Essay Sample on Understanding the Role of Nursing Research

Published: 2023-05-14
Essay Sample on Understanding the Role of Nursing Research
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Research Nursing management
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 505 words
5 min read


Research in nursing underlies a systematic inquiry that is aimed at developing, validating a refining knowledge, thereby providing a solid foundation in which behaviors and logical decisions are laid. Nursing research, therefore, underscores various methods of evaluating evidence, with the primary ones being qualitative method, quantitative methods, systemic review, and controlled clinical trials.

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Quantitative design underlies data assessment in comparison with different measures ap [plied under the study review. The metrics used in this method juxtapose statistical parameters, mean deviation, mean, and average, and it is measurable through the application of formal tools that not only help in the prediction but also in ensuring the objectivity of the applied variables (Webb, 2020). Qualitative research method, on the other hand, is based on a conceptual framework of evaluating evidence that encompasses the assessments of perceptions, meanings, processes, and experiences of the patients with specific variable s that are evaluated. Unlike the quantitative approach, the qualitative design does not apply measurable parameters in evidence interpretation and analysis (Joseph, 2019). Albeit applies emphatic comprehensions meaning that the variables and the findings will depend on the research context of the study.

Another method of evaluating evidence in nursing is the systemic review that identifies, appraises, and synthesizes the empirical e evidence that has reached the single procedure of answering a research question (DePaul, 2020). It produces reliable findings by minimizing bias through its specific ways in the quest to inform decision making. It delves into combining and analyzing data from vast independent studies. It also includes the description of findings of research studies collection and may include the quantitative pooling of data that is also known as meta-analysis.

Another nursing research method underscores the controlled clinical trials that delve in the comparison of one clinical practice to another, with the other one being a placebo or ineffective substance or the control treatment (Portland Community College, 2020). The therapy may be in the form of drugs, studied procedures, diagnostics, prophylactic, and therapeutic effectiveness. The control drugs may be historical comparisons, regimens, on treatment, or dosage forms (US National Library of Medicine).


The research process underlies a basis for a systematic inquiry for knowledge that informs behaviors and decision making. In nursing, the primary research methods underlie, qualitative, quantitative, systemic review, and controlled clinical trials. All the research methods will help in validating, refining, and developing k knowledge, especially in the nursing field. That is since they form the necessary foundation for analyzing behaviors and in decision making.


DePaul (2020). Evidence-Based Nursing Research Guide: Evidence Types. DePaul UniversityLibrary. Retrieved from

Joseph, M. (2019). Methods of Evaluating Evidence-Based I Evidence-Based Practice Nursing.The Nursing Ace. Retrieved from

Portland Community College (2020). Nursing: Evaluating Evidence Library. Retrieved from

US National Library of Medicine. (2007). Introduction to Health Service Research. National InformationCentre on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology.

Webb, J (2020). Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practices. Volve. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Understanding the Role of Nursing Research. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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