Exploring Content Validity and Reliability in Assessment Tools - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-10-18
Exploring Content Validity and Reliability in Assessment Tools - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1706 words
15 min read


Content validity is mainly concerned with the assessment of the overall test representativeness of the aspects of a construct. In this case, a construct refers to an idea or a third that contains several conceptual elements. A construct is usually subjective that is why it has to be proven to be valued. To produce a valid result, the content of the test used or the measurement method has to comprehensively cover all aspects of the constructs. Missing some aspects of the construct will threaten the validity of the measurement. For example, in case a research teacher creates a validity and reliability test for his class. It is expected to cover all forms of topics of validity and reliability that was taught in their class. In case, some topics on geometry are left out, then the test has failed in content validity assessment does not measure rhea student’s understanding of all topics in validity and reliability. The results are not valid. The test should measure content validity by measuring the knowledge of the content domain that the test was created to measure.

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Reliability may be internal or external reliably. The internal reliability will measure the consistency of the results across items in the test. On the other hand, the external reliability is concerned with the degree to which a measure can vary from one user to the other

Split-Half Method

The split-half method will measure the internal consistency of the measurement instruments. The results of two half are of the instrument why it is split into two. If the two can provide the same result, then the test has achieved internal reliability. In case the instrument has a low correlation (r<0.25) then it shield be eliminated or improved


The test-retest method is used to determine the external conscience of the test. For example, when using the psychometrics tests or administering a questionnaire, it is I point to assess whether the test can principle the same results over time or on two different occasions. A high correlation between the two test results should high test- rests reliability if the correlation is higher than 0.5. It is, however, important to understand that there are chances of recalls, which contributes to recall bias. That is what the period green tests should be longer.

Inter-Rater Reliability

Inter-rater reliability is concerned with the results givens by deferent raters. If two rates unknown to each other can produce similar results, then the test can be said to have high interrater reliability. If not, the reliability of the instrument can be improved by operationalizing the behaviors and objectively defined the constructs.

Test Construction


In this case, the manager was considering selecting a team of employees. The HR manager was thinking of using an expensive election system that will relatively affect the company adversely. The multiple rating tool is selected because it is assumed to have higher validity despite being costly. The main argument is that using a less costly tool for making hiring decisions could be costly to the company in the end. The assessment tool will be validated through the test re-test method, which will involve first selecting the sample and testing the instrument. In case the first test results were documented as below:

Sample size: 20
Number constructs: 10
Several sample groups 2.

The first test will involve administering the tool on the first group of samples (groups A), followed by group B. A regression and correlation analysis will be conducted to determine the relationship between groups A and group B. the results of the regression analysis will be used to determine the reliability. If the two groups or tests produce a higher correlation (R=0.50 and above), then the instrument is said to be reliable. If the correlation coefficient is lower than 50%, then it can be concluded that the item has poor validity and reliability score.

Step1: Overall plan

The constructs to be measured are validity and reliability. The purpose is to test or evaluate the student’s understanding of the concept of reliability. The researcher will provide the multiple-choice question to the subject. If the reliability coefficient is above 90 percent or 0.90 and above then the item has excellent reliability. In case the instrument has a reliability coefficient between zero; .80 and 0.89, then the test will be said to have a good reliability connection. The reliability coefficient between 70 and 79%, one can say that it is adequate, however, a lower reliability coefficient score indicated poor reliability (Huddleston, 1956).

Step 2: Content Definition

Validity refers to the degree to which a test can measure what is was designed to measure. On the other hand, Reliability refers to the consistently measuring test. There has to be a strong positive correlation between the findings of the same test if the same instrument is replicated or used in different participants

Step 3: Test Specifications

The blueprint for the test is the process by the content matrix. The key areas to be tested include knowledge, principles, and applications. The researcher will test the understanding of the subject of the concepts and test analysis (see the blueprint for the test is the process by content matrix)

Step 4: Item Development

Content validation involves the development of a new instrument and can provide evidence about the content validity of the item as it assesses the degree to which the item measures the selected construct. The validation makes the instrument appropriate for making meaningful inferences and organizational decisions based on the scores given the purpose of the assessment. Some of the key element of thaw instrument under consideration include items, the stimuli the codes, the company’s instruction, the response formats as well as the overall scoring. Please see questions in the appendix

The items to be tested include

Question 1. Internal reliability, short scales, and long scales
Question 2. Test-retest reliably, convergent reliability, split-half reliability
Question 3. Calibration of tools, reliability, and validity
Question 4. The relevance of test-retest reliability
Question 5. Content reliability
Question 6. Criterion validity
Question 7. Construct validity
Question 8. Convergent reliability
Question 9. Threats to internal validity
Question 10. Ecological validity?

The researcher has clearly stated the objective of the instrument The subject has selected the right definition The selected font answer All items have been operationalized The instructions are clear to the subject The subject has selected the right measurement scale Average CVI Step 5: Test Design & Assembly

Content area Multiple choices

Question 1. Internal reliability, short scales, and long scales A, B, C, D
Question 2. Test-retest reliability, reliability, split-half reliability A, B, C, D
Question 3. Calibration of tools, reliability, and validity A, B, C, D
Question 4. The relevance of test-retest reliability A, B, C, D
Question 5. Content reliability A, B, C, D
Question 6. Criterion validity A, B, C, D
Question 7. Construct validity A, B, C, D
Question 8. Convergent reliability A, B, C, D
Question 9. Threats to internal validity A, B, C, D
Question 10. Ecological validity? A, B, C, D

Step 6: The proposed method of administration

To administer the test, it is important to first pilot test the instrument. This means selecting a randomly selected sample to which the test is administered on a small scale. The test sample should not be a subset of the targeted test sample. Any deficiency in the test instrument is then amended before it is tested on the actual population or sample (Ebel, 1956). When administering the test on the sample, it is important to note that the sample selected is not only random (representative) but also large enough. Large sample size is elected bisque it helps in reducing bias. The sample will not be convened in the same room but will be meeting at a specific location across the city due to convenience purposes and given the instrument or questionnaire to fill.

External validity evidence from outside studies

The researcher will conduct his validation study, which may be expensive. However, due to time constraints, the researcher will use some of the professionally created assessment tools and products with already documented validity. It is important to note that the validity evidence may be obtained from other tests or outside test study. It is transferable to the current study based on the uniform guidelines and the standard based on the SIOP principle.

How to Interpret Validity Coefficients

It is a general rule that a higher validity coefficient is more beneficial than a low validity coefficient. A test will be considered valid if the coefficient is above 0.35. However, coefficients of R=0.21 and above is useful. Any validity coefficient bellow 0.21 is poor, thus unlikely to be useful. For a single test, it is important to note that the validities for selection will be relatively higher than the multiple tests because it is only a single test. The measure is used for predicting selected or fewer aspects of the total performances. For example, when administering the psychometrics test on job applicants, it is important to ensure that the tool can be used to provide reliable and valid results. This will be done by ensuring that all the aspects of the job are tested without which the test results may either be invalid or unreliable. The test should be reliable if the level of the adverse impact that can be associated with the assessment tools. This way, the test should be pilot-tested before it is administered.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The decision to implement a specific assessment or test will be determined by the validity of the assessment. If the assessment is very beneficial because of the high validity and reliability, then it is accepted. The goal is to reduce the adverse effect of the testing statement. The evaluation of the validity assessment is very complex and multiple factor method is the most effective way because, with the multifactor, it is easy to assess several constructs and increases the transferability of the instrument. Applying valid and reliable assessment instruments properly can help the organization achieve its aims and make better decisions. Combining several assist tools incorporate activities such as hiring is advisable if resources are not constraining, but it is important to be a caution to the errors assayed with specific tools.

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