Explanations of How Love Crosses Class Lines - Free Paper with the Article Analysis

Published: 2022-03-03
Explanations of How Love Crosses Class Lines - Free Paper with the Article Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Family
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1189 words
10 min read

1.Give a proper APA citation of the assigned article

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Streib, J. (2015, March). Explanations of How Love Crosses Class Lines: Cultural Complements and the Case of CrossClass Marriages. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 18-39).

2. Briefly state the main idea of this article

Sociologists know little on how actors become attracted to partners who were brought up in a different social class or why their accounts are possible.The common form of social heterophily among many people is that of class origin.To understand why heterophily(n=60), that is, attraction and marriages of different social classes and homophilious (n=20) develop, a research was conducted among marriages from college-educated adults.The data collected indicates that the respondents appreciated and loved their partners according to different reasons.Those, married from different classes(heterophilous) claim that they loved their partner based on cultural complements, while their counterparts from homophilous marriages loved their partners because of cultural similarities.This piece of research theorizes that classes in social organizations give rise to cultural complements.

3. List the questions the author(s) tried to address in this article

Why do heterophilous attractions develop?

Why are heterophilous marriages relatively common?

Why do people choose homophilous attractions?

4. List three important facts the author(s) used to support the main idea

The Cultural Complement of stability

The Cultural Complement of achievement

The Cultural Complement of familial intimacy

5. Which information or ideas discussed in the article was also discussed in the textbook. List theTextbook chapter and give exact quotes and page numbers. Give a brief description of theinformation

Information regarding heterophilous marriages. People who marry from different social classes from their own

Information regarding homophilous attractions: Those who develop intimate relationships from one another and are in the same social class.

The theory of cultural mobility; People from different social classes tend to associate better when they are adults than when they are children.

6. Identify and explain two sociological theories that apply to this article (Chapter 2).

The theory of cultural mobility: People share class as adults but not as childrenExchange theory: Appreciation occurs when each partner has a skill that the other does not

Cultural matching theory: Culture changes slowly and is tightly linked to class origin7. Name and explain the research method used in this article. (Chapter 2)

Interview method: People are randomly interviewed to collect data which is then used for research purposes.

8. Describe the research method used by the author(s) and list its strengths and weaknesses

Method of research was conducted by recruiting and interviewing, through flyers 60 respondents from heterophilous marriages and 20 from homophilous marriages. Data gotten was then analyzed to give a conclusion. The disadvantage is that this method cannot ascertain the frequency of specific accounts by the group. However, can offer evidence of the types of accounts used and their consistency with the theory above

9. Describe a personal experience or an observation that relate to the article

I have encountered people who married from very different social and cultural background. Perhaps this was due to the need for cultural complements.

10. List any examples of bias or faulty reasoning in the research that you found in the article

The number of interviewers recruited for the heterophilic account was 60 while the number of interviewers from homophilous marriages was only 60. This was biased. More time was also taken in trying to explain why heterophilous marriages occur while reasons for homophilous marriage occurrences was almost neglected.

11. What research question or hypothesis would you raise about the topic? Identify the source and explain the significance of your question?

Homophilous marriages occur mostly to those who have lower self-esteem. Those who have high self-esteem have the courage to look for mates from different classes from their own(Streib,2015).

12. List at least five important terms and concepts that were discussed in the article and give a brief definition/description of each

Homophilous attractions: People who marry from different social classes from their own

Heterophilous attractions: People who marry from same social classes as their own

Theory of cultural mobility: People share class as adults but not as children

Cultural matching theory: Culture changes slowly and is tightly linked to class origin

Exchange theory: Appreciation occurs when each partner has a skill that the other does not

13. Identify an academic article from HCCC Library that is related to the topic and the article at hand. Give a brief review of that article and provide a proper APA citation

Related article: Streib, J. (2017). The unbalanced theoretical toolkit: Problems and partial solutions to studying culture and reproduction but not culture and mobility. American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 5(1-2), 127-153.

Review: This article compares the concepts of class mobility and culture.Cultural differences as pointed out in the article results in cultural movement.This article bears the same thought as that in the previous article in that culture is the key factor in both reproduction and mobility.

14. Describe your political/philosophical position (liberal, conservative, or feminist) on the topic and explain why? (Refer to the article about the decline of family posted online). Has your.Did perspective change after reviewing all the readings?

People from different classes develop romantic attractions simply because they are human beings who have to defend their survival through reproduction. It does not matter which class or culture a human being comes from. What matters is the preservation of species. My philosophical view has not changed.

15. Given your analysis above, what social policy recommendations would you make to advance the case as presented in this topic?

I would recommend that the interviews be conducted on random married people, not necessarily graduates who spent time studying together. An attraction develops irrespective of the cultural or social class.

16. Given your analysis above, what lessons have you learned about the topic?

I have learned that people in heterophilous marriages marry to complement their cultures while those from homophilous marry due to cultural similarity.

17. Given your analysis above, what lessons have you learned about research methods in the field?

I have learned that the method of research used to hear, through conducting interviews has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that this method cannot ascertain the frequency of specific accounts by the group. However, can offer evidence of the types of accounts used and their consistency with the theory above

18. Given your analysis above, what lessons have you learned about theories of the family (Seechapter 2).

I have learned from the theories of family that; people come to share common classes as they grow up unlike while they are children. People also come from distinct classes which determines their culture.

19. Given your analysis above, what lessons have you learned about yourself?

I am more likely to enter into an heterophilous relation because I like appreciating other cultures. I am therefore heterophilous.

20.Final comments

This article has been an eye opener especially because I have to understand why heterophilous marriages exist. It has also been instrumental in helping me understand whether I will be an heterophilous partner or a homophilous one.


Streib, J. (2015, March). Explanations of How Love Crosses Class Lines: Cultural Complements and the Case of CrossClass Marriages. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 18-39).

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