Free Essay Sample on Evaluation Design

Published: 2019-10-04
Free Essay Sample on Evaluation Design
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy Research
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 939 words
8 min read

Policies are made through evaluation designs through studies in our modern society with an aim to control or improve certain activities. We conduct research and design research with an aim to implement and improve how we relate to each other (Olson, 2014). A full policy process is usually determined by steps as follows; definition of the problem, identifying an alternative generation, analyzing various and probable alternatives, then there is the adoption of the policy finalizing with the implementation and evaluation of the process. The paper shall discuss the evaluation design and implementation of official policy.

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Evaluation Design

The evaluation designs in policy are used in identifying whether a certain policy is correctly implemented by determining whether the problem was correctly looked and the credibility of the data. There are three categories namely quasi-experimental, non-experimental and experimental (Olson, 2014). The categories mainly aim at the determination of any variations in cost, feasibility, the validity as well as the credibility of the results. Policy evaluations take the aspects of social science research methods and appreciated public programs.

In my implementation of an evaluation design in official policy, I will consider several factors. First, I will find the relevant parties in the policy design and determine their interests (Olson, 2014). Evaluating these interests will determine the credibility of any information obtained from the research, for example, their interest in the policies and their takes on the system. Another factor I will consider in the implementation process is the required resources in the policy application and where they are to be obtained. This will ensure that for the policy to access any resources it must be highly credible and to the point. I will also ensure that I carefully consider the evaluation of the facilitators associated with the policy and determine any barriers that are likely to be implemented in the process (Olson, 2014). This will be a guideline on the probability of the policy acting without hinges in its operation. Lastly, I will ensure that a reasonable time frame is provided. I will also consider the location affected by the policy for example rural or urban, departments in an organization, the youth or the elderly and so on.


For the chosen implementation strategies, I can support with logical reasons why they are good in the implementation process. By considering the parties involved in the making of the policies, I will be able to determine the credibility of the information of the policy. This is imperative, as it is the primary factor towards the success of the policy design. Secondly, in considering the resources required in the implementation process, I will be able to critically analyze the importance of the process and the materials required to successfully complete the implementation (Olson, 2014). This will include factors such as a cost of any equipment to be used as well as the feasibility of the case.

In considering the facilitators of the project implementation, I will be able to address the barriers of the process (Olson, 2014). Facilitators of a policy are an important tool in determining how the policy will be embraced and implemented. When the facilitators, who have important affiliations with policy success, are involved in the policy evaluation design, the result of the policy design is highly likely to be successful (Olson, 2014).

Location consideration is an important aspect in determining whether, the parties affected will appreciate the policy openly or not (Olson, 2014). For instance, when implementing a policy in an organization affecting casual workers, it is good to know what the workers advocate for and whether the policy will work for the interest of both the employees and the organization. When there is a win-win situation, the policy will be implemented more efficiently than when pushing on a policy where one party is in disagreement.

Internal Validity and Rationale

Internal validity refers to how the appropriately particular set of data that is used in drawing the conclusions of the policy represent the actual situation of interest of the data. A good example is a pre-test to a set of students and a post-test to determine whether there were skills acquired in the process. Internal evaluation is also useful in the implementation of an evaluation design of policy (Olson, 2014).

In policy implementation, I will curb the issue of internal validity by analyzing each of the strategies represented. The problem of the outcome variable reading proficiency will be addressed by determining whether any of the instruments used in the data collection measures what it is supposed to measure (Olson, 2014). An example is ensuring that the researchers use valid information. An example is measuring reading skills. The researcher needs not measure reading at all but measure standardized, validated methods variations.

History is an addition event to the determined independent variables, which may occur between on measurement and another measurement (Olson, 2014). In addressing the issue of history between pre-test and post-test in research, I will ensure that researchers use similar experimental groups as well as the control groups. This is an aspect that allows for events occurring in the same period in the research process (Olson, 2014). An example is determining the effects of an exercise program. In between the process, there may be people who join churches, change jobs or find external support. This can cause hazardous results in policies.

In conclusion, evaluation designs are an important aspect of the implementation of policy. Whatever actions individual chooses to do at the evaluation stage may be disastrous if it is not according to regulations and standard procedures.


Olson, S., & Institute of Medicine (U.S.). (2014). Evaluation design for complex global initiatives: Workshop summary.Washington, D.C. National Academies Press.

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