% increase of new fans on top of the 4.77 million fans across the social media platforms (Weber, 2015). In verifying the viability of the set marketing goals, AEO scrutinizes and ascertains that “Realistic” marketing goals are practical. The final step in the SMART rubric is setting “Timely” goals of marketing in which AEO designates both short and long term goals in marketing the brand.

Moreover, the project encompasses Google Analytics tool in marketing the brands of clothing, accessories, and products. The project's group first started by defining users, dimensions, metrics, and bounce rate, as is the case when using Google Analytics. The group focused on three sections that matter most to marketers; (1) audience section, whereby the category offers concrete data on the visitors to the website, providing information on gender, age, and location; (2) acquisition section-google-analytics, the section offers concrete information on how individuals arrive at the marketing website; and, (3) behavior section-google-analytics, under the behavior section, it aids the group in comprehending how people interact with the AEO site thus offering insight to AEO on the most popular pages on the website (Weber, 2015).

Segmentation and Conversion Metrics

Undoubtedly, segmentation helps streamline customization, optimizing cost-efficiency, leading to market expansion as the AEO project would wish. Data segmentation goes a long way in drastically improving customers' different experiences in using the website to shop. Additionally, properly aligning data segmentation will help the AEO business customize everything from retargeting ads to loyalty programs (Dietrich, 2016). By maximizing on B2B marketing, segmentation will prove valuable and reliable in improving conversion rates. In data segmentation, the group project will personalize the AEO website in targeting specific customers in the fashion industry by tailoring on the brand other than the outdated way of spreading one mass message. The segmentation will focus on the visitor to the website and the intended experience that the business would wish to instill into the visitor (Dietrich, 2016).


Therefore, segmentation will address behavioral, demographic, and historical contexts of every visit. Goes without saying that visitors will most likely convert if something they desire is offered as relevant content translates to happy shoppers and increased sales. Moreover, the content provided will seek to grab the consumer's attention, exploring massive value, which sparks a quick take action (Dietrich, 2016). The project will emphasize personalizing the email campaigns to suit customers at different conversion funnel stages well. Furthermore, the team will try actualizing on offering exceptional loyalty programs that resonate with the target customer markets and retarget advertisements to keep the brand alive in the mind of the customers.


Dietrich, T. (2016). Segmentation in Social Marketing: Five Steps to Success. Segmentation in Social Marketing, 77–92.

Weber, J. (2015). Using Google Analytics with BigQuery for Big Data Analysis. Practical Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for Developers, 237–255.

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Essay Sample on Google Analytics. (2023, Dec 12). Retrieved from

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