Exploring Challenges and Solutions in Criminal Justice - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-09
Exploring Challenges and Solutions in Criminal Justice - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Security Criminal justice
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 606 words
6 min read

According to the article, the author outlines several challenges related to frame scanning and forecasting the nature of justice in any nation. Some problems arise from the social level while others from an organizational level. This discussion focuses on challenges in the form of harsh judgment and all possible solutions, including the professions that can solve them. Levels of crime are changing to assumed legitimacy from scientific trends and threats. Criminal integrity studies concepts in fields like psychology, sociology, and criminology. Graduates from Ashford University with a degree in criminal justice can work in a variety of areas due to the interdisciplinary nature of their course. For proper and reliable workplaces for criminal prosecution, all responsible organizations should explore the workplace's resilience and judgment of the environment which needs to be informational and procedural when administering justice to criminals (Ambos & Heinze, 2018). Though there is a need to advance in the level of providing criminal justice, there are also some setbacks in the security sector, which include increasing diversity across security staff, retention of staff, increased workload, and changing cultures. These challenges necessitate the need for proficient personnel skilled in matters of criminal justice, for example, homeland security, homicide detectives, criminal investigators, secret service agents, and FBI agents.

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However, to maintain the right level of justice and improve drawing departments, all responsible organizations and departments need a very competent and reliable criminal investigator. A proficient criminal investigator can provide real and trustworthy information to any criminal, therefore, reducing resources spent on delivering justice and reasonable charges. After a criminal event, the investigator is responsible for preserving the scene of the crime, collecting evidence, and devising an investigative plan that will be used to form grounds for fair judgment. Criminal justice calls for environment and solutions that are very creative to be fair to all sides (Asquith et al., 2017). When police departments tend to be overworked the rate of unsolved criminal case rise, and also there is likely to be harsh judgments. A criminal investigator helps in bringing light by identifying the evidence necessary for solving a criminal case before it gets cold. A criminal investigator needs some essential skills that include patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, flexibility and open to change, the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure, and knowledge of public safety and security. However, some police officers feel reluctant to work with investigators, mostly because of strict licensure requirements for criminal investigators (Asquith et al., 2017).

Criminal investigators help in uncovering evidence that may have gone unnoticed. While providing services, criminal investigators get the opportunity to access the same resources as law enforcers. An example of this case is when a criminal trial gets cold, the victim can get an investigator, who takes the case, approaches a detective, and solves the case. In addition to the degree from Ashford University, the source in this discussion helps in identifying all the requirements, challenges, and advantages of pursuing a course in criminal justice, and more specifically, as a criminal investigator. Some of the benefits of pursuing any course in criminal justice are salaries vary by the factor of experience and population. California, which is a highly populated state, tends to offer high wages to criminal justice professions since they employ more justice professions.


Ambos, K., Heinze, A. (2018). International Criminal Law and International Criminal Justice. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 10.1093/acre for/9780190264079.013.412

Asquith, N. L., Dwyer, A., & Simpson, P. (2017). A Queer Criminal Career. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 29(2), 167-180. 10.1080/10345329.2017.12036094

International criminal justice. (2017). Comparative Criminal Justice, 191-210. 10.4324/9780203431368-11

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