Exploring Poverty: Causes, Inequality, and Education - An In-depth Analysis for a Poverty-Free Future

Published: 2024-01-20
Exploring Poverty: Causes, Inequality, and Education - An In-depth Analysis for a Poverty-Free Future
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Government
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 614 words
6 min read

According to Allen & Thomas (2017), approximately eight percent of the global population lives in extreme poverty levels. Many families are living on a budget of below two US Dollars every day. However, over six million people across the globe have such or even lower budgets. However, the figure has reduced significantly. Research conducted by Lehning (2016) in the 90s shows over one point eight million people had such budgets. While the majority may wonder whether extreme poverty could one day come to an end, it is wise to believe that there is no magic to solving poverty. However, understanding it and the possible causes of the same would help eradicate poverty across the world. This comparative analysis will extensively clarify poverty among citizens, the causes, and probable remedies the government should undertake.

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To begin with, inequality and marginalization have stirred a hot global debate. The issue of gender inequality and racial and tribal affiliation marginalization in the recent economic and political realms has brought about vulnerability and chances that some people might end up poor. Therefore, the government should consider involving people from all groups and not being considerate or inconsiderate to a specific group of people based on their ethnic background. Isolation curtails opportunities, and without opportunities, it may appear challenging to escape the wrath of poverty.

Secondly, the lack of education has contributed to the high levels of poverty across the country. However, it should be understood that not every person without proper education is poor, but a majority of those who are not well educated are engulfed in extreme poverty. Examples of education barriers lack of enough money to buy resources like books or even uniforms, afford school fees, or even due to the biases against girls' education. Therefore, it is clear that poverty poses a threat to education, but education can, at the same time, aid in eradicating poverty. The government uses the relevant ministry and any other involved organizations to ensure the necessary gears are provided to the public and even goes to the extent of passing laws regarding compulsory learning for all children. With such rules put in place, people will be subjected to quality education that will significantly reduce poverty levels among the citizens.

Low public works and infrastructures have been other factors that have catalyzed poverty levels in the country. People from particular parts of the country need to travel for their respective jobs, but the infrastructures are not there or are impassable due to weather conditions like flooding. That brings about the aspect of living off the grid where the ability to access markets, work, or school has been brought to an abrupt halt, and nothing will happen regarding earning a penny for the family. The same happens if one needs to travel long distances to access their essential services. It does cost not only a particular precious time but also money, dragging them to poverty. It is the duty of our government to provide proper avenues that will be a breakthrough to good living.


Regardless of whether it is gender discrimination racial profiling cases, or any other social injustice, it is clear that vast levels of poverty usually follow. People who tend to be victims of social injustice struggle to provide themselves with quality education, proper career/job opportunities, and necessary resources that can pull them out of the poverty abyss. However, the UN identifies poor inequality distribution and inaccessible basic needs and opportunities to be the primary causes of poverty.


Allen, T., & Thomas, A. (2017). Poverty and Development. Oxford University Press.

Lehning, A. J. (2016). Political science perspectives on poverty. Journal of human behavior in the social environment, 16(1-2), 87-103.

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Exploring Poverty: Causes, Inequality, and Education - An In-depth Analysis for a Poverty-Free Future. (2024, Jan 20). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/exploring-poverty-causes-inequality-and-education-an-in-depth-analysis-for-a-poverty-free-future?pname=speedypaper.com

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