Evaluating Effectiveness of Telemedicine - Free Paper Example

Published: 2024-01-19
Evaluating Effectiveness of Telemedicine - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Medicine
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1049 words
9 min read


Many policy priorities worldwide are at the frontline of the introduction of health information systems initiatives. Such enterprises, nevertheless, seem to be far from simplistic since they require a complicated organizational strategy that follows the digital structural transformation synonymous with such initiatives. In many nations, massive, ultimately revolutionary, applications of telemedicine are already being designed and implemented. The expectation is that the very significant financial, social, and administrative profits generated in telemedicine operations will standardize personal and collective employee experience and thereby enhance the quality, protection, and effectiveness of care. In medical studies, in the execution stage of medical devices, and in the area of post-marketing enforcement, major differences exist (Wiederhold & Riva, 2013).

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Ideologies associated with telemedicine should be defined by healthcare services. Approaches to analyzing the efficiency of telemedicine should be geared towards having the most affordable and comprehensive digital transformation of the health sector. The first strategy is to prioritize topics and key segments of the health sphere with limited resources at their disposal (Wiederhold & Riva, 2013). Some evaluation authorities have their policies established by regulatory entities or producer proposals, representing the disparate policy needs of regimes and the redistributing of appraisal agencies. These agencies should thoroughly review and revise modern technology and give expert advice to the relevant bodies (Wiederhold & Riva, 2013).

The second is the impact of health on health outputs like mortality, morbidity, quality of life, and disability rates. These health consequences result from the quality of healthcare used and employed to curb health inequality and achieve universal healthcare. The priority should be on how the mortality rate can be mitigated, the mechanisms to reduce morbidity at the prevailing conditions, the means to improve the quality of life with the appropriate technology, and measures institutionalized to assist persons with disability (Wiederhold & Riva, 2013).

How Can You Determine If Telemedicine Is the Right Technology to Use?

Technology still evolves, and it can require additional time and energy to remain on pace than you have accessible. You are extremely familiar with all facets of the activities and expenditure of your hospital as a professional medical scribe. Consultations and budgetary discussions can imply that you might not always spend as long as you want on the front positions (Wiederhold & Riva, 2013). This is why it is important to include personnel who can understand and operate telemedicine services in purchasing decisions. If you explore modern software, informing your IT personnel or advisors is a significant first step.

How Can You Determine if Telemedicine Integrates Well with Existing Technology?

The application of telemedicine to the healthcare industry poses a distinct set of leadership problems than the work of professional software development (Minka et al., 2019). The incorporation of telemedicine into general practice requires a range of electronic approaches for patient characteristics and patient populations that are used to gather relevant information regarding folk's healthcare services. In basic healthcare management, the use of Medical assistance for determination, listings for automated diseases, computerized provider order submission for suppliers, and IT technologies for better well-being is key to ensuring the native technology blends superbly with telemedicine (Minka et al., 2019).

How Can You Determine if Telemedicine Is Intuitive or Easy to Use for The Users?

As IT workers develop and deploy telemedicine, health IT architecture is continuously evolving. Although end-users do not always recognize whenever their gadgets run better or link quicker, they will realize when things do not work the way it is supposed to. Responding to and comprehending end-user requirements can allow designers to identify weaknesses in the device that may not have been known to them (Minka et al., 2019). The system developer should be geared towards solving issues with the work process, inefficiencies, and anomalies. Engaging end-users in their own platform identification and evaluation can generate similar software and safeguard institutions from unapproved technologies.

How Can You Determine the Cost and Benefits of Telemedicine?

In investment decisions, the cost-benefit algorithm is a powerful fostered instrument. It predicts and tallies the equal monetary worth of benefits and expenses of installations to determine whether they will be undertaken or forgone (Minka et al., 2019). The first step is the determination of the initiative objectives, the second step is the estimation of the project in the manner of expenses and accruements in monetary value, the third step is discounting the benefits and costs at a feasible proportion, and lastly, arithmetical analysis premised on the decision-making ways.

Role and Responsibilities as A Manager in The Evaluation of Telemedicine.

Collection of accurate knowledge about health machinery by the manager. The manager should ensure the information gathered about health technology is sufficient, adequate, and precise. This will ensure that any defects or malfunctions of the equipment do not occur without the manager's consent (Minka et al., 2019). Plotting the requirements of telemedicine and disbursing enough resources for them. Planning is an initial motive that should be put first before carrying out a project. The manager should be well-versed with the needs of digital equipment and its vital components.

Data Sources Used to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Telemedicine.

Telemedicine has been championed as a successful means of providing long-distance quality healthcare. In multiple pieces of research discussing the use of telemedicine in the sense of infectious diseases or environments, over 10,000 participants were included. Experimental studies are two activities, whereas the six remaining ventures are focused on before-after models. Only papers authored in community publications and produced in the period 1988 to 2017 in Literature have been examined (Minka et al., 2019).


For the effective delivery of telemedicine services, comprehensive knowledge and ongoing, objective assessment of progress are vital. We assume that having an ecosystem view of the introduction of technical systems will assist organizations in eliminating some of the drawbacks that are all too often experienced and increase the probability of successful delivery and acceptance. Telemedicine will step in to control the socio-economic problems that are facing the health sector around the world. There will be improved sustainability and reliability due to the reduction of in-hospital trips and stays.


Minka, H., Simon, P., & Jami, A. (2019). Evaluer les impacts de la teleconsultation en soins premiers selon le Mast: model for assessment of telemedicine.

Wiederhold, B. K., & Riva, G. (2013). Annual review of cybertherapy and telemedicine 2013: Positive technology and health engagement for healthy living and active aging. Ios Press.

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