Free Essay: Ethics, Statesmanship, and Governance

Published: 2023-02-15
Free Essay: Ethics, Statesmanship, and Governance
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Christianity Leadership style Leadership management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1750 words
15 min read

Leadership is a combination of proper ethics, perfect statesmanship, as well as good governance. Excellent execution of good leadership supports the smooth running of operations in an organizational setting. Nevertheless, in the past, a number of research have been developed certifying the importance of integrating theology/biblical leadership in management to enhance the leadership skills of institutional managers. Biblical leadership is measured to be the act of serving as well as influencing others out of their believed religious/Christ interests to act in morally acceptable norms that serve both an institution and its stakeholders. The biblical perspective is an integral part of good leadership. It provides astute leaders with proper guidance on how to conduct various leadership activities in an organizational setting. As such, integrating biblical beliefs as well as practices in leadership enable individuals on management positions to do the right things. Biblical leadership can be employed in providing a guideline for handling different aspects of organizational change. Particularly, the integration of theological teachings to organizational change management in leadership can be enforced in regulating workers' impression management, recruiters' gender bias, and workers' resistance to any presented changes in a workplace environment.

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Challenges of Recruitment

Recruitment is a regular process that occurs in a workplace environment. It entails identifying and selecting individuals with the right skills to execute various institutional functions (Rozario, Venkatraman & Abbas, 2019; Kersley, 2013). Also, recruitment is an imperative process for an institution because it facilitates an improvement in the performance of all operations that are imperative for the optimal performance of an organization. As such, recruitment is a phenomenon that should be accorded maximum attention to ensure that only the right candidates are considered and given a chance to participate in a work environment (Resende & Fernandes, 2016; Paludi, 2012). However, multiple challenges could be attributed to the recruitment process in an organization.

Impression Management

Impression management is among the primary challenges that institutional leaders face during the employee recruitment process. In an organizational setting, impression management is the conscious or subconscious process through which people strive to influence others through the regulation of the information presented to them during social interactions (Tsai & Huang, 2013; Giacalone & Rosenfeld, 2013). Impression management is common during the recruitment process as some of the job candidates strive to influence the opinion of the management team in their favor to secure their preferred job positions (Langevin-Heavey, 2011; DuBrin, 2010). Organizational leaders should learn to identify instances of impression management to ensure that only the right job candidates are selected for various job positions (Yu, 2019). Taking a biblical leadership perspective can enable an organizational leader to determine the best approach to dealing with impression management as a major affecting the organization's recruitment exercise. From a biblical leadership perspective, individuals in key leadership positions should select workers based on their skills set and not based on their ability to persuade the recruitment team to make a selection in their favor. Particularly, 1-Timothy 3:7 in the Holy Bible states that good leaders should not select drunkards, losers as well as thieves for key leadership positions. Instead, leaders should hire individuals with integrity, solid in character, and honesty in a managerial position.

Citing the stated biblical text, it is evident that an organizational leader has a responsibility to identify candidates that portray good management and task execution attributes. Also, that is the qualities, which can promote the overall performance and continuity of an organization. Moreover, recruitment leaders must be cautious not to be reliant on a candidacy the theatrical performance that is focused on convincing the job assessors why he/she can execute a certain job function. Instead, the organization leader should place the candidates in a probation period, through which the assessment of their performance can be ascertained and their effectiveness in executing various job functions determined. In the Holy Bible, 1-Timothy 3:7 states that the church leaders must have a good reputation with the community where they are based. In this case, the stated biblical section can be implemented to an organizational performance evaluation, where the human resource managers must assess the character or personality traits of a job applicant. Particularly, that is within the applicant's social and professional work environments. In this case, for instance, an audit of a job candidate's social and job performance can be done to determine if he/she is the right candidate for a specified or offered job opportunity.

Also, 1 Timothy 3:5 states that Christian's workers must have proven skills sets that are supported by their job experience, interest, credentials as well as educational background. Based on the cited biblical text, it means that an individual using a biblical leadership perspective must use the stated four credentials in assessing if the job applicant qualifies for the offered organizational role. The concept can also be used to manage impression management that can be yielded by job applicants to persuade the human resource personnel to make a recruitment decision in his/her favor. However, 1-Timothy 3:5 cautions the organization leaders on the importance of assessing the management capability of an individual when making a recruitment decision. Additionally, that is because 1-Timothy 3:5 stipulates that if an individual does not know how he/she can manage his own household, he/she cannot care for the house of God. Utilizing this biblical perspective, it could mean that irrespective of the impression management by the job applicant, an individual in the managerial position must learn to assess if the applicant. Additionally, that is on whether the candidate has the right managerial skills to plan or execute all the functions delegated to him/her at the workplace.

In a different book in the Holy Bible, Titus 1:9 states that leaders should exhort the using doctrine in management and also abhor individuals in a leadership position who contradicts the concept when managing workers in an organization. The biblical text in the book of Titus 1:9 can be utilized to illustrate the importance of assessing the character of job applicants in an organization setting. Also, the stated verse in the book of Timothy can be used to refute any form of recruitment that could be based on impression management illustrated by a job candidate. Based on these stipulations, it can be stated that impression management is a vice that should be abhorred in the organization's worker recruitment process. Also, from the biblical reflections, the teachings of the Holy Bible can be employed in leadership to portray that the ability of the job applicants could be utilized as benchmarks for making the right hiring choice. As such, theological teachings or biblical reflections are essential tools that should be integrated into an organization's managerial process to ensure that only the right job candidates are identified for the right job positions.

Gender Bias

Gender bias is the second factor affecting most individuals in leadership positions from selecting the right candidates for various tasks and responsibilities in a workplace environment (Garcia, 2018). Traditionally, it has been the tendency of organizational leaders to select workers from a certain gender for various job opportunities or roles to the expense of the other gender (Dunham, 2017). Also, it is a phenomenon that if not well addressed can affect the overall integrity of an organization in hiring a new set of personnel to executing various operational activities. In the past, for instance, men have been preferred for particular job functions in construction and engineering sites compared to women (Heilman, 2012). Contrary, women have been, discriminatively, offered better chances at nursing jobs in the healthcare sector compared to their male counterparts (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2013). As such, gender bias in the recruitment process is an evident phenomenon that is impacting numerous organizations in today's corporate sector. Using the biblical perspective in management, effective or astute leaders in the work environment should offer equal job opportunities and chances to men and women while executing different roles and responsibilities. The book of Genesis in the Holy Bible largely stipulates that there is no hierarchical superiority between men and women in terms of gender comparison, particularly with respect to offering work opportunities.

In 2 Genesis 18:20, the Holy Bible states that the creation of a woman was done by God to fulfill a man's desire for a partner that was corresponding to him. In other words, the verse states that a woman was created as a corresponding strength for the man and not as a helper. Unfortunately, in some cases, the term "strength" has often been interpreted as a "helper" for man, which is not the precise theological explanation. Furthermore, 2 Genesis 18:20 does not state that when God was creating a woman, he did not create her as a subordinate or inferior being to man. In reference to the discussed verse, from a biblical perspective, an individual in a leadership position should consider all work applicants to have equal opportunities and capabilities irrespective of their gender orientation. Also, 2 Genesis 21:23 states that God created a woman from the man's rib, which is a phenomenon that was recognized by man. As such, in the management perspective, both men and women should be taken to have the same potential to execute various organizational functions sufficiently. Also, it is a lesson that can be employed as guidance to an individual in a leadership position in shunning away any instance of gender bias that could be subjected to job applicants in an organization during a recruitment exercise.

Failure to solve the problem of gender bias could have severe ramifications to the productivity of an organization or workers in a workplace environment. The first ramification is that gender bias could result in the emergence of sexual harassment issues in the work environment (Henley, 2014). In this case, women are viewed to be inferior as opposed to their male counterparts in executing various organizational functions. As such, there are susceptible to being bullied or sexually harassed by their male counterparts in leadership positions. Failure to address the problem of gender bias could also result in the development of higher turnover rates of employees in an organization (Sandberg, 2013). The high turnover rates occur due to unfavorable work conditions where female workers subjected to biased oppressions (Tulshyan, 2016). Such oppressions are manifested through long working hours, lack of motivational incentives, and discriminatory promotional opportunities, among others, which are largely subjected to female workers in the organization. Such forms of oppression also elevate the level of job dissatisfaction, especially among female workers, which eventually results in high turnover rates. In some corporate sectors, lack of sufficient female workers could result in overall reduced productivity in the execution of some functions that are largely fit for female workers.

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