Free Essay with Evaluation of the Quality of a Consumer Product

Published: 2019-09-25
Free Essay with Evaluation of the Quality of a Consumer Product
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Consumerism
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1552 words
13 min read

Quality of the Product and Reasons for Its Importance

Design, quality, brand and an array of other factors influence the customer’s choice in the overwhelming majority of instances. However, while the rest of the factors may be ignored, quality is the decisive point that does not leave users indifferent.

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Quality can be defined as superiority or excellence. In other words, the quality can be determined by the judgment that is offered by the consumer about the product advantage. There are reasons behind the fact that marketers are re-examining the quality of product and services as a way to achieve the competitive advantage (Acharya & Elliott, 2003). Due to unstable conditions provided in the market with a lot of competition from the foreign side and the changes that have occurred in consumer demand, has enabled most of the individuals to carry out the evaluation of the consumer products. The competition potential of quality receives a lot of attention since there is need of maintaining a high degree of quality or implementing a program so that to increase the quality of the product.

There is so many attributes that can be derived from the product appearance about massiveness, naturalness, and delicateness. The identification of the product quality by the consumer is what distinguishes the basis of description appearance that consumers generate in the categorization task. A product is either a business product or a consumer product concerning whether the end user of the product is the consumer or a business. The quality of the product depends on the wants and the needs. The product involves all the items with the inclusion of warranties, packaging, after sales among others.

The Detailed Analysis of the Product Quality: Specifications of the Process

Product quality is one of the critical aspects that help companies stand out from the crowd. No matter if you want to promote your brand and make it recognized or attract new customers, you should create a top-quality, highly functional and efficient product that will simplify customers’ lives and make them much more convenient. According to the results of numerous studies, users are more eagerly buying the items from trusted and reliable companies than from new ones. At the same time, it is indispensable to highlight that the tendency changes drastically when it comes to the top-quality product that has been recommended by a friend or relative.

Consequently, it means that the quality is more important than the brand, its reputation and experience on the market. Besides, if one of the products you distribute is getting demanded, most customers will also get interested in other goods you offer, which means that the quality of the item may serve as the best advertisement of the brand.

Ensuring quality products, you have a chance to make your company known, encouraging users to buy more products and enhance the profitability of the company. But, how is it possible to estimate the quality of the item and make it competitive? Keep reading to find the most beneficial tips on the way to the achievement of the desired results.

Evaluating the quality of a consumer product assists the consumer to have additional benefits of the product designs which will help to do cost saving. The action allows the performance of the product material and the product testing early so that the product designs and the material are appropriate for the production of expensive market-entry consumer products (Purohit & Srivastava, 2001). It also aids at appropriate specifications and a verification plan that can move from the consumer design to the product launch. It allows the management of activities across the multiple companies.

Analysis of the product assists in risk mitigation such that the consumer will be able to identify the potential product risks while doing verification that design is appropriate to eliminate the risks. The products can be able to provide failure analysis since the capabilities make it possible to determine the material degradation and also improper loading. The quality of products solves problems that include verification of the disproving of market claims that increase the customers through giving credit through independent testing. The quality of products provides litigation support services that will enable to identify whether the product is liable or is contaminated. The quality of the products enables the application of the formulation services whereby reverse services can be done.

The analysis of the quality allows the consumer to do a quality control services so as to solve the product failure analysis and prevent future product quality issues. The analysis of quality provides physical and performance analysis of the product through the durability, strength, resistance and corrosion (Wu, 2001). The quality of the products is what gives stability test in real time and accelerated. The products that the consumers rely on can be tested or if the product can be degraded. The analysis of the product is a lifetime analysis and can offer complete understanding and solution solver.

Key Stages and Specifications for the Quality Control

So that the product can be certified to be quality, it has to undergo through some criteria like the product specification is supposed to be outlined, the function, the purpose, performance, the market and the quality standards as well. The choice of materials or the characteristics of the material should be able to be stipulated out to understand what the product is made of. The production level should be mentioned to explain the reason that the commodity is a batch or mass produced. The stages used to enable the product to reach to that level should be jolted down.

The stages might include preparation, processing, assembling and finishing. The quality control of the consumer products is paramount in the analysis as it offers the quality control in the production and the standards too. The quality analysis of the consumer products involves carrying out the health and safety issues which are associated with the products and its production. The product should have a safety procedure and the use of the products. The aesthetic quality of the product which involves the form and function, the trends and influences in matters like cultures should be in the front line too in the evaluation of the products quality for the consumers.

Consumers will have a feeling of satisfaction when they perceive the value of the products from a cognitive point of view. According to the rule of appreciation, the comparison of what occurs is what is usually expected. The consumer will buy the products according to their satisfaction over the dependence on both the perceived value of the purchase and their knowledge of what quality products are and how they can be made to be one. The satisfaction of the quality product will supersede the standard that is held, and the exceeding value will, therefore, make a key to consumer satisfaction. A product evaluation and a test reveal how the performance of that product is at a single time so that the lapses of the product quality can be identified and monitored. The evaluation of the quality of the consumer products acts as an indication that the products formation and production are safe and that it is convenient to use and consume it.

Factors that Can Contribute to the Product Quality

It is impossible to deny that the quality of the product is the fundamental notion that predetermines the success of the whole brand or company. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of businesses make maximum effort to enhance the quality of the distributed products, contributing to their characteristics and specifications.

At this point, one should pay due attention to some factors that are considered by most customers. First of all, make sure the item you offer helps to solve certain problems and deal with other challenges customers face. Additionally, there is a plethora of other options that should be taken into account, including:

  • Physical features of the product
  • Performance and functions
  • Reliability and durability
  • Timeliness and lifespan
  • Completeness of the item
  • Guarantees

In fact, these are the fundamental options that may influence the customer’s choice. However, it is critical to remember that the reputation of the brand and the customers’ reviews also matter.


Do you want your brand to stand out from the crowd? Have you made maximum effort to promote your product but failed? Pay due attention to the quality of the product, as it is one of the most significant factors that predetermine your success. Follow the guidelines to keep your goods competitive and appreciated.

As the product quality is a complex notion, it is critical to mind its different aspects in order to make the item valued by clients. Keep in mind that numerous goods widely demanded by customers may contribute to the reputation of the brand much more than a well-structured and well-planned marketing campaign.


Acharya, C. & Elliott, G. (2003). Consumer Ethnocentrism, Perceived Product Quality, and ChoiceAn Empirical Investigation. WICM, 15(4), 87-115.

Purohit, D. & Srivastava, J. (2001). Effect of Manufacturer Reputation, Retailer Reputation, and Product Warranty on Consumer Judgments of Product Quality: A Cue Diagnosticity Framework. Journal Of Consumer Psychology, 10(3), 123-134.

Wu, H. (2001). A Matlab Approach To Evaluate Product Quality. Asian Journal On Quality, 2(2), 34-45.

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