Essay Sample on Johnson & Johnson's Strategic Marketing Push Into Dubai Market

Published: 2023-06-30
Essay Sample on Johnson & Johnson's Strategic Marketing Push Into Dubai Market
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Marketing Strategic marketing
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1168 words
10 min read


This article investigates the marketing analysis of Johnson & Johnson company in the segmentation of its products to be introduced in Dubai for sale. The products include pharmaceuticals, consumer, and medical devices. Johnson & Johnson is hopeful to battle in the Dubai market by promoting its superior health products that are unique and very blasting in several other nations. The business technique picked by Johnson & Johnson Company keeps off from complexity. It maintains effortlessness by employing the guidelines of KISS (keep it simple, stupid), a phrase that associated with Johnson Kelly, the aircraft engineer (Eldama 2018). KISS is a basic strategy, and one of an essential item places quickly to discover via duplication, low, and straightforward advancement costs via tributes, simple value methodology. All the procedure embraced by the organization is a client-driven technique.

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Consumer Segment Descriptions

The market of a consumer is experiencing dramatic transformations because of the shifts in the socio-economic landscape, demographic, and innovation elements (John, 2018). The developing worldwide consumer class is increasingly inclined to the healthy wellbeing of the customers and services. Even though there are dynamic changes in the consumer market, this represents specific difficulties for Johnson & Johnson company. However, the organization is sure it will get the option to adjust by executing its system to address new market techniques and requirements. The consumer segment of the business is comprised of baby care products, beauty products for adults, and a clean and clear brand.

The quickened pace of progress drives consumer disruption. It has likewise made the customer upper hand; for instance, more prominent organizations and costly brand building pulling in better ability this changing dynamic, innovation is assuming a more prominent role. It has given the stage to proficiently arrive at the customers eliminating the hindrances to the section. The company has focused on tending to two kinds of competition, which include startups and traditional multinational peers that represent a critical threat to the organization.

To form the company to compete effectively, the company has developed a robust and transparent strategy of growth guided by several principals. They include expanding the extent of the advancement mode changes of the organization, promoting the pioneering hierarchical model, information investigation empowered rapid arrangement that is Omnichannel nearness providing quicker, increasingly adaptable, and responsive answers.

In Psychographic segmentation, the way of life, family with little youngsters are probably going to have an alternate means of life to a lot of more seasoned couples whose kids have ventured out from home (Peter, 2019). There would be a lot of contrasts in utilization designs. Target showcase for Johnson and Johnson is likely needy or family within any event one dependent kid. Feelings, interests, and pastimes cover social issues, see on the earth, and political assessments. Suppositions that clients hold and exercise that they associate with will hugely affect the items they purchase, and Johnson and Johnson need to be careful with any changes. The item that naturally benevolent like Johnson and Johnson could impact the development of interest for essential elements. By fragmenting, the company can adjust its showcasing methodologies to hold the steadfast client. In some cases, keep the client will be more productive than continue searching for the new client.

Depending on family unit pay each month, the clients may buy these items on a month to month premise. By this division, Johnson and Johnson may recognize and comprehend the principle advantage buyers search for in the item. Johnson and Johnson's child cleanser is not just to keep up delicate infant hair, yet in addition to shield infant eyes from hurt so they won't cry when the solvent gets at them.

In behavioral segmentation, the company is a reliable brand. The rate of use is medium, as it is security and mental needs. The mother is an essential client who purchases the brand regularly. Johnson and Johnson likewise portion the market into where faithful clients and new clients will be found.

Mentality mirrors the connection between the customer and the items. Disposition in the conduct of the buyer is the consequence of direct involvement. The development of the purchaser mentality is amazingly affected by the procedures of the assessments with whom an individual imparts on a consistent schedule. Later on, look for an upper hand; with the assistance of brand selectiveness, the effect of the five detects impacts the purchaser's perspectives.

Segment Attractiveness Analysis

The pharmaceuticals fragment creates most of the organization's benefits. It generated $6 billion of Johnson and Johnson's pretax pay, or about 50.7% of the aggregate, in the initial a half year of 2019 (Thampson, 2020). Benefits are balanced at the fragment and friends' level for certain one-time things, for example, gains from the offer of a brand and case costs.

The medical devices section created pretax pay of $5.7 billion in the initial a half year. The business produced $13 billion in deals, with generally half being worldwide deals. The section sells an expansive scope of items in territories, for example, orthopedics, diagnostics, diabetes care, claim to fame medical procedure, cardiovascular consideration, and vision care.

The company offers a broad scope of products used in child care, oral consideration, magnificence items, ladies' wellbeing, wound attention, and over-the-counter medications. The board has been attempted acquisitions over all fragments. A year ago, the organization obtained Orthodox, which creates programming empowered medical procedure advances and the Japanese beautifying agent's organization.


Johnson and Johnson should actualize a "Trust" advertising effort for Tylenol just as different brands delivered by the McNeil segment of its Shopper fragment. The motivation behind the campaign is to restore the relationship with buyers (Brown, 2019). The challenges with item quality and position issues in stores due to reviews have sabotaged brand value in these items and made an open door for contenders to pick up a piece of the overall industry.

The "Trust" showcasing effort would concentrate on conveying how individuals trust Tylenol, Motrin, and other McNeill items to treat minor clinical issues, for example, migraines or hypersensitivities. The crusade is focused to the purchaser while this system would utilize measures, for example, changes in the degree of customer trust to survey whether the battle approach is fruitful. The methodology depends on the big-name support to persuade the open that the items are reliable and to connect the individual brands with quality and viability.


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Essay Sample on Johnson & Johnson's Strategic Marketing Push Into Dubai Market. (2023, Jun 30). Retrieved from

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