Essay Sample on Nature's Invisible Role

Published: 2023-05-14
Essay Sample on Nature's Invisible Role
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nature
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 549 words
5 min read


Nature has different definitions depending on the context. In this case, it can be defined as the existence or occurrence of phenomena in the natural world that is not controlled by mankind. A good example is the phenomena of seasons; winter, spring, summer, and autumn. The natural world composes a mix of living and non-living things, e.g., forests, water bodies, mountains, animals, plants, invisible forces of Nature (vulcanicity, gravity, magnetism, wind), natural resources(oil, natural gas, gold), etc.

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Nature plays a vital role. It provides food, oxygen, water, and other material that are necessary for the survival of man and other living organisms. For example, the soil produces at least 30,000 edible plant species that are food for animals. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, then produce oxygen. They also create rainfall, which plants and animals depend on. In Nature, all living things die, and their bodies break down, which releases nutrients that again nourish plants. It forms an interdependence chain or cycle known as the 'carbon cycle' or the 'cycle of life.'

One of Nature's unseen roles that are rarely talked about is that it sustains the invention of things by man. For example, when the idea of making the automobile came, mother-nature provided the necessary material to make the idea a reality. For example; crude oil(fossil fuels to make fuel, rubber( from rubber trees) to make tires and tubing, metals like; iron which when combined with carbon, makes steel which was used to make the; engine, rims, chassis and the body and rare earth (a mineral) that is used to make electronic circuits and copper to make the wiring components.

As you can see, Nature is the source of all things that man has created or invented. Plastics are made from Crude oil. Furniture is made from trees. The food we eat all comes from Nature. Everything you see around has some connection to Nature. Even man according to the good book, The Holy Bible, in Genesis 2:7, says(paraphrased) that man was made from the dust of the earth and the breath of life from the Creator combined with the dust formed a human being( a living soul).

The sad truth, however, is that man has grown greedy, and he is fast depleting the resources that Nature offers. Even the non-renewable. Burning of fossil fuels has depleted the ozone layer (a three-atom layer of oxygen that shields planet earth from ultra-violet rays from the sun). Not forgetting the rain forests, being cut down at the rate of 40 football fields every minute. That's 50% of the global tree cover gone in the last 100 years. Not to mention, the endangered animals; the Amur and Javan Leopard, the Kodiak bear, the African Lion, and the Polar bear. Both by poaching and habitat loss (human encroachment and pollution).


The relationship we have with Nature is like that of a marriage gone wrong. Man won't know what he has until it's gone. Human beings ought to know how to conserve Nature because it is what sustains them. Not only for our sake but for future generations. It would be sad they won't get to see the animals or make friends with them. What is now the Amazon Rainforest will be the Amazon Desert, one day, if man does not make changes.

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