Exploring Intersectionality in Psychotherapy: Experiences of AfroLatinx Queer Immigrants - Free Paper

Published: 2024-01-07
Exploring Intersectionality in Psychotherapy: Experiences of AfroLatinx Queer Immigrants - Free Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Immigration Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 763 words
7 min read

The inquiry on the week’s topic includes the evaluation of various readings on Intersectionality in Psychotherapy. The primary reading to evaluate the topic is Intersectionality in Psychotherapy: The Experiences of an AfroLatinx Queer Immigrant by Adames. The racially psychotherapeutic and culturally responsive work needs the therapists to identify the way clients are affected by various marginalized identities. The stems of the operations are also applicable in suggesting culturally responsive contexts for psychotherapeutic works. The identified systems of oppression include ethnocentrism, racism, heterosexism, and nativism (Adames, Chavez-Duenas, Sharma, & La Roche, 2018). Exclusive attendance to the clients' marginalized identities might make the therapist focus mainly on subjective, internal, and emotional experiences, thus missing the opportunity to address and consider the sociocultural dimensions that might affect the presenting challenges of the clients. Therefore, this paper presents a reflection on the topic by answering various questions.

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The significant concepts, connections, and insights that stand out from the article are the descriptions of the impacts of the cultural response and racial conscious psychotherapeutic works needed to recognize the way clients are affected by marginalized identities. The insight standing out solely focuses on the effects of the socio-structural dimensions on the client’s experiences and lives (Adames et al., 2018). The evaluation of AfroLatinx queer immigrants is presented to show some degree of challenge that considers the multiple marginalized identities of the client, the way clients are affected by systemic oppression, and the integration of the personal experiences of the client's narratives and experiences.

The sources display various degrees of relationship used to understand the context of the topic presentation. The article's outstanding themes are how the personal experiences and narratives of the clients are integrated into psychotherapists (Adames et al., 2018). The other theme identified in the article also includes descriptions of how clients are affected by the systematic oppression and multiple marginalized identities of the targeted clients.

The information from the article added significant knowledge on how I understood the intersectionality in psychotherapy ideas. The article provided the knowledge that made me understand how ethnicity and culture played significant roles in psychotherapeutic work with the Latinxs contributing to some sections of the United States (Adames et al., 2018). The knowledge describes the objectives of assisting other therapists in delivering cultural responses to the client's psychotherapeutic care from Latinx.

The adequate evaluation also presents how the sources might relate to future papers and other courses or current workplaces. Understanding the case of intersectionality is presentative in describing actual descriptions that would suggest the future paper's contexts by giving the details that would be used to assist the therapists in delivering cultural responses on psychotherapeutic care to the Latinx (Adames et al., 2018). The knowledge would be essential in providing other excellent information that would be necessarily applied in showing how culture is applicable in dictating the expressions of the paper details using different approaches implemented in adapting the psychotherapy to the Latinx culture.

The resource also shows some degree of personal connection in my area of profession. For instance, the article presents background details on the actual structures of racial conscious and culturally responsive psychotherapeutic works that are needed, mainly identifying other marginalized identities (Adames et al., 2018). I live in a society that contains individuals from different backgrounds. The article would help in pointing out contexts used to point out some marginalized identities. The marginalized identities are not only sensitive in the psychotherapeutic work. Still, they should also introduce the context needed to show how sexism, racism, and nativism can be addressed in the local society or when interacting at the place of work.

Through this article, I expect the class to learn various contexts in the general events presented. The main idea is that I would like the class to learn intersectionality contexts in psychotherapy through a case evaluation of the experiences of an AfroLatinx Queer Immigrant (Adames et a., 2018). Therefore, the class would be guided to learn more about psychotherapy intersectionality by assessing three papers' three significant concepts. For instance, evaluating a client's multiple marginalized identities, analyzing how the clients are affected by systematic operations, and the integration of clients in their personal experiences and different narratives they generate when carrying out psychotherapy.


Therefore, the source's primary question is the identification of challenges that would be used to challenge the maintenance of racially conscious stances, and cultural responses identified when considering the marginalized overlapping system inquiries.


Adames, H. Y., Chavez-Dueñas, N. Y., Sharma, S., & La Roche, M. J. (2018). Intersectionality in psychotherapy: The experiences of an AfroLatinx queer immigrant. Psychotherapy, 55(1), 73. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hector_Adames/publication/323950880_Intersectionality_in_Psychotherapy_The_Experiences_of_an_AfroLatinx_Queer_Immigrant/links/5add2304a6fdcc29358b578a/Intersectionality-in-Psychotherapy-The-Experiences-of-an-AfroLatinx-Queer-Immigrant.pdf

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Exploring Intersectionality in Psychotherapy: Experiences of AfroLatinx Queer Immigrants - Free Paper. (2024, Jan 07). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/exploring-intersectionality-in-psychotherapy-experiences-of-afrolatinx-queer-immigrants-free-paper?pname=speedypaper.com

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