Evaluating Subordinates Essay Sample

Published: 2022-11-18
Evaluating Subordinates Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Medicine Nursing management Human services
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1147 words
10 min read

The success of clinical providers today depends on their exposure and skills that are derived by interacting with mentors and coaches who can provide valuable career guidance that new employees require. Providing coaching and mentorship to young and new professionals in healthcare is the right approach to discovering their talents as well as honing their skills to prepare them for the challenges in the industry (Breit, 2015). The relationship between the supervisor and the mentee in the healthcare industry is significant because it helps to guide the mentees to become the future of quality healthcare and also ensure patient safety. Besides, the supervisor can assess and guide the mentee toward their full potential and also be able to determine the qualities of the mentee. This paper will evaluate Brian's potential in practicing clinical services using the six elements of evaluation and the competency benchmarks by Fouad et al. (2009).

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Stakeholders Definition

Mentorship in the placement learning environments involves multiple stakeholders apart from the supervisor who is responsible for guiding student practitioners to get them ready for actual clinical practice (Breit, 2015). Mentorship is focused on improving the professional competence of the student and involves a systematic process and stakeholders. Active student, clinical practitioner mentorship, should be goal based and involves reflection and evaluation of the student learning to develop personal learning, professional competency, and growth (Breit, 2015). Colleagues and peers in the placement environment are essential stakeholders in the mentorship programs because they provide the emotional support required by the clinical students such as Brian. Teachers from the education institutions offer professional support to their students by visiting the placement environment to provide feedback which is very important and useful in promoting learning and development. Mentorship stakeholders in the student placement environment should work together through a cooperative approach to share responsibilities in mentoring the student to improve their emotional, professional and personal development (Jokelainen, 2013). Therefore, it is essential for all the stakeholders involved to be aware of the student background and eliminate all restrictions that could hinder student learning.

Program Description

Mentorship in the student placement environment is an essential task, and as the supervisor, there is a huge responsibility in ensuring that the student advance regarding professional competency and the right assessment is made since clinical practice is a matter of life and death (Breit, 2015). As such, mentorship is both a method and a practice through which students can acquire guidance to improve their clinical practice through actual exposure. At the placement level, students have collegial knowledge on theories and approaches of practice, and during the mentorship program, the students are introduced into actual clinical service although working under a supervisor who monitors the student and also provides the student with tasks that add to their learning (Jokelainen, 2013). Besides, the supervisor has the responsibility of evaluating the student and giving the feedback to the host organization program director and the school which assesses the ability of the student to proceed in other levels. Mentorship in clinical services is essential because it bridges the collegial education with the actual clinical practice and helps the students to transition their theoretical knowledge into actual medical practice (Breit, 2015). In this case, Justin should help Brian to improve his practical skills towards his career growth and the shortcomings established should be addressed before Brian can proceed to the next level of practice.

Evaluation Design

This subordinate evaluation will use competency benchmarks developed by Fouad et al. (2009) to assess Brian's competence as well as Justin's approach to mentorship. The competency benchmarks provide levels of competency in clinical practice based on the student behavior in the placement environment (Fouad et al., 2009). This approach will make it easy to assess Brian's ability to proceed to the internship and practicum levels based on his professional values and ethics evidenced in his behavior, integrity, and responsibility.


From the assessment based on Justin remarks on Brian's conduct, it is clear that Brian does not have the required professional competency to enter into active practice, internship or practicum. Brian's boundary issues and tendency to save everybody is against the professional guidelines of interactions and professionalism. Clinical matters should be approached from an evidence-based, scientific and professional approach and not based on an individual initiative and convictions. Brian does not have a mutual relationship with his supervisor which is an essential requirement for development in clinical practice and learning (Breit, 2015). Besides, Brian failure to share and discuss initiatives with the supervisor indicates his lack of teamwork orientation which reflects poorly on his ability to consult superiors and peers on clinical deliberations and decisions to ensure evidence-based care approach (Jokelainen, 2013). To be ready for practice and internship, a clinical practitioner should be aware of their competency and also seek guidance on issues pertaining to clinical decisions from the supervisors with more experience. However, in the case of Brian, he does not take feedbacks easily which denotes his inability to grow professionally.


Brian professionally is not fit to proceed to work with clients, and he is not ready for practicum due to the data gathered using the competency benchmarks. Brian failure to take feedbacks and his tendency to save every patient is unprofessional and shows a lack of self-awareness regarding competency as well as lack of professional goals to promote future development in the profession (Fouad et al., 2009). The failure of the supervisor to guide Brian to develop proper professional mannerism and strengthen professional relationships shows that Brian does not support teamwork but prefer to work on his own which is dangerous in clinical practice. Hence, Brian does qualify to work with clients. Instead, Brian should be recommended for an internship where he will operate under a mentor to help him develop proper professional skills and mannerism required in clinical practice (Jokelainen, 2013). A mentorship is a right approach of assisting brian to become a team player and also to practice evidence-based care instead of making decisions without scientific judgment or consultation with other clinical providers (Breit, 2015). Besides, mentorship can help Brian to improve his relationships with other care providers and also to solve the boundary issues that he is experiencing (Fouad et al., 2009). Therefore, Brian should be introduced to a mentor in an internship instead of being recommended to work with clients which could reflect negatively on the healthcare organization and also could put the health of the patients at risk.


Breit, S. A. (2015). Development of Mentors to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice in a Nurse Residency. Walden University Scholar Works.

Fouad, N. A., Grus, C. L., Hatcher, R. L., Kaslow, N. J., Hutchings, P. S., Madson, M. B., ... & Crossman, R. E. (2009). Competency benchmarks: A model for understanding and measuring competence in professional psychology across training levels. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 3(4S), S5.

Jokelainen, M. (2013). The elements of effective student nurse mentorship in placement learning environments: systematic review and Finnish and British mentors conceptions (Doctoral dissertation, University of Eastern Finland).

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