Ethical Dilemma Case Study Related to the Ads with Gay and Lesbian Inclusion

Published: 2022-09-07
Ethical Dilemma Case Study Related to the Ads with Gay and Lesbian Inclusion
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Business ethics Ethical dilemma
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 615 words
6 min read

Part 1: Course of Action

Course of action 1: Marcus and I could resign from the position we hold in the company and make an open resignation letter to the public citing the forces that pressured us to resign from the company.

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Goal: This will give Donald the upper hand and satisfaction he requires in alienating all involvement with the gay and lesbian community. The open resignation letter will expose Donald, of the family-owned company of misconduct.

Possible consequences: we lose the contract through own resignation and Donald considers himself the hero in pressuring the removal of the person who made the ads and the one who signed the approval. The social media could backlash on Donald, and our position could be reinstated.

Course of action 2: we will offer an apology to Donald and offer a comeback strategy which would wash off the negative image the company has amongst consumers.

Goal: to maintain our positions within the company citing that it is the first time for both of us to make a mistake and in new jobs and responsibility. More so, aim at highlighting our past abilities and achievements that have kept the company at the realm of victory in the marketplace.

Possible consequences: if we are successful at convincing Donald of our capabilities and unforeseen mistake, the results are the same as if we resigned in the first course of action, without placing potential risks to Marcus, I and the company at large. The reverse is right in the second course of action as if I succeeded in the first course of action, since, if I fail, the consequences will follow the first course of action.

Part 2: Stakeholders

Relevant stakeholders caught up in the ads problem include the management of the overall company, the persons that saw the ads through, and the consumers. The control of the company is morally relevant as the ads tainted the image of the company to customers and the general public. The person that made the announcements is at a spotlight for going against what the society and the management of the company perceive right. The other person in the centre of the ad's saga is the head of the marketing department for allowing the ads to be aired and printed. The head is on the limelight for signing the airing of the ads with knowledge of gay and lesbian inclusion. The consumers are also morally relevant for the are a group that has their view of things free from bias and come out as judge of a specific group of people in the society.

Part 3: Moral Principles and Concepts

In every ethical situation, a set of ethical concepts need to identify and correctly defined according to specific circumstances rightly. The fundamental ethical concepts that play in daily life adventures include honesty, justice, respect, equality, and integrity. The reasoning of situations significantly depends on the clear understanding of the forces of the ethical concepts and distinctions. Some conditions are simple such as misrepresentation, lying, or distorting facts that only need to identify the basic principle violated. However, some situations are more complex that calls for an ethical dialogue and the consideration of counter-arguments from different points of view.

Such situations require determining if a condition is ethically justifiable. Indeed, situations are morally justifiable in a number of cases while ethically unacceptable in other instances. These cases need to identify circumstances where there exist plausible elements. Henceforth, the identification of whether a situation is morally correct or not involves the relationship of the basic ethical concepts in different situations. More so, clear justification of a situation depends not only on the quality and benefit of oneself but also with external perceptions.

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Ethical Dilemma Case Study Related to the Ads with Gay and Lesbian Inclusion. (2022, Sep 07). Retrieved from

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