Explore the National WWII Museum: A Unique, Fascinating Experience - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
Explore the National WWII Museum: A Unique, Fascinating Experience - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Art
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 650 words
6 min read

The National WWII Museum was established in 2000, and since then, it has greatly attracted many history lovers (Huxen, 2017). I am always charmed with history, and WWII has formed the core of my fascination because of the extraordinary museum experience that it provides. The Museum has unique artifacts and powerful images that illuminate the American spirit and the sacrifice and courage of war veterans who restored world order following their victory. Management at the Museum’s galleries and collections headed by a team of experienced curators has been instrumental in providing inspiring stories of service and unity (Huxen, 2017). I have a strong opinion that the Museum has leveraged digital technology where curators use social media platforms to provide engaging insights on the exhibits and other vital historical perspectives. I have been greatly encouraged through the Museum’s videos that highlight explicit reflection of the happenings during World War II.

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Moreover, I have always enjoyed WWII-inspired musical playlists and other reading materials that are critical in evoking memories of WWII and the overriding need to maintain peace going forward. More fundamentally, through the Union Pacific Train Station, the Museum provides extraordinary sights and sounds that evoke emotions of engaging in war. I strongly believe that the US Freedom Pavilion and its exhibition of personnel carriers, tanks, and vintage aircraft provide an outlook of WWII was fought to victory. Further, the chronological narrative of every combat, digital artifact, period newsreels all combine to provide a unique experience to the visitors (Huxen, 2017). Additionally, the Museum recreates battle sites and jungles, thus enabling visitors to understand the inherent challenges that characterized World War II. Combination of technology and vivid storytelling provides a thrilling experience to the visitors.

Notably, the Museum adoption of modern technology has enabled it to illustrate the virtual exhibits more adequately (Huxen, 2017). The hiring of experienced curators has allowed the Museum to demonstrate new insights about WWII and the artillery that were used to win it. Virtual exhibits are embedded with an elaborate mix of set design that provides increased Museum experience.

The National WWII Museum’s website and virtual exhibits make sense since their access are greatly enhanced and made easy for people willing to get the Museum’s experience. Equally important, the Museum’s website and exhibits that are virtually demonstrated points to the fact that they are designed and programmed to enhance visitors’ experience.

Notably, the Museum’s does excessively from the front of educational travel programs and virtual field trips. The Museum has adopted modern technology that it has elaborately infused in its website systems to enhance visitors’ experience. Still, the Museum’s experienced curators are creating highly educative travel programs geared towards facilitating the Museum’s visitations.

It should be noted that the Museum needs to reinforce their websites and virtual exhibits to guarantee increased demonstration of war artifacts and the fundamental lessons that were learned by Americans after their involvement in the war. Also, the Museum needs to develop training programs for its curators to impart them with more knowledge about WWII to enable them to offer excellent services to visitors.

The movie is realistic in the sense that it clearly illustrates the American experience in the war and how their involvement and victory helped change the world. Moreover, the realistic nature of the movie is hinged on vivid narration provided by the curators.

Undeniably, the movie follows the events closely since it starts by mentioning the key reasons that led to the war and the military might that America demonstrated in ending the war. More importantly, the movie closely follows the war events because the Museum’s collection and virtual exhibits demonstrate a great connection to other renowned sources of history concerning WWII.


Huxen, K. (2017). Using oral histories at the National WWII Museum. Collections, 13(2), 75-90. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/155019061701300203

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