Essay Sample on the Issue of Race and Ethnicity Discrimination

Published: 2022-05-27
Essay Sample on the Issue of Race and Ethnicity Discrimination
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Race Discrimination
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 934 words
8 min read

Ethnicity discrimination is a major issue in both professional and personal life today. Race or ethnicity discrimination entails unfair treatments which are instigated by ethnic reasons and prejudicial judgment due to someone's racial background. In the US, racial discrimination has been reported in service delivery systems and in facilities such as healthcare settings, policing, employment opportunities and many more. Ethnic-based discrimination has been deeply rooted in our society and it presents a challenge to tackle. Because of stereotypical aspects, averting this vise proves a hard setback. In America, African Americans and Hispanic groups have been at the receiving end of this vice.

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The law enforcement in America for a long time has treated people of color unjustly. Take for instance; when a person of color engages in criminal activities, they are usually prejudged before due process is followed. This has been a recurring vice in many societies in America for a generation to another. The African Americans have been aggressive over this matter which has made it escalate (Nayak, 2012). Those who believe that African Americans are undeserving contenders of their achievements are the people who fuel racial discrimination. These stereotypical beliefs sustain discrimination in the society even at lowest levels. For example, children sometimes learn from their guardians and insult each other using racial discriminatory remarks. Parents play a significant role in the lives of their children. Parents can pass the culture of prejudicial judgment on ethnic bases without knowing to their children. Tackling ethnicity-based discrimination should focus on this cycle to put an end to the vice.

In light of Karl Marx conflict theory, the US society can be portrayed to be a battlefield for limited resources if they are to be shared by foreigners and it is the conflict of continuous conflict. The theory elaborates are in support of how historical injustices have been blamed for the progress of ethnic-based discriminations. Those with resources have dominated by the use of power and not by the accord. The white upholds that America is their country and the resources should be as per their authorization. To this extent, they undermine people of color for they have no right to own certain resources. In this regard, the society is wracked into perpetual conflict with people from other ethnical backgrounds.

As conflict perpetuates, it grows into a form of segregation in most facilities and service delivery points within America. The people of color slowly become the minority who do not deserve quality lifestyle because most of these services are not as a result of their origin and hard work. As such, most people of color are viewed as per their ethnic status in the society. This results in aggravated hate between the whites and blacks in America. However, in the recent past, the blacks have penetrated the societal stereotypes to take up leadership and political roles which is a good step in challenging ethnic discrimination. Those in leadership roles have defied the odds of discrimination and in many cases; they are elected by people from different divide (Nayak, 2012). This has enhanced the reduction of this vice. Americans have also acknowledged the competence in leadership by the people of color.

The process of addressing this form of discrimination should first acknowledge the racist's notions which serve to justify oppression and rationalize its course. Tackling racism requires paying attention to the medium through which it is perpetuated and other finer details. The mainstream media should also avoid criminalizing people of color who are police victims. The whole nation is supposed to uphold dignity to humanity as well as embrace cohesion reconciliation. Some historical injustices which are deeply rooted in slavery should be revisited and tackled to enhance a process of healing and resolution (Christopher, 2016). Depending on the approach, the issue of racism should be extensively tackled and some steps would be inclusive of but not limited to establishing a framework through which victims of racism can voice their challenges to commence a solution method for their problems. Some cases of racism go unsolved unless it gets to the public domain and receives public outcry. If a collective reason approach is applied, this vice would be a manageable thing of the past. Another approach is through creating international and national avenues which stop racism and promote peace and harmony. For instance, a victim can come up with an organization which champions for the rights of people of color. Also, through formal writing and petitioning various law enforcement agencies to take up actions is imperative. It is one thing to write to leaders but it is another to hold them responsible for this course to keep them in the light to fight for crimes associated with racism. Internationally, one can proactively participate in global movements which advocate for victims of racism and prejudice base on ethnic backgrounds. These movements offer platforms through which one can acquire experience and skills in tackling racial discrimination. Electing leaders who would champion for racial discrimination end is also essential.

As a community worker obligated with establishing programs to tackle this challenge, I would formulate a program which embraces a collaborative and participatory approach. I will create training activities which educate the community the implications of ethnic discrimination and offer pragmatic solutions to end the vice. The program would make it important to participate constructively by offering suggestions which could also impact on legal and policy framework transformation.


Christopher, G. C. (2016). The time for truth, racial healing & transformation is now. Liberal Education, 102(4), 8-15.

Nayak, A. (2012). White English ethnicities: Racism, antiracism and student perspectives. Race Ethnicity and Education, 2(2), 22-43.

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Essay Sample on the Issue of Race and Ethnicity Discrimination. (2022, May 27). Retrieved from

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