Evidence that the World's Atmosphere is Warming and Linkage to Technology - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-26
Evidence that the World's Atmosphere is Warming and Linkage to Technology - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Technology Climate Global warming Climate change
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1116 words
10 min read


The world experiences climatic changes over a given period with varying strengths and intensity. The main pieces of evidence for this includes but not limited to:

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The Rising Ocean Heat Content

This is evident by alteration of the patterns of ocean circulation, which significantly affects the global climatic conditions (Vitousek). According to Herndon, this influences the swatch and outcome of the meteorological occurrences, which includes the storms and the temperature changes experienced in the northern Atlantic region, which is due to strong currents (5).

The Rising of Air Temperature over Ocean

The temperature of the ocean gets warmer in a similar way the temperature of the land receives. As the air gets warmer near the ocean, there is an increased rate of evaporation; hence the air gets saturated with water vapors. The high the level of water vapor in the atmosphere results in extra warming of the atmosphere. This also accelerates the rate of precipitation which is fueling the momentum of hurricanes.

High Humidity

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. The higher the humidity, the lower the rate of evaporation. The accredited weather stations have since recorded a relatively high amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, and during high temperatures, it gets even more than expected (Vitousek). It is therefore imperative that the higher the amount of humidity, the higher the amount of warming.

The Rising Global Sea Level

From the past and subsequent records, it is seen that the sea level has been rising steadily across the globe at an approximate rate of 0.04 to 0.1 inches per year (Diffenbaugh and Burke). The rising trend is simply due to thermal expansion caused by higher temperatures of the seawater and other waters sourced from the melting of glaciers.

Changes Affecting Essentials for Human Survival

Increasing climatic changes predominantly affects water which results in a negative effect on the atmosphere. To begin with, Climatic change has resulted in the interference with the hydrological cycle, which has consequently resulted in flooding (Tyson). High temperatures increase the rate of evaporation from the water bodies to the atmosphere (Hutchison). The water vapor condenses to form more rain which causes flooding. Increased rate of evaporation will result in dryness in some areas (Hutchison). This reduces the water used in households for irrigation and the water bodies hence the shortage of food.

McMichael and Githeko postulated that increased evaporation rate increases the level of acids in water which consequently leads to a reduction of sufficient water to be used in homes and industries. The acids also lead to suffocation of aquatic animals hence unhealthy for biological life. Climate change has resulted in forest fires due to increased temperature. As a result; plants are destroyed while animals are killed. Besides, the absence of plants leads to a high rate of pollution and destruction of building hence unhealthy for human life (McMichael and Githeko). Excessive heat resulting from global warming has resulted in poor health of people, especially those living in urban areas. Diseases, especially those related to skin, are common to city dwellers.

Solutions to Problems as Being Implemented or Proposed

To problems related to climate change above, People should stop practising deforestation. As highlighted earlier, tree planting tree plays a significant role in acting as water catchment areas reduces the destruction of buildings caused by strong winds. People should, therefore, be encouraged to practice afforestation.

According to Bushnell et al., the political class should also take the political responsibilities of creating awareness to the masses about the possible and economical ways to combat climate change to help curb its adverse effects (180). The ministry of environment as mandated should put across measures and policies that should be enforced to fight the effects of climatic change. This can be done through media advertisements and dailies.

People should also be encouraged to use other possible and biological friendly means of fuel to avoid dirtying the environment to prevent pollution. Some sources of energy, such as wind and sun, are environment friendly (Bushnell 175). Such sources as fossil fuels have a high concentration of carbon hence releases harmful gasses such as carbon monoxide which when realized to the atmosphere they cause a lot of damages to the environment and the people.

To reduce air pollution through emissions from vehicles and other locomotives, drivers are only to use fuel which is renewable instead of using non-renewable petroleum fuel which emits a lot of smoke which is deadly harmful to the environment (Leiserowitz). On the implementation, the state is fully committed to ensuring wastes are appropriately disposed to prevent environmental pollution, which is hazardous.


Environmental pollution is hazardous to both human beings and plants. The pollution is typically catalyzed through the emission of such gasses like carbon monoxide, which is usually released when fossils are burned as a form of energy. Hence using less in the society can aid in the control of climate change and pollution. In addition to the implementation policies, the states should facilitate as it encourages the use of solar energy which is one of the most populous and clean sources of energy. This form of energy is affordable to nearly everyone, including those in informal settlements. Implementation of the policies put in place to curb environmental pollution to achieve sustainable growth of the economy should be voluntary responsibility of everyone since the result adversely affects everyone, and the harm is severe.

Works Cited

Bushnell, James, Carla Peterman, and Catherine Wolfram. "Local Solutions to Global Problems: Climate Change Policies and Regulatory Jurisdiction." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol 2, no. 2, 2008, pp. 175-193, https://academic.oup.com/reep/article-abstract/2/2/175/1572474

Diffenbaugh, Noah S., and Marshall Burke. "Global Warming has Increased Global Economic Inequality." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 116, no. 20, 2019, pp. 9808-9813.

Herndon, J. Marvin. "Role of Atmospheric Convection in Global Warming." J Geog Environ Earth Sci Intn, vol 19, no. 4, 2019, pp. 1-8.

Hutchison, Elizabeth D. Essentials of Human Behavior: Integrating Person, Environment, and the Life Course. Sage Publications, 2016.

Leiserowitz, Anthony, et al. "Politics and Global Warming, April 2020." (2020).

McMichael, AnthonyJ, and D. Githeko. Human Health. 2001. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=P1GLBAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA271&dq=Changes+Affecting+Essentials+for+Human+Survival.&ots=-XIye9LOxe&sig=l_rcumPLAP9sjPG2N4MHk3FlYXc

Tyson, Shaun. Essentials of Human Resource Management. Routledge, 2014. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=2EO2BQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Changes+Affecting+Essentials+for+Human+Survival.&ots=Q_b4v2tfjQ&sig=lwsPk7JCvswjTORUGnMcqh-_Nts

Vitousek, Peter M. "Beyond global warming: ecology and global change." Ecology, vol 75, no. 7, 1994, pp. 1861-1876, https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.23/1941591

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