Essay Sample on Why Homework Should Not Be Assigned

Published: 2023-05-30
Essay Sample on Why Homework Should Not Be Assigned
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 476 words
4 min read

Since its invention in 1905 by Robert Nevilis, homework has become essential to teachers in every teacher and school. However, across the world, most learners have always complained about homework, with some of them crying over its stressful nature (Bempechat 36). Even though some people argue that homework is helpful, especially when it comes to giving the students more time for practice, some believe that it stresses the learners too much (Lacina-Gifford and Russell 279). As such, this paper presents a reasoned argument for and against homework and concluding on such premises.

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To begin with, homework helps the students to understand subjects and concepts better since they are given more time to practice away from the classroom environment (Wilson and John 3). When duly adopted, homework has a positive correlation with high performance for the learners since it is one effective primary method for reinforcement of educational learning goals.

However, these homework assignments may only be significant for older students. They have the full knowledge of what is done and how, but then the challenge is to create among their parents since the time they could have spent in helping at home with household chores is spent doing homework, and this even denies them ample time with their parents (Lacina-Gifford and Russell 279).

Even though homework boosts the parental involvement in the learner's academic work, it should not be assigned to students because it adds unnecessary stress to learners thus distracting them from the leisure time they could have to interact with the family members and the general community to learn essential social skills (Bempechat 36). Again, homework has been associated with messing up the sleep schedules of the learners, therefore, resulting in annoying health problems in the long run.

Moreover, homework should not be assigned because the home environment can sometimes be very chaotic, thus hindering concentration in studies (Lacina-Gifford and Russell 279). The various events that occur at home, such as birthday parties, videos, and games, could cause distractions to the learner's attention, thus preventing them from getting the meaning out of the homework.


In conclusion, homework is a learning tool that has been adopted by various schools and teachers across the world. However, even though there are positive aspects of homework, such as improved performance, it should not be adopted in schools since it stresses the learners and hinders them from social bonding with their parents and siblings. Learners need to at least relax after long hours of being in school.

Works Cited

Bempechat, Janine. "The case for (quality) homework: Why it improves learning, and how parents can help." Education Next 19.1 (2019): 36-44.

Lacina-Gifford, Lorna J., and Russell B. Gifford. "Putting an end to the battle over homework." Education 125.2 (2004): 279-282.


Wilson, Jan, and John Rhodes. "Student Perspectives on Homework." Education 131.2 (2010).

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Essay Sample on Why Homework Should Not Be Assigned. (2023, May 30). Retrieved from

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