Evidence Report on U.S Russia Contact. Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-23
Evidence Report on U.S Russia Contact. Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States International relations World
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 833 words
7 min read

Technology is a platform that is used with a large group of human beings in day to day activities. It can be used in many directions and actions. It can be used for learning, for communication, as well as for crime setting. Technology also is used by analysts in detecting and doing some investigation to get either the evidence or prove about something. Some advances in the field of technology can be regarded as revolutionary advances. These advances are in both communication and information, as we have stated earlier.

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They are particularly associated with the internet, computers, and mobile phones. In our case, a forensic expert is called to investigate a specific contact between the United States of America and Russian officials. Technology plays a vital role in providing information. On the cell phone, a text message is found clarifying a confirmation of a lunch meeting which was scheduled on 2/15/2016, whereby the phone number was labeled as “Red Ralph” on the phone of the official.

As additional evidence, we found several emails from the official’s laptop as a means of communication from the high-rank U.S official and Red Ralph, “[email protected]. The conversation about the meetings, and some payment methods and negotiations of some consultation services between the two officials. The alleged official had done some lawyers up whereby he cannot communicate, thus leaving the communication to his lawyer.

The evidence that is achieved does not show whether the meeting happened or did not happen. What is spoken in the meeting is not identified. As we may say, technology offers open doors, so a wide range of investigation and also providing some long time shreds of evidence.

As we have seen, the only items presented for investigation is the laptop and a mobile phone. Thus analyst uses them as a means of the inquiry. For any crime to be prosecuted, there must be enough evidence. As a forensic expert, you must use all the means you know in assisting the law to prove the case in a way that the law allows. What means of investigation does forensic analyst use? Is it successful?

In our report, we get to see our analyst using the search method. He uses the internet to search for any communication that has ever taken place behind the other officials. He is in state of retrieving some documents and files which seems to be deleted there before. The recovery of erased files is recovered. To add on, some data are identified from the log webs as the uploaded files. These files were uploaded to a sharing site, although it was not clear whether the files were downloaded by anyone of them.

Everything that has a positive side must also have a negative side. Our investigation is favorable, the sources of evidence are identified, but the official who owns the two gadgets, which are the source of information, refused to answer any kind of question that was asked since he has lawyered up. The owner fails to disclose reasons for the meeting that they had planned on 02/15/2016, according to the text message found on the mobile phone. He fails to disclose information on what was being expected in the meetings that happened or that was to happen.

There was also some payment which was to be done, which they called a consulting fee. Some strategies, such as lawyering up, is used as a means of excluding some information. The owner lawyers up the gadgets to prevent him from disclosing the information about the evidence found on the laptop. In prosecution, every bit of information is useful.

It is good to keep the device safe as a way of protecting the evidence. Since the owner has layered up, it is helpful to follow the law and find the lawyer who will speak on his behalf of the owner.

Though a lot of investigation methods are used, it is not all of them which are evaluated. In our case, we have to wait for the lawyer so as we may know more since the owner has refused to talk. We all work toward success. What we need to know is that the success of any case varies across investigation approaches. A lot of consideration, such as expert reports in codes of conduct, is required. These also explain the duties that are owned by specialist investigators.

Forensic analysts are all about professionally finding the evidences. Their result is highly honored, and it is considered as the last report to be taken into the proceedings before the court in case they are needed.

In conclusion, we can say that technology has transformed the society at large in un-imaginable ways. Departments in the world are looking for ideas in which crimes and investigations can be done in the right direction. As time goes, it is evident that in years to come, the use of technology will overflow into the field, thus offering the analyst and the investigators a wide range of options to choose.

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Evidence Report on U.S Russia Contact. Free Essay Example. (2023, Aug 23). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/evidence-report-on-us-russia-contact?pname=speedypaper.com

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