Paper Example: Evidence-Based Decisions for Info Disclosure

Published: 2022-12-27
Paper Example: Evidence-Based Decisions for Info Disclosure
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Relationship Social psychology Interpersonal communication
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1849 words
16 min read

The privacy management theory commonly known as communication boundary management is mainly a systematic research theory that is designed to develop an evidence-based in understanding how people make decision about concealing and revealing private information. The approach suggests that people maintain and coordinate privacy boundaries with several communication partners mainly depending on the perceived costs and benefits costs of the information disclosure. theory relates to the privacy management therapy because I feel like the way she talks about vulnerability being related to the feeling of worthiness and I think that directly relates to the way privacy management theory explains why and when we disclose information to people.

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Description of the story

In the video, Brene talks about how the vulnerability is the main reason why people do not tell others information about themselves. She starts that story by telling the audience about her an event planner who had invited her to an event, but the primary challenge was who she was going to address Brene. She argues that she wanted to refer to Brene as a researcher, but this would make people not attend the event as they would believe the event to be boring. This indicates how people want to reperceive by other people suggesting that there some things that they would need consent.

I can elaborate on the different parts of worthiness she talks about from her research and why people do not feel worthy of a connection. Her story is mainly about her many yearlong research processes of trying to understand why people are vulnerable. In the video, she states that when you ask people about love, they would tell you about heartbreak. One of the things people consider is shame and fear. This is because people are afraid of vulnerability. However, she states that she had to take her courage to fight her weakness. This the main thing people are so scared of and as they do not want to attract fear and shame. Therefore, the main reason they ought to keep something private and disclose other information.

To overcome shame and fear, she states that worthiness is a crucial element. Therefore, people need to have a sense of belonging. In the video, she identifies several strategies to overcome shame and fear (Petronio, 2017). The plans are revisiting your childhood, recognize the triggers, practice self-compassion, challenge your thoughts, do not double-layer pity, avoid shame reinforcers, accept love and kindness, and practice forgiveness. The feeling of unworthiness is mainly attached to make it challenging for people to receive love and affection from others. Primarily, and an individual can distrust people who are kind to them because they cannot discern that they are unworthy and inadequate. Fundamentally, people need to be real and authentic and accept their mistakes.


Privacy management theory is when someone has a good relationship with someone, so it makes them feel comfortable enough to share private information about themselves. It also means that when someone does not know someone well, they tend to feel less comfortable or likely to share private information with that person (Petronio, 2016). I want to talk about how the assumptions relate to the video. Primarily the privacy management theory assumes that people are the choice makers, contradictions are the fundamental fact of rational life, humans are the rule makers and rule followers, relational life is characterized by change, and individuals' choices and rules are mainly based on the consideration of other people as well as the self.

People are the ones who make the decisions whether to disclose some information or keep it private. This is mainly driven by how they perceive vulnerability, fear, and shame. If an individual feels any of those, he or she is likely to keep some information private as he or she is afraid that people are going to misjudge him or her. The decision-making process is mainly guided by firstly, the ability to identify the relevant curse of action. Primarily, this choice among the options constitutes mostly the act of decision (Petronio, 2016). Secondly, determine the consequence that is likely to arise because of choosing specific option. Thirdly, assessing the likelihood of the outcomes. The probabilities of the are elicited through straight forward judgmental methods and with the aid of sophisticated techniques. Finally, integrate the consideration to identify what is the best option.

The elements of the theory mainly include

Private information

The act of revealing and concealing private information primarily lies in the hand of an individual. The main reason is that there are several caveats in the theory of private disclosure. Fundamentally, the motivations of sharing private information may include to righting a wrong, sharing a burden, and influencing other people (Petronio, 2016). Because the secret information may be about sharing information about an individual or my information the decision to what information is shared and who to share with is crucial in selecting in considering the idea of boundaries. Fundamentally, the decision to share any private information is left in the hand of the process of the characteristics of disclosure, attributes of the nature of boundaries, and the privacy rule management system that mainly combines the rule of coordination of information.

Private boundaries

In understanding the theory, it is crucial for an individual to follow the metaphor in the border. The individual limits are mainly the division that differentiates between public and private information. Moreover, when private information is shared, there is likely to be a common boundary. When an individual decides not to share private information, then the edge is referred to as a personal boundary (Petronio, 2017). The boundaries mainly protect the private information of an individual he or she put in place, and the borders are ever changing depending on the magnitude of the data. The edges can either be relatively impregnable and relatively porous, and this is thanks to the information at hand.

Control and ownership

The theory of communication privacy management argues that when something is owed, then each owner must decide whether they are willing to stay confident with information with the co0owner if the info. In several cases, it is preferable that some people to have a person to share the info with although it is not the same with a confidant (Petronio, 2016). Primarily, the co-ownership of information is mainly characterized by knowledge of the rules and heavy responsibility.

Rule-based management system

There should be a framework to help people understand the decisions that they make for private information. The system primarily allows for the management collective and individual levels through boundary coordination, boundary turbulence, and privacy rules and characteristics.

Apply Theory to Story

Berne talks a lot about worthiness, and I will use that in my paper to explain how we people use the feeling of worthiness as a reason to tell them private things. For example, if someone makes you feel like your worthy of a connection with them, they're more likely to show them personal items. The theory states that people are the ones who choose whether to reveal private information or to keep their information (Petronio, 2016). This is mainly based on the induvial ability to trust another individual if he or she decides to share the information. The motivation to share private information is primarily because a person wants to motivate others or influence others. In the story, Berne shares information about her family which in this case is private. She does that to drive the audience and educate them. In this, we see that she understand what information should be shared an what should be left private.


Article 1

In Smith & Brunner 2017, the report aimed at applying privacy communication theory to contemplate the disclosures that occur in the workplace. The authors used the theory to have a know-how of employees decide on whether to reveal or conceal critical information from the company or from fellow employees that are present in the organization. The study involved 103 full-time employees who were retrieved from diverse organizations and industries. The article played a significant role in indicating how employee's ability in managing information in an organization. The results of the report stated that catalysts and core criteria perform a vital function in motivating employees to motivate employees to either conceal or reveal information at work. Factors such as relational considerations, benefit or risk considerations, a desire for feedback, and the maintenance of boundaries based on the culture of the company were vital in determinants that guide employees on whether to reveal or conceal information in a work setting. The report also indicated that individual in an organization happens to apply explicit or implicit regulations, the reiteration of privacy regulations, and response to turbulence and retaliation to limit to manage critical information in an organization (Smith& Brunner, 2017). The limitations of the article were that the sample size was small, and the difference of organizational cultures which hindered the consistency of the results reported by the report.

Article 2

In Xiao et al., (2015), the authors applied communication privacy management theory with the primary aim of assessing elements that are usually associated with the disclosure of the infection of HIV to sexual spouses or partners together with the differences in gender among people living in China. The article incorporated a large sample size of 1254 participants with the primary aim of increasing the level of accuracy of the findings that were retrieved from the study. The fundamental elements of the research that were linked to communication privacy management theory included motivations for nondisclosure and disclosure, relational factors, and HIV stigma. The factors were compared to both participants of the male gender and female gender. The results that were collected indicated that fear of rejection was the primary predictor that hindered disclosure among male participants and female participants of the research. The other factor that stated in the study was that privacy played a significant role in the exposure of the status of these participants in the study. The results indicated that there were great implications that came along with the disclosure of this crucial information.

Article Critique

In analyzing Smith & Brunner 2017 article, it is quite evident that the article offered vivid information regarding privacy management theory and how it is applicable to work settings. The report indicated that there are important determinants that played a significant role in determining whether they would reveal or conceal a piece of particular information. However, in analyzing the results of the article, it is evident that various organization have diverse cultures which play a significant part in determining whether information that they possess will be revealed or concealed to the targeted audience. In analyzing the limitation of the study, the small sample size that was used in conducting the research affected the accuracy and validity of the findings that were reported by the report.

In analyzing Xiao et al., (2015), managed to indicate how privacy management theory plays a significant role in determining whether HIV infected patients decide to either conceal or reveal information about their HIV status. The article was valid as it managed to indicate stigmatization as a critical determinant that affects privacy management theory among HIV patients.

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Paper Example: Evidence-Based Decisions for Info Disclosure. (2022, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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