Essay Sample on Management Control: How Zappos Ensures Success & Satisfaction

Published: 2023-06-29
Essay Sample on Management Control: How Zappos Ensures Success & Satisfaction
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 928 words
8 min read


It is fascinating how some companies apply management control to ensure that they remain in power. Management control is described as any process, policy, tools, practices or measurements that an organization puts in place to allow management to direct the resources and the activities of the organization (Canton, 2019). Every organization uses different means to ensure that they remain in operation, and they provide the required resources to the consumers.

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Zappos is an organization that deals with selling shoes. However, the company has become well known for its culture since it applies online selling of its products (Breuer & Ludeke-Freund, 2019). The management control of the company is exciting, and it ensures that the company achieves its goals. The company starts its management control with a cultural fir interview that carries like 50% weight of whether the candidate will be hired or not.

The organization then offers $2000 to New employees to decide whether to quit or remain in operation following the first week of training if they choose the job that is not for them. The organization then instils ten core values. Employee's motivation comes from other workers who pass skills tests and show increased capability, not from office politics. Most of the resources are devoted to employee teamwork and culture promotion.

The workers ensure that their colleagues have a great time. Such is not left for the top management, but instead, the workers are allocated resources to facilitate that. The culture of Zappos is to ensure that considerable benefits and a workplace that has fun and devoted to making customers happy by offering quality products. It is essential to understand that when you get the company culture right, the best customer services and a great brand will occur on its possession as evident at Zappos.

Management Control at Zappos

The company has proper strategic planning. It is the first practice in management. The company has an excellent established goal and the goals that it anticipates to achieve. Goals are vital since they drive the organization to its mission every day. The purpose of Zappos is to provide shoes that are of high quality and ensure that they provide with excellent customer experience. The management has allocated the required resources for these activities to be carried out by the workers.

Secondly, the company keeps documentation of all the requirements. At the time of hiring, Zappos enforces training to the new employees, and they are allowed to choose either quit or remain at the organization and carry out the tasks. The organization has a good process of bringing new employees (Breuer & Ludeke-Freund, 2019). The employees are well equipped with the required skills for carrying out their duties in the organization. However, other qualifications needed, the new employees acquire them from their colleges. The organization ensures that there is team cohesion so that there are no conflicts in the organization by encouraging teamwork (Wilkinson, 2019).

Management control involves performance management, supervision, change control and safety control. Performance management is the process of agreeing to achieve an objective with workers and measuring the performance against those objectives (Breuer & Ludeke-Freund, 2019). Zappos outlines their targeted objectives to the employees during the training session so that they are conversant with those objectives and those that wish to remain in operation are encouraged to achieve the expected goals.

Nevertheless, Zappos carries out management supervision to ensure that the employees adhere to the requirements. Surveillance is the monitoring of the performance of employees so that there is an improvement in productivity, efficiency and work quality (Wilkinson, 2019). Supervision at the company is carried out by the top management. It is to identify the processes that need change and resources that are supposed to be brought in. In addition to that, supervision helps Zappos improve the ways of providing services.

Zappos has applied technology in the provision of its services. The organization has adhered to the changes in technology; hence it uses online selling to reach targeted consumers. At this era, organizations need to provide services using online platforms since they have significant advantages than the use of retail shops. Online marketing has ensured that the organization reaches many customers all over the world (Canton, 2019). While this is true, the online platform also has disadvantages such as false addresses.

Lastly, the services that the workers provide are great since they have ensured that the organization brands itself. The management control has financed the workers, managed data in the organization in the right way and provided that there is quality. Branding comes with the efforts of both workers and the top management team in the organization. It is what the company has done to ensure that it remains at the top of the operation.


The company, Zappos, has applied all the concepts of management control to ensure that it is one of the best shoe seller company in the world. The company has also accepted changes in technology and impressed them. The workers are well trained and equipped with the best resources and skills they require in the labor market. Most importantly, the organization has ensured that there are teamwork and no conflicts in the organization.


Breuer, H., & Ludeke-Freund, F. (2019). Values-Based Stakeholder Management: Concepts and Methods. Rethinking Strategic Management, 217-239. Retrieved from

Canton, L. G. (2019). Emergency management: Concepts and strategies for effective programs. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from

Wilkinson, P. R. (2019). Pest management concepts and control of tick paralysis in British Columbia. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 65, 3-9.

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Essay Sample on Management Control: How Zappos Ensures Success & Satisfaction. (2023, Jun 29). Retrieved from

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