Essay Sample on New York City Housing Authority

Published: 2024-01-11
Essay Sample on New York City Housing Authority
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Justice Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 647 words
6 min read


Vera Institute of Justice is an independent organization aimed at addressing the most unrelenting injustices of different aspects. The agency conducted an in-depth evaluation of NYCHA at the beginning of 2014. To deliver a transparent and accountable report, they employed a mixed-methods approach to facilitate the implementation and process study. The intentions were set to describe pilot participants’ features, needs and experiences, and short-term program goals. Secondly, they measured the pilot’s design, execution, and viability for grading up and reproduction in other jurisdictions. Various data collection methods were incorporated to come up with detailed information to aid in offering quality services to the residents. The qualitative phase of the study entailed interviewing several staff members, which focused on their opinions of the strengths and the weaknesses of the Freight Rail Preservation Program (FRPP). Also, the study focused on any professed barriers and challenges towards the program’s execution.

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Non Participating Candidates

Further, the details obtained during the interviews with non-participating candidates lent intuition into how the FRPP was applied. The study reveals that researchers employed a series of qualitative methods to conduct the first-ever approximation of the formerly confined population affected by NYCHA’s current admission policies (Thorpe et al.,2020). Out of the estimation, it is possible to address how many families are impacted by NYCHA agency tenant assortment criteria. A probabilistic record linkage technique that usually combines two datasets that do not share a common record identifier was incorporated to arrive at incomparable estimation. All the efforts were focused on ensuring New York City Housing Authority fulfills the agreement of instigating significant health and safety-related improvements to create a conducive healthy environment for the tenants.

Transitory Score

In conjunction with Vera institute, Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) made an assessment that designated NYCHA as a standard performer, implying it received a transitory score in every category. Usually, both organizations are intended to evaluate how well public housing authorities accomplish their low-rent housing programs and offer guidance on the level of intervention needed from external sources. The assessment outcome instilled anxiety and health concerns as the inspected units were in a state that could pose a health risk to the tenants (Ellen et al., 2020). Some of the environmental quality issues observed include mold growth, insect and rodent invasion, active water intrusion damage, peeling paint, broken appliances, malfunctioning or absent smoke, and carbon monoxide detectors. Besides, their repair ticket system was found ineffective and frustrating for both tenants and employees.


New York City Housing Authority serves as the primary public housing consultant in North America. It is dedicated to growing opportunities for average residents by offering safe, reasonably priced housing and simplifying access to social and communal services. However, their effort to fulfill their goals became disrupted after various organizations came together to assess their capability to deliver healthy and quality housing services. The drive for evaluation arose after most staff members aired multiple deteriorated living conditions, which triggered the formation of inspection teams. Apart from numerous conditions posing a health hazard to the residents, the agency’s general system seemed dysfunctional, creating inconveniences to the residents. Nevertheless, NYCHA has continuously developed concrete strategies to mitigate critical challenges hindering the proper delivery of quality housing services to the tenants. Development of exceptional initiatives such as expansion of financial goals is aimed at fueling their mission and goal line achievement.


Ellen, I. G., Dragan, K. L., & Glied, S. (2020). Renovating subsidized housing: the impact on tenants’ health: An evaluation of whether public housing renovations and the transfer of ownership to a public-private partnership led to improvements in tenants’ health as measured by Medicaid claims. Health Affairs, 39(2), 224-232.

Thorpe, L. E., Anastasiou, E., Wyka, K., Tovar, A., Gill, E., Rule, A., ... & Shelley, D. (2020). Evaluation of secondhand smoke exposure in new york city public housing after implementation of the 2018 federal smoke-free housing policy. JAMA Network Open, 3(11), e2024385-e2024385.

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