Essay Sample on Whistleblowing: Exposing Wrongdoing in Healthcare for Best Practices

Published: 2022-12-26
Essay Sample on Whistleblowing: Exposing Wrongdoing in Healthcare for Best Practices
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Healthcare
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 500 words
5 min read

Whistleblowing is the act of disclosing information where wrongdoing has been done to ensure that the people who engaged in the wrongdoing are punished. The whistle blower is the person exposing the wrong doing. The health care providers might be engaging in activities that are against the law; hence whistleblowing might be used to expose wrongdoers. The best practices are where there is whistle-blowing to expose the wrongdoings among the stakeholders in the health industry. Organisations embrace whistleblowing to eliminate illegal activities in the industry.

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The best practices include organisations encouraging employees to become whistleblowers whenever they see unethical activities being done by their colleagues at work (Ciasullo, Cosimato, & Palumbo, 2017). The act is meant to eliminate rogue employees that want to take advantage of the loopholes in the industry for their benefits. A whistle has exposed many unethical behaviours in the healthcare sector. It creates a culture of engaging in ethical behaviours because the stakeholders know that they will be exposed if they engage in illegal activities. The public is secured to risks that exist when rogue nurses engage in unlawful activities to make money.

The positive thing regarding whistleblowing is that evil activity is eliminated from the industry because the people caught engaging in such activities action is taken to them. It promotes ethical behaviours and standards within the industry (Hancock, 2015). The negative impact is that people might provide the wrong information as a technique to earn money because they have exposed something. The claims of the whistleblower need to be investigated to determine whether the claims are true or not.


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Essay Sample on Whistleblowing: Exposing Wrongdoing in Healthcare for Best Practices. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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